View Full Version : i love it

11-28-2003, 02:12 AM
with today's technology and the speed of the passing of info, i find this to be very good because it warns people of a bad product issue that most don't encounter until it's to late. someone must have put this together and now has spread all over the web to warn others. i respect people that take the time to let others know a bad deal and also make the company look like crap. never forget we all have the power to make something change. 2 :thumbs: :thumbs: 's for the bro's who did this

revenge (http://www.ipodsdirtysecret.com/)

11-28-2003, 02:24 AM
you need quicktime to view this--i am sorry

11-28-2003, 02:31 AM
lol, mind giving those of us that dont have it a review?

11-28-2003, 02:34 AM
Damn i was gonna buy one too! :P

11-28-2003, 02:34 AM
Pretty cool though!

Psycho Dad
11-28-2003, 03:05 AM
Wow, that crashed my browser when I tried to play it. Twice. :blink:

11-28-2003, 03:15 AM
It has a guy trying to replace his 18-month-old ipod battery, now dead, and the ipod operator offers to do a refurb on it for $250. One of the really great things about the net is that us 'little guys' can collect and disperse info on a 'big guys' scale, and we all need to be vigilant. I think the ipod thing is a great idea, but way too expensive - for $15 an album, I'll go buy it commercial in a store and get a commercial quality CD with a case, liner notes, photos, etc.

I had an RIAA rant all loaded up, but I checked myself in time! It went kinda like this: the RIAA are evil greed heads, and stupid to boot.

11-28-2003, 03:27 AM
typical mac crap! Great post BIGG's :thumbs:

11-28-2003, 04:07 AM
That is totally messed up! 18 month battery, with a replacement cost of $250, plus, you have to send it in and pay shipping and handeling charges, not to mention they may have it for 6-8 weeks, and then, they will probably not return your ipod, they might return another one.

To return an electronic device back to the manufacturer, sounds like it is defective in someway, which makes me think they have a defective product!

So buy an extended warrenty, then return it in 18 months for a full refund.

That is a load of crap, 18 months and the unit is expired. What a scam. :bandhead:

11-28-2003, 04:29 AM
Ha ha Mac sucks... Nice post! :thumbs:

11-28-2003, 07:05 AM
sh1t....just bought one for my son for x-mas. I may have to return that sucker......... that blows man :down: :down: :down: :down:

Thanx Bigg

Fred Bear
11-28-2003, 07:16 AM
I have had an archos for some time and it works fine. Mac never did have anything that I liked.

11-28-2003, 06:50 PM
:thumbs: Bigg ;) Tx!

C2H5OH Guy
11-29-2003, 12:28 AM