View Full Version : Sound Files

11-10-2003, 10:54 PM
Anyone know what folder the sound files for ut2003 are located?
Not the announcer voices or background music, but the sound effects like the weapons firing etc. I'm gonna try and put them in a .swf file in my sig :thumbs:

11-13-2003, 05:52 AM
Hey Pimpdaddy.

There is a sounds folder within the UT2003 folder that contains all of the sound packs.

I'm not sure,but you may have to access them through the editor.

If you've never used UED,here's what you do.

After the editor loads.(see screen shot)
Double click on the sounds tab,then the folder button.Now you'll see a list of all the sound packs including weapon sounds.Select the pack you want and now you will be able to preview the sounds by double clicking on them.

I hope this helps.Good luck.

( The highlighted taunt in the screenie is the male Jugger voice saying "You are worse than Mark Rein!" :rofl: )

11-13-2003, 09:38 PM
If you are wanting to export to actual UT2k3 sounds from the .uax file I found a program that works really well and was a great help to me when I made my UT2003 movie.


If you want to check out their other editing tools just go to:


11-13-2003, 10:17 PM
Thanks for the help, both of you :thumbs: I have 1 small detail that is preventing me from diving in. My UnReal Editor crapped out on me :( It was working up 'til about 3 months ago when something wacky happened. Some of my unreal files in my system folder somehow ended up with wierd associations....they picked up .est extensions which are extensions used in Microsofts Streets and Maps - don't ask me how- I havent a clue. When I insert my Disc1 of the UT2003 and view my files, the .est extensions appear with the same icons which is impossible.....check out the pic below.....
I know how to asscociate a file, but after I associate those .est files to open with the unreal editor I get the following error message......

Build UT2003_Build_[2003-04-07_17.42]

OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)

CPU: GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 2023 MHz with 895MB RAM

Video: No Video

Assertion failed: Bitmap.LoadFile(Filename) [File:..\..\Engine\Inc\UnEngineWin.h] [Line: 38]

History: InitSplash

Does anyone have any idea what I should do?? I've also tried to delete the .est files from my ut system folder and copy the .est files from the system folder on the cd, but I get the same result. Can one of you fellas check your UT2003 system folder and see what extensions those files are supposed to have ??

11-13-2003, 10:51 PM
pimp do an install over your ut and see if that fixes your extension problem.

whenever you want to open a file and edit it with tnother program other than the actual program, i suggest right clicking on the file and choose open with, and then choose the program you would like to open that file with. becaefull, the "use this program to open this file" is not checked when choosing program.

i will ck back later to see how you made out and if the install over prev-ut worked. :thumbs:

11-13-2003, 11:17 PM
I feel like a noob................

Jim suggested I uninstall my MS Maps and Streets first and Bigg suggested the install over my ut2003 and that combo was it :thumbs: I'm able to run the unreal editor again........ Thanx tons fellows

11-13-2003, 11:42 PM

11-14-2003, 12:54 AM