View Full Version : Server Services...

11-30-2003, 07:02 AM
I’m curious so…
Those of you out here that Rent Server Services for ANY game, whom do you use ?
I have been using a company named Ilan for a year, finally got sick ‘n tired of their very poor customer support & have recently move to a new company named GhostSectors (GhostSector... (http://www.ghostsector.com/)) & so far have been very happy with their willingness to support our server.
When a problem arrives they not only have a Trouble Ticket system but they also have a Voice Chat which is manned pretty close to 24/7 (and always on the weekend) so you can Quickly get your issue solved & the Server back up & running.

SO I was just wondering whom others use ?


11-30-2003, 08:15 AM
GODS use Xdrive for their DC server. They have been pretty good overall. Xdrive (http://www.xdrivewebhosting.com)

They are currently co-locating and upgrading to AT&T networks. I don't think the new website is finished yet. They also have support tickets and warchest for clans. Which allows your members to send money to help support the game server.

11-30-2003, 12:45 PM
{DS} uses Recon Gamer Recon (http://www.recongamer.com/) They have been great and we constantly get compliments on the ping. :thumbs:

11-30-2003, 05:26 PM
We are thinking about starting a service here but we're still in the planning stage.

11-30-2003, 08:00 PM
LaSH and I have been using ILAN for about 3 months now, and you're right, their costumer service really sucks. I will give them credit for a smooth running server though. As long as nothing crashes and you don't need any help, it is pretty good. I talked to that guy with Ghost Sector and I think I may change to them if we decide to keep the server up. He seemed more interested in customer satisfaction than making a large profit (which is unusual for this day and age). He also hangs around the Seriously (gasp!!...dare I say their name in this place). and was more helpful in getting my mods working on his competitors server than they were.

Now if Sal and friends get something going that might be an option also....Hint hint!!

11-30-2003, 08:36 PM
The Reapers have also been using Ilan for our gaming server and as stated before the server runs really smooth espically for Rosie which is a big plus living in Europe. Yes thier customer service does suck but once all the bugs where worked out the only problem that I have had was the server was down to be re-located. Since then the server has been running fine..

11-30-2003, 09:59 PM
Jag & Goober, I would highly suggest you look hard @ ghostsector if you are thinking of moving Server Services.
Here’s some details you might find of interest, ghostsector actually leased some of their network from Ilan (so you will ping the same as you do now.
Luke of Ghostsectors & a few others used to work for Ilan & Luke is the Iguana WIZ (they are using Iguana Version: 2.1.0 B2 (which is one of Ilan’s biggest problems, they can’t seem to manage Iguana for sh*t).
And unlike Ilan with Ghostsector’s use of Ventrilo you can usually get support ASAP & they cover the weekend unlike Ilan.

If by chance you do go with Ghostsector please do 1 of the 2 listed below
1. You have the user visit this exact URL and place an order: http://www.GhostSector.com/?affid=randallray
2. You have the user enter vmadman as the affiliate ID when placing an order.
Luke will also work to come in a little cheaper then Ilan if you mention your Ilan Price to him.

Customer Service is a HUGE Step up from Ilan with Ghostsectors I can assure you of that.


12-01-2003, 01:09 AM
Is there anyone that rents game servers for one day? :unsure: