View Full Version : Something for Merc Toon(DAOC) to know

11-24-2003, 11:08 AM
Something you should know about Merc toon. (DAOC)

Flurry is a short range melee dd that's dmg is based on spece skills in dual wield
at lvl 50 its does about 200dmg, nice. It can only be used in duels and in rvr, no pve.

Advanced evade gives u the ability to evade attacks from all angles, 360 degrees, not just one side.

Charge like flurry can only be used in duels and in rvr, no pve. This gives u the ability to rush an opponent at sprint speed without using endurance. U get charge at lvl 40 I believe.

I will have more for you and a link for you once I get the chance ok.

What is so good about Mercs that many toons don't have is the Advance evade is from all Angles.

Who ever is going to be a MERC must consider to read more about it before picking this toon to play because it is more to know then you think and should be done correctly in order to take advandage of using a merc toon. (DAOC)


OUTLAWS The Machine
11-24-2003, 02:04 PM
Is that a realm ability?

Death Engineer
11-24-2003, 04:16 PM
Realm ability? ML ability? :WTF:

11-24-2003, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Death Engineer@Nov 24 2003, 11:16 AM
Realm ability?  ML ability?  :WTF:
easy big guy.

It is the realm ability and as for the ML ability not sure yet.

Flurry is a short range melee dd that's dmg is based on spece skills in dual wield
at lvl 50 its does about 200dmg, nice. It can only be used in duels and in rvr, no pve.