View Full Version : Dream System - Now!

11-02-2002, 08:43 AM
Okay guys, I've had my computer lock up on me for the last time. I've had it. It's time to spend some money and get a dream system.

I just need the box. No monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. And I don't want to stick 2 Gbytes of dram in it just because I can. Keep it useful. I need everything in the box, AND a good box. Box, mobo, memory, display card, processor, power supply, you name it. If its in the box, make it the best.

And don't tell me to wait till this or that comes out. I want it now.

So what's it gonna be? And it damn well better be stable, and it damn well better get a graphics score well above 12,000.

Go for it. :D

11-02-2002, 08:49 AM
Oh yeah. I want sources and prices too. You don't think I'm gonna do the work, do ya? :P :D

11-02-2002, 08:57 AM
buy a Dell deminsons 8200! Can't go wrong there!

11-02-2002, 09:01 AM
LOL! I don't think so. You have to break those things up REALLY tiny to get them to flush down the toilet. :P

11-02-2002, 09:05 AM

well that is what I have, becuase I didn't have the time or the money to build one myself. I would like to though! someday

11-02-2002, 09:18 AM
Sirc you should have waited to post this question so Grimmy doesn't spam it up before you get some serious answers. :P A Dell? LOL

Check out my signature for what I have. It does run a little hotter than I would like (125 degrees), but it is stable. You can find all the stuff at Newegg or Pricewatch.

11-02-2002, 09:19 AM

well that is what I have, becuase I didn't have the time or the money to build one myself. I would like to though! someday[/quote:b41c9f5890]

I was gonna wait a few months, but I can't stand it anymore. I gotta do it now. :roll: :D

11-02-2002, 09:48 AM
[quote:e4dc8f7a88="OUTLAWS SHOGUN"]Sirc you should have waited to post this question so Grimmy doesn't spam it up before you get some serious answers. :P A Dell? LOL

Check out my signature for what I have. It does run a little hotter than I would like (125 degrees), but it is stable. You can find all the stuff at Newegg or Pricewatch.[/quote:e4dc8f7a88]

Is that the latest and greatest?

I know the ATI 9700 is probably the hottest graphics card right now, but I don't want an ATI. Drivers suck IMHO. I'm not saying you have one, that was just a general opinion.

11-02-2002, 01:39 PM
[quote:21bd299351]Is that the latest and greatest?
Nope, Prob'ly one of the Nforce2 chipset board are the baddest, If you can get your hands on one. Coupled with one of the 333mhz fsb Athlon XPs (2700+ & 2800+) and the right speed DDR ram. Then next in line would come the boards with KT400 chipsets. Then something like mine.
Dang, I've had my stuff less than two months and it's outdated already. But looking at the differences in 3Dmark scores between my two machines, I'm still very happy. :wink:

11-02-2002, 01:43 PM
Okay then, spec it out!

Manufacturer, model number, price, best place to buy em.

The old house is sold and I'm back to 1 house payment! Woohoo!

I ain't kidding! I'm gonna do it. Gimme a list!

11-02-2002, 01:45 PM
But I gotta go to bed now cause I've stayed up all night again. :roll:

See ya this afternoon. :wink:

11-02-2002, 04:44 PM
[quote:9a088a1998="OUTLAWS SHOGUN"]Sirc you should have waited to post this question so Grimmy doesn't spam it up before you get some serious answers. :P A Dell? LOL

Check out my signature for what I have. It does run a little hotter than I would like (125 degrees), but it is stable. You can find all the stuff at Newegg or Pricewatch.[/quote:9a088a1998]

It's all good. There is some useful info in there.

I would say if you got the money, get an intel mobo and P4 proc. I don't like heat, and heat kills. Maybe if I tried an AMD system, I might like it. I have though about building a dual AMD sys, but for the costs, you wouldn't really benefit any gaming from having a dual. There is a thread about dual procs somewhere.


Check out Behind You's post about it. There is talk about duals.

There how was that for a non-spam post :P

11-02-2002, 11:39 PM
wait another month sirc if you can all kinds of new goodies come out in dec.

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-02-2002, 11:55 PM
What Shogun has is sweet, but you can get an AMD 2400 now from Newegg and they run cooler than the 2200s. Other than that get what Shogun has.

11-03-2002, 12:38 AM
Hmmm. I may wait for the 2800. I know I said I want it now, but the 333Mhz FSB sounds good. Is there already a mobo out that supports this?

In the mean time I can start collecting other parts. :D

11-03-2002, 12:45 AM
It seems like a lot of people like the Gainward video cards. Any particular reason?

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-03-2002, 02:34 AM
[quote:f480813a19="Sirc"]It seems like a lot of people like the Gainward video cards. Any particular reason?[/quote:f480813a19]

They have a little better cooling on them and supply more current to the GPU for overclocking. But if you are not going to overclock then any of the cards are fine.

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-03-2002, 02:35 AM
[quote:7e2378c06a="Sirc"]Hmmm. I may wait for the 2800. I know I said I want it now, but the 333Mhz FSB sounds good. Is there already a mobo out that supports this?

In the mean time I can start collecting other parts. :D[/quote:7e2378c06a]

I'm pretty sure they have changed the 2600+ to be 333MHz fsb. I will let you know. ETA Nov 15th.

11-03-2002, 03:00 AM
Which mobo should I buy for the 2600+? The same one Shogun has? Also, is the heat sink/fan that comes with the retail version of the chip good enough, or should I get the OEM version and buy a better heatsink/fan. And if so, which one?

Sorry to be a pest. :roll:

11-03-2002, 03:11 AM
Machine and Sirc, Mine doesn't support a 333 mhz. fsb, Only 266.

11-03-2002, 04:03 AM
DELL SUCKS.. I was a network admin guy at a engineering firm with dells... Nothing but a pain in the ass.. proprietary shit..

**** that!


11-03-2002, 08:49 AM
LOL !!! Dell is for people that don't know any better.

Sirc you can't upgrade until I can :P

11-03-2002, 08:58 AM
If it wasn't for the crashing I'd wait. I get lockups more often then I get F9'd. :roll:

11-03-2002, 09:07 AM

11-03-2002, 09:08 AM
[quote:effaab9600="Ra/en"]NICE FACE![/quote:effaab9600]

LOL! You are a bizarre person Raven. You fit in well here. :D

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-03-2002, 01:20 PM
All kt333 and kt400 boards will run at 333MHz. they just can not say "officialy support" because currently there are not AMD chips that "support" 333MHz fsb.

The retail heatsinks suck. I like the thermalright ax-7 with a 80mm fan. Much quieter than those damn little 60mm fans.

I do not see the ax-7 listed on Newegg anymore for some reason. Maybe been replaced with another model.

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-03-2002, 01:24 PM
What kind of hardware do you currently have? Have you updated your video card drivers? Updated 4-in-1 drivers (if Via mobo). Could it be a heat issue? What OS? You have multiple sticks of RAM? If so try one stick at a time. You tried to reinstall Windows?

11-03-2002, 01:30 PM
machine... take a day off. LOL :D

11-03-2002, 08:01 PM
[quote:3a6220fc41="OUTLAWS The Machine"]What kind of hardware do you currently have? Have you updated your video card drivers? Updated 4-in-1 drivers (if Via mobo). Could it be a heat issue? What OS? You have multiple sticks of RAM? If so try one stick at a time. You tried to reinstall Windows?[/quote:3a6220fc41]

What are you trying to do? Talk me out of a new system? :x

LOL! Just kidding. I have done everything but checked the memory. I think it is probably a heat and/or power supply issue.

Compaq Presario 7000US
AMD Athlon 1.2GHz processor (No O/C)
512 Meg PNY ram
PNY Verto GeForce4 Ti 4400 (No O/C)
Windows 2000
Dual 80Gg HDs

11-04-2002, 05:33 AM
Compaq :shock: [img:3ecc5c807c]http://members.telocity.com/~dman321/smilies/puke.gif[/img:3ecc5c807c]

11-04-2002, 05:38 AM
My thoughts exactly. :roll: :D

11-04-2002, 05:48 AM
suck 2 b u LMAO :P

OUTLAWS high ping camper
11-04-2002, 05:51 AM
[quote:7519bc2d9a="Ice!!!"]machine... take a day off. LOL :D[/quote:7519bc2d9a]

LOL! I was going to suggest that he switch to de-caf! :lol:

11-04-2002, 05:52 AM
[quote:3ec6bd4885="Grimmy"]suck 2 b u LMAO :P[/quote:3ec6bd4885]

Um, what? Are you drunk again Grimmy? :D :P

11-04-2002, 06:04 AM
[quote:cc51ccfa14="Sirc"][quote:cc51ccfa14="Grimmy"]suck 2 b u LMAO :P[/quote:cc51ccfa14]

Um, what? Are you drunk again Grimmy? :D :P[/quote:cc51ccfa14]

I don't think he is ever sober :lol:

11-04-2002, 06:09 AM
yes, I am sober, had some beer earlier though, but on soda now lol

just tired and bored!

11-04-2002, 06:10 AM
So what does "suck 2 b u" mean?

11-04-2002, 06:17 AM
well in a nut shell, you have a compaq, and I said that it must suck to be you (suck 2 b u) hint hint

Does that clear it up for ya?

11-04-2002, 06:18 AM
Oh. Um, yeah. Duh. :roll:

11-04-2002, 06:33 AM
about time!! Only took about an hour for ya to figure it out! LMAO :roll:

11-04-2002, 06:36 AM
Sirc is a little slow :P :lol:

11-04-2002, 06:50 AM
well a little is being generous :D

11-04-2002, 07:08 AM
Oh gimme a break Grimmy! You rip out 30 posts a minute! How much time do you expect me to pay to one single post? If I hesistate, even for a second, to go on to read the next one then I'm 60 behind! :P :P :D

I can't take the damn pressure! Slow down you freak! :D

11-04-2002, 07:23 AM
LOL !!! I think we need an option to ignore spammers :lol: :wink:

11-04-2002, 07:49 AM
[quote:9ce9fefb05="Sirc"]Oh gimme a break Grimmy! You rip out 30 posts a minute! How much time do you expect me to pay to one single post? If I hesistate, even for a second, to go on to read the next one then I'm 60 behind! :P :P :D

I can't take the damn pressure! Slow down you freak! :D[/quote:9ce9fefb05]

:twisted: heheheh just funin ya Sirc! Now get typing, before I hit the reply button again!

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-04-2002, 11:57 AM
So you have updated your drivers and reinstalled Winblows? Have you tried to run it with the side of your case off with a fan blowing into it?

11-04-2002, 05:40 PM
Hey Machine your right, There are several places on Pricewatch that are selling a 333 fsb version of the 2600+ already (including Newegg) as well as a 266 fsb version. I thought they were only gonna use the 333 fsb in the 2700+ & 2800+ procs. After doing some checking it appears that I have a earlier "A" core version of the 2200+ which runs hotter than the newer "B" cores that are used in all the 2400+ and up procs. Sirc I'd hold off about a month (maybe sooner) and get a nForce2 mobo and 333 fsb proc. if I was you. If you decide to get a 2600+, Just make sure it's a 333 fsb version.

Hey Sirc, Wanna buy some slighty used hardware? :P

11-04-2002, 06:42 PM
I'll sell you mine :P

11-04-2002, 07:08 PM
[quote:0f64414110="OUTLAWS The Machine"]So you have updated your drivers and reinstalled Winblows? Have you tried to run it with the side of your case off with a fan blowing into it?[/quote:0f64414110]

I've updated my drivers, but I haven't reinstalled Windows. Damn, I don't have time to do that. And blowing a fan directly into the case with the side off is the only way I can play SS or AVP2. Otherwise I usually won't get threough the 1st match without a lockup or spontaneous reboot.

11-04-2002, 07:32 PM
I have win2k pro if you need it. Let me know and we can work something out.

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-04-2002, 08:43 PM
Maybe get a better heatsink for your cpu. If you are getting lock ups fast without having your case open then there is a good chance that it it a thermal problem.

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-04-2002, 08:44 PM
Have you checked to see if your heatsink is clogged with dust?

11-04-2002, 09:39 PM
Argh. You're gonna make me work, aren't you. :P

I'll try to pull the box and check everything tonight. Or tomorrow night.

It is probably time to reformat and reinstall too. I noticed my Windows Media Player seems to be borked now. Probably from installing the crap I got from Kazaa.

What a pain in the butt. :roll:

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-04-2002, 09:54 PM
Not trying to talk you out of your upgrade but it would be to be able to get this one fixed in the mean time and maybe sell it to help pay for your new parts.

11-04-2002, 10:16 PM
No, this one will go to one of the kids. That way they can both have a computer in their rooms and we can get our living room back. :D

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-04-2002, 11:18 PM
[quote:12e184c897="Sirc"]No, this one will go to one of the kids. That way they can both have a computer in their rooms and we can get our living room back. :D[/quote:12e184c897]


11-05-2002, 05:27 AM
Another thing to look at, speaking of dust, clean your fans while you have the case open. It will allow more air to flow through too. Do you smoke and if you do, do you around the puter too?? That causes a lot of crud on the fans.

11-05-2002, 04:29 PM
MY computer at school is the best, it has a 166MHZ P1 with 32 MB RAM and the fans are not working ;)