View Full Version : To those who pm'd me for info on AMD64 platform

11-22-2003, 03:59 PM
i have received a few pm's asking about the athlon 64 and some of the motherboards. i will give a quick explanation to those and anyone else interested
who are looking to purchase an amd64 based computer.

amd64 processors = to this list of processors...

1-opteron---single, and multiple chip mainly for workstation or server and used for chighend clusters

2-athlon 64 fx = highend single based processor (and the fastest cpu on the market) this processor is pretty much, i mean is

exactly the same thing as the opteron 100 series as it only runs in a single solution. the latest model out is called an athlon 64 fx51 which is a 2.2 ghz cpu.

3-athlon 64= is the basic and cheapest athlon 64 out today. it does not support the dual channel memory like the opteron
and fx chip but does not need to have registered ram which adds latency to each clock cycle. this chip is pretty fast but not as fast as the fx chip and is more in line of pricing as intels p4 3.2 ghz chip. it also supports 32/64 bit and has 1 meg cache on it like its brothers. with this system you are able to run regular pc3200 ram.


as far as motherboards go the athlon64 and fx chip support different pin motheboards.

the athlon fx cpu uses the 940 pin but will be releasing late december a 939 pin board and it will eliminate the need for registered dimms (memory) thus decreasing the latency and giving you the ability to run regular pc3200 ram.

the athlon 64 uses 754 pin board

becareful you buy the right board for the right processor because there is a nforce3 for both processors but with different pins and names.

nforce3--right now the athlon 64 boards are using nforce 150 series but will be releasing a 250 series soon that will clean up bugs and have better chipset on it. if you are in no rush to get this platform, wait for the 250 series and 939 pin series for the fx.

as far as to what board you may consider, i suggest going to many sites that test all boards or review many of them together and look to see what suits you best.

this also goes for choosing what chipset such as via, ali, nvidia, sis because each chipset has it's own goods and bads but regardless of which, you will have one hell of a system that will also be ready for win64 released soon

i hear it's due out 1st qtr of 04 but also hear 2nd qtr. i will take both dates with grain of salt but will say that from what contacts are telling me this looks good for amd. do not let anyone tell you that nothing will be out for 64 because they are very wrong and many game company's are already looking at the benefit of a 64 but platform. intel will also be releasing a 64 bit cpu but when is the question. problem for intel is they will have to use amd64 technology and that would be a slap in the face to them. intel nevr thought that the athlon 64 would be as good as it is and now has changed it's plans.

i also want to say that i have not gone over 42 degrees on the cpu running extensive tests on it. this is a good sign for the processor in itself and the platform. it usually means you will have a pretty long life with the system and will have a long time upgrade path without buying a new system.

i hope this helps those who have contacted me in a pm as i felt that instead of pm'ing everyone back this, i would just post it in the hardware section for you and those that are interested.

if you ask me what looks like the best board for athlon 64, i will tell you chaintch looks to have the most featured board out. i would also say the board i have from gigabyte but until i figure out the bug i am running into, i will not suggest it to my worst enemy.

feel free to pm me any other questions.

p.s. i am going to contact some amd reps i just met at one of my distributar and will gather up some questions you all give me and ask them to visit this site to fill you in on the info you are looking for. :thumbs:

i ask you to pm me questions so i can make a list for them. please make them quality questions. also ask questions for the xp chip if you want because they too are great chips at a low price.

thanks, your always will be there friend and hardware geek

11-22-2003, 05:43 PM
review (http://www.extremeoverclocking.com/reviews/motherboards/Chaintech_ZNF3-150_1.html)

11-22-2003, 06:09 PM
Thanks for the heads up Big! :thumbs:

What are you using for a heatsink on that 64? Would like to see some pics of that bad boy :cool:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
11-22-2003, 07:55 PM
Thanks Mr. Big! :thumbs:

11-22-2003, 11:20 PM
The heat sink is noe that big and mine runs at about 2700 RPMs the new Athlon 64's run very cool i overclocked it to 2.2 ghz and it never got past 32 C i think this chip has got a lot of overhead built into it.....:)

11-23-2003, 02:51 AM
dirtgod, create a thread posting your specs :thumbs:

congrats on the system :thumbs:

11-24-2003, 06:04 AM
I shall do as soon as i can.... :thumbs: