View Full Version : Anyone?

He Is Legend
12-05-2003, 08:05 PM
Guys im trying to find a really good buy on Final Fantasy 7 for computer..

I cant really find one and i figured since its been out so long it would be cheap but from the sites ive looked at its like above 60$

If anyone can find a pretty good price on it, please post :P

I love that game so much :D

12-05-2003, 08:07 PM
I got the pc version but i lost interested in FF7 for some reason. I liked all the rest a lot though lol weird. I think i got it for 20$ like a couple o years ago lol they ripping you off.

death maker
12-05-2003, 08:07 PM
e-bay man they gots stuf from old socs to rocket cars :shifty:

12-05-2003, 08:29 PM
www.dirtcheapsoftware.com, look there.

Gun Element
12-05-2003, 10:35 PM
I saw some at some place at some price! :)

15$....hmmm it was at... dont remember :bandhead:

He Is Legend
12-05-2003, 10:37 PM
Diss the onyl FF 7 they have is the one on playstation the one i seen

Anyone else got somewhere else to go?

12-05-2003, 11:16 PM
Try this Chao............
compare prices........... (http://www.nextag.com/buyer/outpdir.jsp?nxtg=2d0544_8E660842F0F8FEBF&doSearch=y&search=buy+final+fantasy+7)