View Full Version : Office 2003

11-10-2003, 07:59 PM
While on a trip to Walmart the other day I was diverted into the software department. Not much new in games but Office 2003 caught my eye. $138 for the Student, Teacher and Cheap old bastard edition.

Includes the 2003 edition of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. I does not have the xml features that are included in the full editions. I had Office 2000 that I got for free after doing a Microsoft survey. I'd been very happy with it and liked using Outlook for email. My email address had finally been captured by the spammers and I started getting about 30+ emails of spam a day. Read an article about the better capabilities of the 2003 edition with handling spam and broke down and purchased it last Thursday.

It automatically adds everyone in your contacts to the safe list. If the email is not from someone on your safe list it will not download pictures in the email. Apparently when the picture is requested in email, the site hosting the picture gets your email address and now knows it to be a valid one. (Putting you on more lists). If you want to view the pictures or pictures from a newletter, just add them to your safe emailers list. Viola the pictures appear.

From what I have read it was recommended to start with low security and work your way up. I have it set at low and immediately it caught about 75% of the bad ones. The ones that do make it to my inbox can easily be added to my blocked list. I went from 30 spam messages a day, to about 5 or so getting into my inbox since last Thursday and everyday I get less. It was getting to be a pain reading email and hitting the delete button so often. Every now and then deleting an email I wanted to see and having to go to the deleted folder to read it.

In short I am very happy with Outlook 2003 and think it makes very postive steps to minimizing the hassle of Spam email.

:thumbs: :thumbs:

11-10-2003, 08:47 PM
yeah, I agree. office xp had a registry setting not to download images,
but nothing for 2k. The latest version works great, the rules are much
easier to use, and the views also help. This is a nice update unlike the
typical useless 'improvements' that you usually see...

11-11-2003, 01:14 AM
thanks guys, i am downloading it now :P

just kidding, i have had the beta software for a while along with some of there other stuff. mocrosoft in my eyes have been doingmuch better but the costs are crazy.

11-11-2003, 01:32 AM
I use Outlook, Me likeky. I would like the new ver. I hate spam. Spammers should be shot :devil: I use a neat litle program called SpamButcher it will intercept the spam by checking your inbox every so often.
check it out ;) works sweet :thumbs:

www.spambutcher (http://www.spambutcher.com/)

11-14-2003, 02:37 AM
I still dislike Outlook, and use Netscape for my e-mail client. I really should look into a nice, neat e-mail-only type thing, but Nscape serves me fine. I've been installing Office XP at work, it looks nice, but I don't know enough about Office to make a difference...so I still use Off '97 on my box.

11-15-2003, 06:46 AM
i went to the microsoft office 2003 launch event in san francisco, so MS is mailing me an absolutely FREE copy of Office 2003 Professional :) (with the voucher they gave you after filling out some survey) I'm using the 120 day trial disc they gave you for now.

11-15-2003, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Fragetti@Nov 10 2003, 08:32 PM
I use Outlook, Me likeky. I would like the new ver. I hate spam. Spammers should be shot :devil: I use a neat litle program called SpamButcher it will intercept the spam by checking your inbox every so often.
check it out ;) works sweet :thumbs:

www.spambutcher (http://www.spambutcher.com/)
Nice little program, easy to use and very effective. Thanks Fragetti.