View Full Version : Cleric spec question...

12-01-2003, 04:49 PM
What I've been doing is maxing out my Rejuv first then whatever I have left over dumping into Enhancement. Should I be putting more into Smite? (cuz I havent been) I've been just rolling over any extra points at end of training and dumping them back into Rejuv at the next lvl.

Clueless Cleric

OUTLAWS The Machine
12-01-2003, 04:56 PM
Smite is not saught after when someone is looking for a cleric. I would not put any points in smite at all. DE posted a good read on cleric specs a while ago. I think it is pinned.

12-01-2003, 05:11 PM
doh......I see it. Thanx Machine

Death Engineer
12-01-2003, 06:24 PM
Most of the info is in the guide I wrote. However, as a side note, Smite used to be extremely useful. In fact, it was way over powered. They were practically like wizards in chain armor.

So mythic "balanced" them by doing two things:

(1) Reducing the damage of the smite line by a huge amount.

(2) Changing the paboe mez (which only lasts like 10 seconds) to a 5 min (I think) timer from 60 sec.

This significantly reduced the effectiveness of the Smite line (and ticked off ALOT of clerics). But it was in the best interest of the realm. Since that patch (something like 1.37), they have brought the smite damage back up a little.