View Full Version : Keybinds for UT99?

Burn the Witch
12-02-2003, 11:01 PM

Aliases[37]=(Command="pipedswitchweapon 7 | Button bFire | onrelease | pipedswitchweapon 9 | Button bFire",Alias="FlakLG")

that for example, does this work for UT99?

or if not can someone show me how its done?

He Is Legend
12-02-2003, 11:26 PM
I dont use key binds anymore

Figured id do it the old way...its better really..

But ask Zell...hes the man at Key binds

12-03-2003, 12:55 AM
Try these link 1 (http://wharthog.ntelos.net/hosted_sites/howie/multikeybinding.htm)

link 2 (http://www.truff.net/Tipsntricks/key_bindings.htm)

link 3 (http://osx.beyondunreal.com/pages/aliases.html)

link 4 (http://www.wainman.btinternet.co.uk/HogsGuide/Aliases.htm)

Now I will forever burn in UT's hell, thanks Twitch. :angel:
let me know if any of these work out. :drink:

12-03-2003, 02:08 PM
in my opinion, key binds are the same as using an aimbot or another cheat. so even if i knew, i wouldnt tell you! just my opinion

12-03-2003, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Red[GummiBear]@Dec 3 2003, 09:08 AM
in my opinion, key binds are the same as using an aimbot or another cheat. so even if i knew, i wouldnt tell you! just my opinion
Well, listen to you! :rofl:

Burn the Witch
12-03-2003, 06:41 PM
i dont use keybinds any more, but this is against two friends, its not like they would win anyway :)

He Is Legend
12-07-2003, 09:31 AM
Keybinds are no cheat..

Whats cheating about it?

Its just your keyboard is small

So they give you a advantage of getting 2 weapons on 1 key

Nothing at all wrong with that

12-07-2003, 07:03 PM
keybinds such as this are:

Aliases[37]=(Command="pipedswitchweapon 7 | Button bFire | onrelease | pipedswitchweapon 9 | Button bFire",Alias="FlakLG")

regular keybinds like binding a weapon to "W" for example isnt, but when you use the commands above they are. there is a reason that they arent allowed in competitive tournament play (CPL, Lanwar, etc), and it is tat they provide an unfair advantage