View Full Version : ISP problem

11-03-2002, 03:12 AM
I have been playing with this ping for 7 weeks.
5 tech support guys came by, and still having problems.
Then they send me the Chief Tech support over and he tell me
that it is the main line, which was replace and still having trouble.
They say that in my area many of the people are having the same
problem because of the CAP, which they use a CB very high, which is causing the problem. He tells me that it will be taken care of and I am still having trouble. Finally tomorrow on Sunday the Forman will be coming over to fix the problem. I have no faith that it will be resolve. Timewarner controls the line connection for earth link and Road runner and Road Runner is the same company that runs with TimeWarner. I was looking into ATT but there service box is too far, so I am stuck with this fuc*ing company.
If this continues, I will no longer be playing this game that I enjoy so much. I am better off using dialup like Slice who plays so good with a high ping of 300 to 350 in a good day.

Here are pictures of me struggling. The first picture on the lower right side corner has a number which is my ping. At times it will go up to 18346 and higher. Every 3 to 5 seconds it happens to me and it's getting worse.

WTF is the point in having fast internet access and paying for it when it doesn't work properly. On Sunday if this guy tells me that it works and that there is no problem I will throw his as* out the fuc*ing door. I have never been so mad that it's to a point where I can't even talk to no one but just want to destroy or burn the fuc*ing cable service down to the floor.

The second picture is me looking up to the sky day dreaming because I can't move and so spy cuts me down. Which I was greatful that he did because it helps me to begin again and foolishly throw myself again to the pack of wolfs just to cut me down or smash again as usual.

This really takes the fun out of the game.

11-03-2002, 03:13 AM
Second picture. Looking at the skies like a moron. . . .

No fun at all man. . . .

11-03-2002, 03:21 AM
That really sucks Sas. :x

11-03-2002, 03:47 AM
Give them hell Sasquatch. :twisted:

11-03-2002, 04:11 AM
SAS I'm sorry you are having problems with them. I have Roadrunner and love it. Hopefully they will get you fixed up soon.

11-03-2002, 04:54 AM
I pretty mush had the same problem. My transfer rate went from 2200 to 350 in 2 weeks. I kept calling Time Warner Cable and going through all the stupid steps like clearing my cashe and cookies and nothing was working. I kept telling them that I knew for a fact that it was not my computer that was the problem but, that it was the service. They would ask how I knew and I would tell them that I took my computer over to Shoguns house and hooked up to his cable and got at least 2000.
I finally gave up on Time Warner and talked to a friend that lives down the street who happens to be a RR installer and he tried everything he knew to try and he could find no problem.
He told me he wasn't having any probs with his service that he knew of and I told him I was playing games on-line and he said he did too. Come to find out he was playing like Dominoes, Hearts and some other games that don't require a whole lot of bandwidth. Finally I asked him to do a Bandwidth test at his house which is three houses down and sure enough his was as low as mine. Oh boy was he suprised....lol
Anyway he talked to his boss the next day and my/our problem was solved. He never said what the problem was though.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that maybe you should take your computer to somebodies house that has RR and has a good fast connection and that way you can prove it to them that it's not your computer but, their lousy a$$, ****ing service..lol
I hope this helps

11-03-2002, 06:13 AM
I have tried everything and I do know what it is but they are the ones who are the bright tech guys who know shit. It's simple, the lines and are not correctly setup right and the signals are not correct as well. The Plus 5 power is what I am suppose to get but they have plus ten which is going to cause the problem. The signal must be plus 5 and cannot be higher or lower but these guys have no clue but only come in and do jack but look and tighten screws up, which a monkey can do. This Forman better know what he is doing because I am serious I will throw his ass out of the house.

11-03-2002, 07:11 PM
I found that out with ISP's, if you bitch, they will eventually fix, but in my case, cable came in and we switched, no probs since!