View Full Version : Hat in Hand, going to need help

11-07-2003, 05:33 PM
I thought it would be a good idea to ask the guild for some help farming special drops for high level alchemy recipes. This is a grat way to offset the cost for leveling to 1000 and beyond.
Let me explain.... I'm at level 921. I've been getting 1-3 levels for every 20 successful attempts at a recipe. The incredients for those 20 attempts cost approximately 1.2 platinum. I get half that back when i sell the stuff back to the merchant. Net cost for a maybe 3 skill ups is 600g.

Sidebar: I would love to hear from Death Engineer his experience and cost to get Mitchyl up to level 1120 armor crafter, how much it cost and how long it took.

Now to the point of the post :), if i skill up on special drops it only cost 2-5g per attempt. These drops are rare and I have gotten help farming them, but I thought if everyone in the guild was aware of these drops and happened to get some or was looking for a place to level that you could maybe kill to birds with one stone and help out by farming for these drops. Heres the list. Thanks.

Enriched Quicksilver, Ancient Mirrors, Ancient Pure Mercury, Ancient Troll Blood, Ancient Giant Blood, Ancient Crushed Focus Stone, Ancient Necrotic Brain Fluid, and Ancient Lich Tooth.

Here are the mobs (all around level 50)
Celtec Lichs (barrows), Danoin Soldier (lyonesse), Ellyll (pennine mtns), Cyhraeth (pennine mtns), Granite Giant Pounder (dartmoor), Granite Giant Stonelords (dartmoor), Tomb Wights (barrows), Kings Wight (barrows), Ravenclaw Giant (pennine mtns), Cailleach Guards (lyoneese), and the Moorlichs (lyonesse).

Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you.
Hammertime (Blaylock) :thumbs:

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-07-2003, 05:45 PM
Wow. I've kicked the crap out of all those mobs and dont remember seeing those drops. :wacko:

Did you check the housing merchant to see if someone is selling them?

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-07-2003, 05:45 PM
Oh. And we ould be happy to slaughter some mods to try to help you get your items. Just let me know when you wanna go. :thumbs:

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-07-2003, 05:48 PM
We really need a merchant to try to sell some of your stuff instread of taking a 50% hit on each success. Hell if you could even sell them at cost or a little over to alliance peeps it would save you a lot. What items are you making to level atm?

11-07-2003, 06:11 PM
I'm currently leveling on charges (direct damage). I don't know how I could sell them though a merchant an alchemist has to imbue them into the weapon or armor, and I can't imagine much of a market for adding them to armor not at the rate i'm producing them. :bandhead:

I have started combing the housing district and have add a varied experience. I was planning on cleaning the housing district out of a special drop I can find either tonight or this weekend. I did get lucky and bought 3 drops for only 4g! :jammin:

They say the drop rate is 1-2%! Amazing. I've seen stuff sold from 1g -1p. :(

Do the other crafts have required drops at the higher levels?


OUTLAWS The Machine
11-07-2003, 06:53 PM
Armor crafting leveling is pretty easy. You buy materials and craft. You can level up on makeing studded items so you dont really have to rely on a tailor. If you make plate or chain you have to have a tailor make the lining.

Death Engineer
11-07-2003, 11:24 PM
AC is certainly simpler in that all the items required to skill up are sold from merchants (making chain or plate is more difficult requiring a tailors help tho :P).

With that being said, Alchemy is much more expensive than AC from what I understand. I spent about 15p going to 1120 AC with most of that coming from salvaging stuff from DF (save those seals).

I'll keep my eye out for the rare drops.


11-08-2003, 12:03 AM
Anytime you want to Farm the mods count me in.

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
11-08-2003, 12:18 AM
I'll be glad to help you farm. Give me a yell when I'm on. :thumbs:

11-08-2003, 01:12 AM
Count me in too

11-08-2003, 01:17 AM
I think I'll go kill some of those tonite! :thumbs:

Death Engineer
11-08-2003, 05:38 PM
LoL @ Gharac. I realized in my recent solo adventure to Lyonesse that there are tons of good camp spots for cash/gear/drops/exp that no one uses now that SI and ToA are out. We should schedule a guild group to go out there now that we have a good number of 40+ folks.


11-08-2003, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Death Engineer@Nov 8 2003, 12:38 PM
LoL @ Gharac. I realized in my recent solo adventure to Lyonesse that there are tons of good camp spots for cash/gear/drops/exp that no one uses now that SI and ToA are out. We should schedule a guild group to go out there now that we have a good number of 40+ folks.

Name the time and I will be there.

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
11-08-2003, 08:46 PM
Laurelle is at your service. :wave:

11-08-2003, 10:18 PM
That's great Dixie! And when we're done maybe we can farm drops?


Wink Wink Nudge Nudge No What I Mean