View Full Version : matrix revolutions bloopers

11-11-2003, 06:49 AM
what the hell, the movie suxxors, but for those of you that want to see it
(or see it again.... ugh) here are some movie mistakes to look for: (moviemistakes.com)

Continuity: In the scene where Neo is talking with the Oracle in her apartment, the Oracle sits down at the table, picks up a bracelet, and right before the shot changes, you can see that it is on her hand, almost to the thumb area. When we cut back to her a second later, the bracelet is back on the table, and she picks it up and puts it on again.

Audio problem: Sati and her family leave one suitcase when they get on the train (the one Neo was carrying), but when the train comes back and Trinity steps out, there is no suitcase. It can't have gone anywhere - as we see when Neo tries, the only way out is on the train, otherwise you're caught in a loop.

Factual error: When Trinity is meeting with the Frenchman, the olive in his martini changes. In the first close-up shot, he only has one green olive on the cocktail stick. From then on he has two, until he eats one.

Continuity: In the rain battle scene, where Neo is laying on the soaked ground after crashing into the road, Neo's ear is filled with water, in the next shot, the water is gone. Neo's head hasn't moved between the two shots.

Revealing: Multiple Smiths enter Oracle's kitchen, but only one has a shadow.

Continuity: In the scene where Smith has the scalpel to Trinity's neck, the bloody mark below it keeps disappearing and reappearing.

Continuity: As everyone are saying their goodbyes before entering the ships to go off to war, Neo's interface sockets on his spine keep appearing and disappearing during angle changes.

Revealing: When Neo and Smith are fighting at the end of the film - when Smith knocks Neo into the rafters of the room they are in, you can see Neo's face, and it's obviously Keanu Reeve's stunt double.

Revealing: In the subway scene, when Neo gets slammed towards the wall (and crashes into it) it's visibly Keanu's stunt double. Easy to see even in the trailer.

Continuity: In the scene where where Morpheus and Neo are hugging because Neo is about to leave, in the background the matrix code on the screens is falling normally, not messed up as it was earlier due to the matrix being near failure.

Continuity: When Neo gets the wire shoved into his face it gets him between his nose and forehead. And yet later on he manages to have 2 perfectly formed burn marks round both of his eyes.

Continuity: The first time the Trainman hits Neo in the stomach, he hits the wall with his back. He then falls, facing the train. When the train leaves, Neo is still lying there but has turned 90 degrees, his side facing the wall.

Continuity: When Neo wakes up in the station, he is sometimes right next to the edge of the platform and sometimes further from it.

Continuity: In the scene where Smith and Neo are fighting in the rain, they start running at each other. It zooms in behind one set of legs and in the background there aren't any other legs visible, despite the thousands of Smiths lining the road.

Factual error: In the train station, the Indian program explains to Neo that he cannot come with his daughter because it is his karma to keep doing his job as a program. In both Hinduism and Buddhism (it is not definite which religion he is) karma is the overall value of one's spirit, or soul. The concept that he was speaking of was dharma, which is the duty that a soul is obligated to perform.

Factual error: When Trinity, Morpheus and Seraph find the Trainman for the first time, the trainman pulls out a revolver. During this scene he fires more than 10 shots out of the same revolver without reloading. Can't be due to him controling that world, because they're in the "real" matrix, not Mobil Ave.

Revealing: When Smith and Neo are fighting in the building Smith is knocked to the floor. When he gets up you can see the stage light in his glasses.

Continuity: In the scene where Neo sees the oracle at her home, as the shots go back and forth during the dialog her cigarette pack goes from closed to slightly open several times.

Deliberate "mistake": In the scene where Link and Zee meet after the Hammer triggers the EMP, the crowd is cheering loudly. But when the two of them talk, there is not a slightest hint of noise in the background.

Continuity: When the Oracle is talking to Neo at some point we see a piece of cigarette ash land on her lip. We neither see her lick her lips, brush it away with her hand or see it fall from her mouth and in the next close up of her face it is gone.

11-11-2003, 07:55 PM
The movie did suc!

11-11-2003, 09:40 PM
Did they even bother reviewing the thing before they made the final print ?? Geeeeeeeeesh !!

11-11-2003, 09:49 PM
You all suck

11-12-2003, 02:18 AM

11-12-2003, 02:47 AM
and i was looking forward to seeing it, i dont know if i should now..

Gun Element
11-12-2003, 04:13 AM
what a movie to be dissapointed about :dry:

death maker
11-12-2003, 01:07 PM
:WTF: i havent seen it yet

11-12-2003, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by death maker@Nov 12 2003, 09:07 AM
:WTF: i havent seen it yet
Don't you won't be missing much!