View Full Version : Salvaging Darkness Falls Objects

11-15-2003, 08:21 PM
Just in case some of you missed it, This was effective with the 1.54H update.

Salvaging Darkness Falls Objects

Many objects in the Darkness Falls dungeon were set to have a salvage value far too high relative to their worth (in gold). In order to keep the game's economy in balance, we've had to adjust the salvage values of some items found on Darkness Falls vendors. Now, all objects purchased from vendors in Darkness Falls have a consistent salvage value based on the seal cost of that object. This means that for those items that were adjusted you will get less salvageable material than you previously did.

Note: we did not adjust the actual seal cost of any item, only the salvage settings on the items.

Note: this change is retroactive, so clear your vaults if you were storing any of these items for later salvage."

Death Engineer
11-15-2003, 08:47 PM
Yeah. A dimaond seal breastplate (22 seals) is only worth a mere 330g when hinged now. :P Before that it was nearly 500g.