View Full Version : miss you ppl in gm

11-09-2003, 05:42 PM
latelty been sick alot damn am still sick am cold and cant hardly speak my voice sounding nothing at all u can say


and knee isent that good as u all who dosent know was a day i was walking wiht bf to metro and my knee inside my leg jumpes out was a really pain GOD :( well now i can walk litle better this happend for 2 weeks ago..but still gonna take some weeks to heal

well life suxs soemtimes and been fighitn alot this year wiht my parents they hate computers so hard cos always get into a fight withthem they think gonna be outside and sport like old days well i used to sport i dont do anymore am tierd on that too much in school...this is really something i like and they dont think i should been on a computer..and if i most be on computer am only allowed to sit 1 hour in a day...

well ppl who used to sit infront a computer know that 1 hour is nothing really..and a other thing i think is strange they seem to accept tv alot more then a computer :wacko:

now i finally got a own computer and pay all bills for it still they argue i dont know but this made me cry many times am doing mybest to keep fighint agaist them all time but not sure can take it anymore longer but i wont let they winn

well now am back on gm as much i can

11-09-2003, 06:23 PM
The whole TV vs Computer issue happens a lot. My wife can spend hours watching reruns and Lifetime television :bandhead: Then gets on my case for being on the puter too much. Now if I just sat here and played games for hours (off-line) she would have a point. But instead, I have social contacy with great people like you and my clan. Also I actually speak and laugh with then on Teamspeak. But watching TV gives zero social contact. :WTF: What's worse?

Just hang in there and try to stay possative and remember laughter cures a lot of pain. I've been where you are right now Jess and it will get better.

11-09-2003, 06:46 PM
Agree with ya Pure. Computers are a great way to stay in contact with friends. Games, e-mail, IM, etc.

Too bad some parents can't see this.

As a parent I would be worried if my kids were suffering poor grades or they played DAOC endlessly. ;)

11-10-2003, 03:58 AM
Originally posted by Pure_Evil@Nov 9 2003, 02:23 PM
The whole TV vs Computer issue happens a lot. My wife can spend hours watching reruns and Lifetime television :bandhead: Then gets on my case for being on the puter too much.
Ditto ALL of that Pure - PLUS They would rather have you watching the idiot box with them even if they're sleeping :bandhead: :bandhead:

Sexy - it isn't you who is wrong. Hang in there. Maybe try to explain to them how interacting with other people on the computer is much better than watching the t.v. like a zombie.

11-10-2003, 04:02 AM
Originally posted by FASTway@Nov 9 2003, 12:46 PM
  or they played DAOC endlessly. ;)

11-10-2003, 04:07 AM
Slash!!! HI!!!! I love your server.. :)

Good luck Sexy.. ;)

11-10-2003, 04:55 AM
Sexy, I think your parents just want you to do more than spend time on the puter. Moderation is the key, too much of any one thing isn't good for anyone. I could spend all day on my PC if I let myself, but I have other things to do, people to spend time with, and I have my hobbies, so I try to get a little time into everything I can, because at the end of the week, I want to be able to say I did more than spend time on the computer. Life is good, enjoy it! :thumbs:

11-11-2003, 12:28 PM

11-11-2003, 12:45 PM
I had a friend a little younger than you who got crap from his Dad about his gaming time. I sugested that he politely remind his father that other people his age were out drinking and doing drugs, hanging out at fast food joints, and possibly getting into trouble. Would his Father prefere to have his son home, hanging out on the computer with his team and friends at home, in sight. Or would he rather have him outside the home, hanging out with people he doesn't know, where he can't be seen, not knowing what he's doing? Or even sitting on the couch stuffing his face and watching that educational Prime time television? :blink:

Some times we all spend too much time on our computers, but there are far worse things we could be doing.