View Full Version : Good groups

11-04-2003, 07:49 AM
Well you guys, as many of you will have experienced I have found it very difficult to level my 23 Ice wiz. So much so that I have hardly played with this character now for maybe a week. As much as I realise this would be an asset to the guild higher up , I have had 100 times more enjoyment from my Cleric :thumbs: .

There are some good opportunities at the moment with Some of my friends Hazzey,Meuk, Ada, Ozzyogrebourne,Max and Stinkybritches are similar lev's.We have shared a lot of fun and been very successfull together.

I am going to be concentrating more I on my Cleric instead of Ice Wiz due to the far greater grouping availability and enjoyment ( HAVING FUN) . :thumbs:

If anybody wants some help from my ice wiz then please just give me a shout

11-04-2003, 08:03 AM
IMO casters are hard to level solo. You cast, cast, and hope you kill it before you have to fight it. Died many a times, if only were able to get one more cast in, would have been in good shape. Clerics IMO are easier to level, due to you can heal. Not sure which is better in the higher levels, 45+. Casters can do great damage, but healers can keep the tanks and others from dieing.

It's a tough call. Variety of chars are good though. :cool:

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-04-2003, 01:58 PM
Both are awesome classes. Play whichever you enjoy the most. :thumbs:

11-04-2003, 02:23 PM
:bandhead: Now I feel guilty, because I know exactly how you feel. :bawling:

I've been concentrating so much on getting these quests done that it's taken me many, many hours to do this. Jag had a problem and his trainer didnt give him any of his and got it all in order yesterday and he got like 6 lvls of quests and was working to get them all done. Thank goodness we both have those behind us now (until lvl 30) but we are free now if you ever want to play with us!

It's not fun soloing and going nowhere. Very frustrating........

11-04-2003, 03:14 PM
Agree with u Ozz, thats why i started to play a new toon, was so tired of
solo, grouped alittle with Slash with my scout.

I think our new toons that u, me, ada and MeUK plays rocks, we have great fun together, and now when Slash explained somethings about the Necro i got, im gonna "rain" xp on u people :thumbs:

It rocks to group, thats the most fun thing in the game, imo.

11-04-2003, 03:37 PM
When I started playing this game I started with a pally and leveld him to 26. I enjoyed playing him immensely. Once Machine and the others started playing I started my fire wizard so that I could group with everyone. I never went back to playing the pally as I enjoyed playing the wizard so much more. Don't feel like you can't start over. You will find that you will level twice as fast the second time around because you aren't a complete noob. BTW, my fire wizzy is a great solo toon. :jammin:

11-04-2003, 05:20 PM
:wootrock: It's great to hear all of your thoughts, thnx very much for replying :thumbs:

11-04-2003, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Sepra@Nov 4 2003, 09:23 AM

It's not fun soloing and going nowhere. Very frustrating........
I'll second that sister!!! :bandhead:

11-04-2003, 11:12 PM
Well Oz if ya ever need a group just give me and Bain a shout we :)

Btw good group work earlier today

11-04-2003, 11:16 PM
I'd be more than happy to Group with your wizzy. like sep said The damn trainer did not give a single quest until lvl 25 then he dumped them on me all at once. I have finally goten them completed and am now ready to ding some more.

11-04-2003, 11:28 PM
Psst Jag.....your not lvl 23 anymore, your 26. :oooo: