View Full Version : Vote for a GM logo!

11-02-2002, 05:27 PM
Here is where you can place your vote for the GM logo you would like to see on GM shirts and items. We may be able to take the top 2 if it is close. Go ahead and cast your vote...

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-02-2002, 05:29 PM
Make it a poll SAL.

11-02-2002, 05:32 PM
I did, had to post the thread first so I knew what order to put the options in :)

11-02-2002, 05:34 PM
I say (edit)
3d effect is cool.

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-02-2002, 05:36 PM
Damn. that is a hard decision. I'll have to think on that one.

11-02-2002, 05:44 PM
Ok, I voted, now where is my shirt? lol j/k

::: DARK PSI :::
11-02-2002, 05:58 PM
You guys dont say what your vote was. Let people cast their vote without having to be biased.

I want one last poll option.. logo #69 (A big huge picture of Hammer's Head).. hmm I wonder what head I want to have on my shirt.. hmm

11-02-2002, 08:33 PM
I removed logo5 and uploaded logo9. Thanks Slice.

11-02-2002, 10:08 PM
By far the best one. It's very professionally done.

I voted for this one.


OUTLAWS high ping camper
11-02-2002, 10:41 PM
[quote:098ddc027a="SASQUATCH"]By far the best one. It's very professionally done.

I voted for this one.


Slice is a talented young man. I chose number nine also.

11-02-2002, 10:56 PM
LOL! It's the Florida presidential election voting fiasco all over again!

I wonder if anyone voted for logo1 thinking that they were voting for the first image in the list. Or clicked the top radio button thinking they were voting for the first image. :wink:

Hey SAL, way to keep us on our toes dude! :P :D

11-02-2002, 11:01 PM
i voted for number 9 as well.

its good good.

11-02-2002, 11:22 PM
Is it just my imagination or when someone votes for #9 the count for #1 increases by one also? :?

11-02-2002, 11:29 PM
# 9 for me

11-02-2002, 11:32 PM
[quote:bf5573c527="Sirc"]Is it just my imagination or when someone votes for #9 the count for #1 increases by one also? :?[/quote:bf5573c527]

IT DOES! Everytime someone votes for #9 the count for #1 goes up by one. Sal is messing with us. #1 is his logo. :wink:

11-03-2002, 12:11 AM
logo9.jpg is what I voted.

Second choice would be logo1.jpg because it looks professional.

The point is that it should be kept simple but in a professional design.

logo9.jpg was done in a simple but yet very effective way where it would stand out.

Nice work. . . . :wink:


11-03-2002, 01:52 AM
[quote:720ee6212c="Sirc"]Is it just my imagination or when someone votes for #9 the count for #1 increases by one also? :?[/quote:720ee6212c]

LOL, yeah thats because he had the shirts printed already. :lol:

11-04-2002, 01:50 AM

11-04-2002, 02:07 AM
Ha ha what is going on with this? :? Bump ;)

11-04-2002, 02:41 AM
I'm horny.

11-04-2002, 04:13 AM

11-04-2002, 05:20 AM
[quote:d83d82e03e="Sirc"]I'm horny.[/quote:d83d82e03e]
me too :D

11-04-2002, 05:24 AM
[quote:0abfef5fc9="Sacrifice"][quote:0abfef5fc9="Sirc"]I'm horny.[/quote:0abfef5fc9]
me too :D[/quote:0abfef5fc9]

You two should get a private room :P :lol: :wink:

11-04-2002, 06:48 AM
I'm here to lobby for logo 6. Logo 6 has cut spending, brought down unemployment, increased funding for education, cut bureaucratic red tape and supports the everyday worker like you and I. Logo 6 needs your vote, honestly. :P

Is anybody else sick and tired of all the campaign garbage being thrown at us by our politicians? :x

Sorry, I had to let that go. I feel better already. :)

11-04-2002, 07:01 AM
I almost voted for logo6 too, but it looks a bit too much like the Batman symbol. Now if Slice would have come up with a different shape....

And um, sorry. I don't do politics. I've never cared nor payed attention. :D

11-04-2002, 02:32 PM
Since Tuesday is election day that will also be the last day we accept votes on the new logo. So Tuesday at midnight EST the poll will be closed.

11-04-2002, 06:29 PM
its interesting to see that logo number1 is always 2 votes ahead of number 9

11-04-2002, 07:18 PM
mmmmmmmmm....vote rigging?

11-04-2002, 07:34 PM
Are you bastards trying to setup a recall? :D

Anyways we should be able to offer shirts with either logo, but the logo that wins will have more apparel for it.

11-04-2002, 08:10 PM
Gee, I wonder which logo will win? :roll: :D

How long did it take you to modify the poll script SAL? :wink:

Dangerous Dan
11-04-2002, 09:46 PM
I voted #7, i just like the 3d look :)

11-04-2002, 10:46 PM
Recount damnit.
The Dade and Broward Counties curse have flowed through my keyboard into the world of gamemecca.

Damn!! :x

11-05-2002, 04:10 AM
Sorry to say that none of them reall impressed me, but #9 was my favorite out of them all.