View Full Version : saddam captured

12-14-2003, 10:48 AM

www.cnn.com (http://cnn.com)

12-14-2003, 11:43 AM
WOW, this is great news! I hope it's him. It says that the DNA testing matched.

12-14-2003, 12:01 PM
Oh yeah I heard the news in the middle of my English exam. :lol:

12-14-2003, 12:12 PM
yep=) great

12-14-2003, 01:26 PM
WHOA!!!!!!! I soo hope that f**cker is the real guy. Let's give a round of applause for the men and women who server in the US Armed Forces

(Villains)****Death Sentence****
12-14-2003, 03:56 PM
i noticed that in the middle of a games... everyones start to say OWNED! :unsure:

then..OWNED! :devil:

12-14-2003, 04:08 PM
Yep i saw that on at&t website (its my homepage dad set it).

12-14-2003, 04:14 PM
One less POS in this world.

C2H5OH Guy
12-14-2003, 04:34 PM
WOOT i´ve just seen these GREAT news on TV

12-14-2003, 04:53 PM
lol, my gf called and woke me up this morning to tell me, lol well she didnt call to tell me, she called to see if i wanted to come over to have a snowball fight, but she told me while i was on the phone with her. lol

12-14-2003, 05:10 PM
SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!! :jammin: That is outstanding news!


12-14-2003, 07:05 PM
I think they should throw him in a pool of sharks, and tug him out before he gets eaten!
100 times over! :devil:

12-14-2003, 07:15 PM
I think they should send him in a little letter to Santa

12-14-2003, 07:21 PM
Woop De Do...The only reason we invaded Iraq was because the Bush family has a grudge against Sadam. Geoge Sr. didn't get him, so George W. wnated to get him for his papa....

I would much rather read the headline "Bullet Passes through George W's Skul"

(If you diddn't know I am an extreem democrat)

12-14-2003, 07:23 PM
i think they should put him in a car with explosives and then blind fold him. then wait and throw firecrackers at him. then when if gets used to it Blow the motherf^cking car up.

12-14-2003, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by 666vicious666@Dec 14 2003, 07:21 PM
Woop De Do...The only reason we invaded Iraq was because the Bush family has a grudge against Sadam. Geoge Sr. didn't get him, so George W. wnated to get him for his papa....

I would much rather read the headline "Bullet Passes through George W's Skul"

(If you diddn't know I am an extreem democrat)
god what a great way to be proud for the men and women that fought and died for our country you bastard. :loser:

12-14-2003, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by 666vicious666@Dec 14 2003, 02:21 PM
Woop De Do...The only reason we invaded Iraq was because the Bush family has a grudge against Sadam. Geoge Sr. didn't get him, so George W. wnated to get him for his papa....

I would much rather read the headline "Bullet Passes through George W's Skul"

(If you diddn't know I am an extreem democrat)
And extremely opinionated....

But like they say...opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one and most of them stink. Especially yours.

Apparently, you condone the loss of American and Iraqi lives under this man's rule? You prefer to have madmen ruling contries that are willing to torture, maim, and use weapons outlawed be the Geneva Convention to suit their own ends?

Good for you. Send me your address and I will buy you a one way ticket to the middle east, for you to enjoy the rest of your life.

12-14-2003, 07:41 PM
I see you are all oblivious to the governments lies.

Where are all the weapons of mass destruction?
Who gave America the right to police the world?
What does America stand to gain in the pointless conflict?
How much is the conflict costing America a day?

12-14-2003, 08:05 PM
ummm, i fully support our troops, but i don't see that this is a war that we can
win. all of those people are insane, and as soon as we are gone, you will
probably see another psycho dictator rise to power. kind of like afghanistan.
they still have all of their warlords intact, and I think after big brother is gone,
they will revert to their old ways. so why are we there? to stabilize
the region? for cheap oil? it really can't be for humanitarian purposes,
there is tons of genocide going on in africa today, and nobody really gives
a damn, much worse than what saddam has done. maybe you remember the
story about the little girl found still alive in the mass grave. that was a few
years ago, but not anything uncommon.

12-14-2003, 08:11 PM
Well put Jim

Dark Reign
12-14-2003, 08:41 PM
I never thought they would get him honestly.....

12-14-2003, 08:46 PM
i am dissapointed with bush in many ways but it all comes down to politics. at times i am angerd by bush but if you research word for word everything that bush has said in the past, he has been doing it. i voted for bush and i ahve said good and bad things about him but i have to at this point say good job :thumbs:

problem with democrats, they complain and make the country look bad with there hypocritical comments. they are too busy trying to bash the president instead of doing there actual job. it looks like bush will win the next election also :thumbs:

problem in america is that people think a war can be planned and a time limit can be scheduled. also some think that we are losing alot of people but if you knew the amount they lost you would consider us winning. they are crazy people with no respect for life including their own. you have to remember war is ugly and even uglier for thos fighting in it.

our economy is doing very well and the market will help big time. i can not stand hearing the democrats complaining about false info even though they voted for this war also. considering what america has been through the past couple of years, we all should count our blessings. i count mine everyday. i would hate to think that their could be more and more terrorism here when my daughter gets older. hmmm, i feel bush has proven to be a man of his word regardless of people saying iraq doesnt have chemical weapons. just because we have not found them, doesnt mean they didnt have them. i think they were moved to syria myself but like the democrats, i have no clue because i am not in that position.

Dark Desperado
12-14-2003, 08:51 PM
so many American troops died over there for useless pointless reasons, not even from being killed by the enemy, but from stupid stuff, so if it is indeed him then its good that the whole ordeal wasnt in vain

12-14-2003, 08:53 PM
True the economymis doing better...but that's after Bush put the country in a recession and blew the surplus Clintion built up.

In California(where I live) Arnold repealed the car tax...and now LA is losing $19 million a month.

That Medicare bill Bush signed was also really good too.

12-14-2003, 09:01 PM
ohh damn.. this is starting to turn into a nasty political debate...

12-14-2003, 09:04 PM

It's inevitable...

12-14-2003, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by 666vicious666@Dec 14 2003, 03:53 PM
True the economymis doing better...but that's after Bush put the country in a recession and blew the surplus Clintion built up.

In California(where I live) Arnold repealed the car tax...and now LA is losing $19 million a month.

That Medicare bill Bush signed was also really good too.
666 you tow the liberal line like a good little sheep...the Dems are proud of you :thumbs: What you have to realize (but won't) is that the recession was a Clinton recession(CBO numbers...not mine) CBO would be the Congressional Budget Office...the same office that Clinton used for HIS phoney numbers. GW through the much needed tax cuts , and Alan Greenspan who also served with Clinton, through lowering interest rates, is what bailed us out of the Clinton recession. Those are the facts, but facts mean little to those of you who drink the Democrats Kool-Aid. I'm just trying to help you out here 666 but feel free to flame on - thats what makes this country so great. Just try to use facts, I know it's hard for Dems, but the truth is there if you search for it.

I was also looking at the pic of Sadam and noticed a resemblence to another maniac, so I made a quick .gif out of it. Anyone else see the similarities ??

12-14-2003, 10:47 PM
very good news. now just interrogate then kill.

12-14-2003, 11:03 PM
Interesting facts Pimp, but almost all of Bush's tax cuts are for the rich...And he is now almost reviving Regonomics...and we all know how well they work.

12-14-2003, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by 666vicious666@Dec 14 2003, 06:03 PM
Interesting facts Pimp, but almost all of Bush's tax cuts are for the rich...And he is now almost reviving Regonomics...and we all know how well they work.
Thats just another ploy 666 by the Dems to try and create Class warfare. anytime the government gives us back our hard earned money, people should rejoice! What gives the govm't the right to take our money anyway, except for national defense and infrastructure. Rich people create jobs, (more money for the govmn't through income taxes). When was the last time you heard of anyonegetting a job from a poor person ?? Poor people don't pay taxes anyway!

By the way, the Reagan tax cuts DOUBLED the revenue our government took in...is that bad ?? The problem arose when the money grubbing politicians TRIPPLED spending. Let's see if I remember my history here...oh yes, it's all coming back now....the Congress AND the Senate were controlled by the Democrats :hmmm: :hmmm: :hmmm: :hmmm:

12-14-2003, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by 666vicious666@Dec 14 2003, 07:03 PM
Interesting facts Pimp, but almost all of Bush's tax cuts are for the rich...And he is now almost reviving Regonomics...and we all know how well they work.
If ur either republican or democrat, either way, its still wrong to wish the president dead. even if ur not happy with the presedent, hes still our presedent, and we need to support him, or we need to consitutionaly protest. if we were in iraq when saddam was in power, you wouldnt be able to bad mouth the president, or voice ur opinions. ok just my 1.5 cents

12-14-2003, 11:21 PM
Good news.
From an opulent palace to a rat infested hole. How fitting.

12-14-2003, 11:23 PM
:hmmm: they should have poured some cement in there and left him there....

12-14-2003, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by SIFI@Dec 14 2003, 03:21 PM
even if ur not happy with the presedent, hes still our presedent, and we need to support him, or we need to consitutionaly protest.
Not really, I don't have to support the president in any way, we are not living in communist Russia...We have the freedom of speech...If I wanted I could burn the flag on the steps of congress.

And Pimp...If you support Reagan you are obviously a dedicated Republican who's mind can not be changed...

12-14-2003, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by 666vicious666+Dec 14 2003, 07:37 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (666vicious666 @ Dec 14 2003, 07:37 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-SIFI@Dec 14 2003, 03:21 PM
even if ur not happy with the presedent, hes still our presedent, and we need to support him, or we need to consitutionaly protest.
Not really, I don&#39;t have to support the president in any way, we are not living in communist Russia...We have the freedom of speech...If I wanted I could burn the flag on the steps of congress. [/b][/quote]
usually when a nation goes to war, its blamed on the president if it doesnt go well, and the presendnet is celebrated if it does. regardless if its the presedents fault or not. could you do a better job?

12-14-2003, 11:50 PM
First I would never want to be president...

Second...If I was president I would have a neutral policy...not police the world like almost every president after WWII.

12-15-2003, 12:11 AM
I support the troops, which is why I didn&#39;t want them there in the first place. I hope this gives them an avenue to at least begin thinking about an exit plan, so we can get them all the hell out of there. As for Bush and his statements...in getting elected, he promised that we would not be nation-builders. We&#39;re pumping so much over there, a ton in no-bid contracts to Cheney&#39;s "former" company. Originally, he threatened war if Saddam didn&#39;t open up to UN inspectors, promising that he did not want to go to war, and wouldn&#39;t if Saddam complied. Saddam capitulated, the inspectors said they found nothing, yet we went in anyway. Once, Saddam was our great ally. That was during George I. We provided him with many evil weapons, and allowed him to use them, as he was using them on people we wanted them used on. Saddam always maintained that that administration would not interfere in his dealings with Kuwait, then turned on him. I feel that George II was so compelled to invade because they realized that Saddam was not content, and could seriously go awry if unchecked, and that might indeed be true. I&#39;m sure the world will be better off with one less despot. But, after hearing him hammer about all the UN resolutions that Saddam had ignored, I find it hard to swallow that we then violate one of the main tenets of the UN - that no nation be the first to strike, and our own long-standing record of not striking first.

I hate the wars of the world, I mourn each of the soldiers we&#39;ve lost over there, and all the innocent Iraqis as well. I can only try to imagine their feeling of helplessness as they have gone from tyranny, to being war-torn, and I hope that this truly does work out to make a better way of life for them.

To the soldiers, they all have my personal thanks and admiration, there is little more noble or honorable than their risk and sacrifice in the name of service.

12-15-2003, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by 666vicious666@Dec 14 2003, 06:37 PM
And Pimp...If you support Reagan you are obviously a dedicated Republican who&#39;s mind can not be changed...
:rofl: not really 666. I actually think our current system needs a serious overhaul. Dems and Repubs are both out of control... the Dems are just more socialistic (read:borderline communist) than I care for. Unfortunately, we won&#39;t see any change in our lifetime. The politicians know that less than 50% of the American public even bother to vote - which is a GD shame. Of the 50% that does vote, 66.666 % of them don&#39;t have a clue about the issues (maybe one issue at most - your single issue voter - what a waste). That leaves 33% that does the actual voting. Peeps just don&#39;t want to get into politics, and who can blame them for not wanting to listen to crooks and liars ??

12-15-2003, 01:59 AM
666, first you do have to do some research on this matter regarding bush causing all the bad in the world. and about the republicans are for the rich? let me say the dems are for the poor. regardless the middle class always gets the shaft.
please post some true facts that really make you dislike the president that you would like to see him shot. please make sure they are facts though and not political bs. as for the clintons, if you really think they did a great job, please let me know what you think was so great. i will point out your mistakes and prove them aswell. if you say clinton was good for the economy i will expect you to explain what he did for the economy that was so good. :thumbs:

12-15-2003, 02:05 AM
Didnt Cigar sales double during clintons administration?

12-15-2003, 02:37 AM
Originally posted by 666vicious666+Dec 14 2003, 07:37 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (666vicious666 @ Dec 14 2003, 07:37 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-SIFI@Dec 14 2003, 03:21 PM
even if ur not happy with the presedent, hes still our presedent, and we need to support him, or we need to consitutionaly protest.
Not really, I don&#39;t have to support the president in any way, we are not living in communist Russia...We have the freedom of speech...If I wanted I could burn the flag on the steps of congress.

And Pimp...If you support Reagan you are obviously a dedicated Republican who&#39;s mind can not be changed... [/b][/quote]
Start talking about killing the president on your home phone. I bet in a week your lines will be tapped. The NSA will inform the Secret Service and you will be watched. :P Yes, you have rights and freedom of speech, however if your speech becomes too offensive or threatening, you can be arrested and fined.

12-15-2003, 02:48 AM
If it takes another 9/11 to learn what happens when you don&#39;t proactively take out the evil people of this world, then I guess it is true that history repeats itself. In a world where people are not willing to stand up and fight for what is right, then all are doomed to suffer the consequences of what evil people want.

Saddam had already used chemical weapons against both Iran and his own people. This is a documented fact. By definition, these are weapons of mass destruction. Even the Democrate Bill Clinton admitted he believes the weapons were there. How many more innocent people have to die before you would stand up and say ---- This is not right and we cannot allow it to happen. What will it take before you stand up for what is right? Would you do it if a person like Saddam tortured and killed a member of your family? Your wife and children? In Nazi Germany, it was not Americans being murdered. But it took Americans and other nations to sacrifice their lives to put an end to it. You really need to ask yourself how far you would let it go before it needs to be stopped. What you will really learn if you study your history books is that America became and is the great country it is because people were willing to fight and die for what was right, and not always because it had to happen to them before they said "This evil and wrong can no longer be allowed".

It has nothing to do with Democrates or Republicans. It has nothing to do with what is politically correct or not politically correct. It has to do with right and wrong and the price of Freedom and a world where people are not butchard, tortured and murdered. Where we do not live every day in fear for our lives, our children&#39;s lives or our loved ones. The last thing our men and women in the military need to hear is someone saying "Your sacrific is meaningless, because I am a Democrate and therefore opposed." Please give them the respect they deserve.

12-15-2003, 02:56 AM
what i want to know is where is all the weapons of mass destruction thats why the U.S went there isnt it? If they can find a guy in a rat hole how come they havent found 1 nuke or any chemical weapons ???

:thumbs: congrats U.S you have crushed a poverty stricken country :thumbs:

Your prizes include a old man in a hole and &#036;75,000

be proud

12-15-2003, 03:12 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS BOSTON SHOCKER@Dec 14 2003, 09:56 PM
what i want to know is where is all the weapons of mass destruction thats why the U.S went there isnt it? If they can find a guy in a rat hole how come they havent found 1 nuke or any chemical weapons ???

:thumbs: congrats U.S you have crushed a poverty stricken country :thumbs:

Your prizes include a old man in a hole and &#036;75,000

be proud
what i want to know is where is all the weapons of mass destruction thats why the U.S went there isnt it? If they can find a guy in a rat hole how come they havent found 1 nuke or any chemical weapons ???

uh read the above post Boston

:thumbs: congrats U.S you have crushed a poverty stricken country :thumbs:

And they are poverty stricken because of the scum bag they found in the rat hole. The U.S. is trying to turn that around.

Your prizes include a old man in a hole and &#036;75,000

be proud

Wrong once again Boston.....it was &#036;750,000 :jammin: :jammin:

12-15-2003, 03:16 AM
lol :rofl:

12-15-2003, 03:17 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS BOSTON SHOCKER@Dec 14 2003, 10:56 PM
what i want to know is where is all the weapons of mass destruction thats why the U.S went there isnt it? If they can find a guy in a rat hole how come they havent found 1 nuke or any chemical weapons ???

:thumbs: congrats U.S you have crushed a poverty stricken country :thumbs:

Your prizes include a old man in a hole and &#036;75,000

be proud
Ha ha you fool. First of all it was &#036;750,000. Not to mention the millions found during the first invasion of Baghdad. This does not belong to the U.S. and will be returned to the country of Iraq. Second, Iraq was poor because of Saddam; he kept all the monies from the profitable black gold the country produces. Stop smoking joints before making ignorant false posts......

12-15-2003, 03:17 AM
ooops sorry missed a zero :w00t:
&#036;750.000 SWEET JESUS
ya raise your flags &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; and clap ur hands you guys rule&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

12-15-2003, 03:18 AM
This equating Saddam with Hitler is not parallel....Hitler was on a conquering sweep with open intentions of world domination. Saddam was killing and torturing his own people. China does the same, we sure aren&#39;t going to say anything to them about it. There are a number of sadistic despots around the globe, we generally condemn it publicly, and not much else. The atrocities that happened in South Africa are mind-boggling, and we ignored it for a long, long time.
Also, being against the war is not tantamount to not supporting our servicepeople.

BiggD, my opposition to Bush is based on lots of points, and I think Clinton did indeed better the country. However, I still think he&#39;s a sleaze morally, and that he brought personal accountability to a new low. One thing I really dislike about Bush is his frequent use of the word &#39;flexibility&#39; when changing corporate waste disposal regulations. He said, "Corporations need more flexibility", which boils down exactly to saving money on waste management, and the environment will pay the price. These large corps often disregard regulations anyway, when it&#39;s more cost-effective to pay a fine later. They need to be tighter, if anything, IMO. His tax cut benefitted some of the uber-rich in indecent proportion. That is wrong. The system is for those at the top of the economic scale to pay a higher percentage....but they maneuver to pay actually less. Those who&#39;ve suggested a flat-tax got their opposition not from the poor, who should be complaining about it if that rich-pay-more plan worked, but from the very rich who know that they&#39;d be held to paying closer to their fair share if a flat tax existed. If they ever implemented a flat-tax, lawmakers would start waking up dead, because the players at that level don&#39;t mess around.
Pre-war, Cheney was pressuring guys at Langley to, in the words of one of them, "keep looking until you find the right answer". Cheney-Bush were bent on war, which should always be a last resort. If we tried to police every whacko who climbed to power, we&#39;d do it constantly. So, he&#39;s disrupted an evil regime, and that can&#39;t be all bad, but what will take hold in it&#39;s wake? We&#39;re trying to bring democracy to a people who really don&#39;t believe in it. It&#39;s very tough or impossible to change their essential beliefs, which are rooted in their religion. And, religion-wise, they are very, very devout. They pray 5 times a day. Those fundamentalists will fight the change, but not just to the death, but to their sons&#39; and grandsons&#39; deaths. When they hear of the Americans, with MTV, Girls gone wild commercials, and general immorality by their standards, they laugh at our ignorance of their resolve, and the level of their commitment. I fear we are getting into not another Vietnam, as some have compared it, but that we are getting into another Israel. I think that, despite any difference of opinion we have, we&#39;d both agree that the chances for lasting peace there are remote at best, if not downright impossible.

12-15-2003, 03:22 AM
I think we need another forum.............

Politick :jammin:

12-15-2003, 03:23 AM

12-15-2003, 03:29 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS BOSTON SHOCKER@Dec 14 2003, 11:23 PM
I think the US should disown you crazy Canadians.... Since you love to hide behind our military yet piss in our cheerios.... (note: I said crazy Canadians, not meaning all Canadians are crazy only the ignorant ones)

12-15-2003, 03:33 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS BOSTON SHOCKER@Dec 14 2003, 10:23 PM

12-15-2003, 03:35 AM
Originally posted by PimpDaddy@Dec 14 2003, 09:22 PM
I think we need another forum.............

Politick :jammin:
I think you&#39;re right...and maybe just close it immediately&#33; I generally avoid the political discussion, as it tends to polarize people; often, people who aren&#39;t that far apart to begin with. We all want a better America...I&#39;d rather we rejoiced in and worked toward that - together. Idealistic, but sincere.

12-15-2003, 03:35 AM
Originally posted by Slice+Dec 14 2003, 10:29 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Slice &#064; Dec 14 2003, 10:29 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-OUTLAWS BOSTON SHOCKER@Dec 14 2003, 11:23 PM
I think the US should disown you crazy Canadians.... Since you love to hide behind our military yet piss in our cheerios.... (note: I said crazy Canadians, not meaning all Canadians are crazy only the ignorant ones) [/b][/quote]
I hate to say this slice, but we "Canadians" try to stay out of conflicts. But then again, we are the number one place to live voted by the United Nations?

Not to mention top rated when it comes to "Sex"


12-15-2003, 03:36 AM

12-15-2003, 03:51 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS OPTIMUS+Dec 14 2003, 11:35 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (OUTLAWS OPTIMUS @ Dec 14 2003, 11:35 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by Slice@Dec 14 2003, 10:29 PM
<!--QuoteBegin-OUTLAWS BOSTON SHOCKER@Dec 14 2003, 11:23 PM
I think the US should disown you crazy Canadians.... Since you love to hide behind our military yet piss in our cheerios.... (note: I said crazy Canadians, not meaning all Canadians are crazy only the ignorant ones)
I hate to say this slice, but we "Canadians" try to stay out of conflicts. But then again, we are the number one place to live voted by the United Nations?

Not to mention top rated when it comes to "Sex"

:w00t: [/b][/quote]
Then stay out of them. ;)

12-15-2003, 03:56 AM
It seems we are the peace makers.. Im sure the USA will have some role for us. We struggle through with crappy equipment, and no funding, but we manage to get laid all the time. And we can travel to any country in the world and we are excepted and respected. Guess thats a bonus&#33;



12-15-2003, 03:58 AM
:rofl: This bout sums it up

12-15-2003, 04:02 AM
Please Please Please get your facts straight for once.

Fact - Over 90% of personal income tax revenue come from the top 1% of income earners. Look it up, it is public information. Show me proof of these loop holes that prevent the rich from paying any taxes. The company I work for is a forture top 100 and we paid several hundred million in tax in 2002. Look it up in any companies SEC public filing.

Bull that the tax relief only aid the Rich. I spent my &#036;800 in tax relief to buy my kids school clothes and paid bills. Other families in our community did the same.

You can&#39;t complain about the ecomony not thriving and yet regulate industry into Chapter 11.

How do you know what Chaney said to anybody? You heard it on the nightly news? Wow, good source.

Fact - Downward negative GDP that started the recession was recorded in the 3rd quarter of Clinton&#39;s last year as president.

Fact - Stock market trend down began in Clinton&#39;s last two quarters. Anyone with a mutual fund will tell you that. Hell you can look this up on Yahoo finance. Stock market just broke 10,000 for the first time since 1999.

You folks are too lazy to look up the facts. You think if you hear something on the nightly news, it is a fact. As someone who has done technical interviews with the press and then seen the pathetic article written afterwords --- they never get anything right.

Nazi Germany versus Iraq. Gee, now who was it that invaded Iran in 1980 and killed over 300,000 Iranians. Gee, now who was it who invaded Kuwait in 1990&#39;s. :hmmm:

GB Senior did not remove Saddam at the time because he was afraid it would destablize the region. In hind site, it was probably a mistake. Of course in was during Clinton&#39;s administration that the weapons inspectors were kicked out and Iraq was allowed to go back to their development programs.

ME BIG is right. If your not willing to look up real information and state facts, you are just farting in the wind. :bandhead: :bandhead: :bandhead:

12-15-2003, 04:07 AM
Sorry, you guys are right. Politics do polarize, so I will stop.

LOL - Just want a better world for my kids than what I see now.

12-15-2003, 04:10 AM
And Canada wants a role in the Reconstruction of IRAQ..

LINK (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=1845&ncid=1845&e=1&u=/cpress/20031214/ca_pr_on_na/iraq_saddam_martin)

12-15-2003, 04:16 AM
Let&#39;s get this straight. Canada is not the land of the free, home of the brave. If Canada is so popular, why is it that we are the #1 country in the WORLD to defect to? We must suck really badly. LOL


12-15-2003, 04:20 AM
Could it be that someone blows up your crap and then all of a sudden everyone of that race or color is suddenly a target by the goverment?

My wife works first hand with refugees who have been kicked out of the USA where they have been living for 20+ years, not allowed to sell there houses, just asked to leave as soon as possible, some leaving behind businesses, assets and leaving with nothing, to come to a country such as Canada to live, where we accept them with open arms and support them with food housing and education.

Lets get things straight&#33;

12-15-2003, 04:26 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS OPTIMUS@Dec 15 2003, 12:10 AM
And Canada wants a role in the Reconstruction of IRAQ..

LINK (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=1845&ncid=1845&e=1&u=/cpress/20031214/ca_pr_on_na/iraq_saddam_martin)
Again, let the U.S. do all the dirty work and now your country wants its hand in the pie. Well I say **** all the countries that didn&#39;t support the US. Why should we give you a ****ing cent? We just spent over a 100 billion dollars to free this country, why should the US let other countries get a piece of it back? Let our own contractors earn back the damn money that our hard working American tax payers have put in. You don&#39;t deserve sh&#33;t&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

12-15-2003, 04:30 AM
We must be forcing your country to do all the work i guess right? "Ok Slice - Im Canadian - your American - now go jump off that bridge"

Do you not understand that Canada, was not targeted by the terrorists?

We dont want anything.. we are canadians who enjoy life, and make love not war.


12-15-2003, 04:31 AM
I Just wanted to say "Hi" to everyone out there spectating LOL

Merry Christmas.

12-15-2003, 04:32 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS OPTIMUS@Dec 15 2003, 12:20 AM
Could it be that someone blows up your crap and then all of a sudden everyone of that race or color is suddenly a target by the goverment?

My wife works first hand with refugees who have been kicked out of the USA where they have been living for 20+ years, not allowed to sell there houses, just asked to leave as soon as possible, some leaving behind businesses, assets and leaving with nothing, to come to a country such as Canada to live, where we accept them with open arms and support them with food housing and education.

Lets get things straight&#33;
Please, you better staple your lip now. I have witnessed Cubans come afloat amongst our shores in person in my own backyard. (I live on the Atlantic Ocean) They have all been granted right to stay and live in our Country.

12-15-2003, 04:32 AM
this thread got uber hi-jacked.

12-15-2003, 04:33 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS OPTIMUS@Dec 14 2003, 06:31 PM
I Just wanted to say "Hi" to everyone out there spectating LOL

Merry Christmas.
Developing drama draws us like vultures to a kill. :oooo:

12-15-2003, 04:34 AM
Back that up. My wife works in a shelter, i have met the refugees myself.

Do you know why The White House is called the "White House"?

- The building was dubbed the White House because it was painted white to hide the scorch marks, we burned it in 1814. But we were brits then.


12-15-2003, 04:35 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS OPTIMUS@Dec 14 2003, 09:31 PM
I Just wanted to say "Hi" to everyone out there spectating LOL

Merry Christmas.

keep up the good work; flame on. ;)
Although, there really isn&#39;t any flaming, yet. :shifty:

12-15-2003, 04:37 AM
I will not let this turn into a flame war. This is nothing personal - I am not a DRAMA QUEEN i am having a discussion, and that is all. I understand where Slice is coming from :)

(Shaking slices hand)


12-15-2003, 04:40 AM
Back on topic.
Removing an insaniac who tortures and kills his own people for chewing the wrong flavored gum is a good thing.

12-15-2003, 04:44 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Dan2@Dec 14 2003, 11:40 PM
Back on topic.
Removing an insaniac who tortures and kills his own people for chewing the wrong flavored gum is a good thing.
Agreed, but really who says that George W, or any leader of a country doesnt dictate? lol

Its scary to think about.

12-15-2003, 04:45 AM
all i have to say about him is below....

12-15-2003, 04:46 AM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Dec 14 2003, 11:45 PM
all i have to say about him is below....
Glad hes gone&#33; i dont know how much control he had from his rat hole anyways LOL

Nice pic JIM&#33;

12-15-2003, 04:49 AM
#1 USA spends &#036; 276,700,000,000 yearly on military..
#2 China with &#036; 55,910,000,000 yearly

Why do they have to spend so much more?
Thats a lot of cake.

12-15-2003, 04:49 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS OPTIMUS@Dec 15 2003, 12:30 AM
We must be forcing your country to do all the work i guess right? "Ok Slice - Im Canadian - your American - now go jump off that bridge"

Do you not understand that Canada, was not targeted by the terrorists?

We dont want anything.. we are canadians who enjoy life, and make love not war.

That is fine and dandy but not the real world. So what you are saying is you want to isolate yourselves and not make any decisions but still want free trade. Well you are right Canada is not in a position to make any decisions or back those decisions.

12-15-2003, 04:52 AM
It&#39;s a good day, lighten up people.


12-15-2003, 04:55 AM
Originally posted by Slice+Dec 14 2003, 11:49 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Slice @ Dec 14 2003, 11:49 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-OUTLAWS OPTIMUS@Dec 15 2003, 12:30 AM
We must be forcing your country to do all the work i guess right?&nbsp; "Ok Slice&nbsp; - Im Canadian - your American - now go jump off that bridge"

Do you not understand that Canada, was not targeted by the terrorists?

We dont want anything.. we are canadians who enjoy life, and make love not war.

That is fine and dandy but not the real world. So what you are saying is you want to isolate yourselves and not make any decisions but still want free trade. Well you are right Canada is not in a position to make any decisions or back those decisions. [/b][/quote]
I guess it must be cause we dont own as many "guns" as the USA.

Deaths per year by firearms.

USA 11,126
Germany 381
France 255
Canada 165
UK 68
JAP 39

Yet we are so close together.


12-15-2003, 04:55 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Dan2@Dec 14 2003, 10:40 PM
Back on topic.
Removing an insaniac who tortures and kills his own people for chewing the wrong flavored gum is a good thing.
W3RD&#33;&#33; Fact is, bad was taken out, better is taking over. If you don&#39;t like the way the US does things, well then if you aren&#39;t in the US, please keep your comments to yourself. No one is perfect, that is just something that the US will have to live with. As for this Candian stuff, well I haven&#39;t read anything or been on top of it, but if you don&#39;t like it, do mack it, you don&#39;t live here. That again, I don&#39;t see you supportings our goverments say so, so please have some respect there.

I am in no way favoring anyone. I don&#39;t like war, plain and simple, but when people start argueing over something stupid, and it is blatent that Saddam IS in the wrong, who wouldn&#39;t take him out? People say it was wrong, but maybe they are just going on the bandwagon and don&#39;t have the ballz to step in and do something about it. Sorry, but someone claiming they have weapons like that, that could destroy the planet that we live on, well it should be a group force that should step in and make sure that it doesn&#39;t happen, and that they don&#39;t exist&#33;

If we could all just get along, and live our own lives, the world would be a better place. :)

12-15-2003, 04:58 AM
uh, destroy the planet we live on..... you would be describing us,
nobody has made any type of claims like that for iraq...

12-15-2003, 04:59 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS OPTIMUS@Dec 15 2003, 12:49 AM
#1 USA spends &#036; 276,700,000,000 yearly on military..
#2 China with &#036; 55,910,000,000 yearly

Why do they have to spend so much more?
Thats a lot of cake.
So that we don&#39;t have another Pearl Harbor... It must be great to spectate and judge us. You ****ing piss me off because you are biased. If you don&#39;t think you are then just take your statement of why do you think they chose America. That ****ing sickens me and you are now equal to the sh&#33;t that I almost stepped in last week.

12-15-2003, 05:01 AM
I have to admit, Canadians can drink and hold their liquer. We have friends down the street from Canada and they make great mixed drinks, especially Cosmo.

Who can drink more beer (and hold it)? Canadians or Europeans? :drink:

12-15-2003, 05:04 AM
Originally posted by Slice+Dec 15 2003, 12:59 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Slice @ Dec 15 2003, 12:59 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-OUTLAWS OPTIMUS@Dec 15 2003, 12:49 AM
#1 USA spends &#036; 276,700,000,000&nbsp; yearly on military..
#2 China&nbsp; with &#036; 55,910,000,000&nbsp; yearly

Why do they have to spend so much more?
Thats a lot of cake.
So that we don&#39;t have another Pearl Harbor... It must be great to spectate and judge us. You ****ing piss me off because you are biased. If you don&#39;t think you are then just take your statement of why do you think they chose America. That ****ing sickens me and you are now equal to the sh&#33;t that I almost stepped in last week. [/b][/quote]
Oh don&#39;t forget we probably have spent a few billion to cover your asses as well. :rolleyes:

12-15-2003, 05:23 AM
Originally posted by Slice+Dec 14 2003, 11:59 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Slice &#064; Dec 14 2003, 11:59 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-OUTLAWS OPTIMUS@Dec 15 2003, 12:49 AM
#1 USA spends &#036; 276,700,000,000* yearly on military..
#2 China*&nbsp; with &#036; 55,910,000,000* yearly

Why do they have to spend so much more?
Thats a lot of cake.
So that we don&#39;t have another Pearl Harbor... It must be great to spectate and judge us. You ****ing piss me off because you are biased. If you don&#39;t think you are then just take your statement of why do you think they chose America. That ****ing sickens me and you are now equal to the sh&#33;t that I almost stepped in last week. [/b][/quote]
Wow, Slice, I wasnt getting upset - but i guess you are&#33; Take a breather.

As for me i was educated in the NY state school system up to grade 8. I was a canadian student who was driven over the border every morning to go to school in lewiston, NY.

It was quite interesting for me to learn in this enviroment, as every fellow student, tried to pick on me and put me down for being a Canadian. I have to admit, they tried pretty hard, but it never worked. Everytime i went over the border i couldnt figure out why Canadian custom officers didnt carry guns but USA customs officers did?&#33;

I was exposed to american history, and we even spent a year learning Canadian history.

My mother being an American citizen as well sure helped me respect the USA.

Slice - When did the Usa cover our ass?

And Slice relax, this is not a personal attack on any american but a open discussion. Im 25 slice. I may have different views then you but thats no reason to talk like this.

That ****ing sickens me and you are now equal to the sh&#33;t that I almost stepped in last week.*
Slice Posted on Dec 14 2003, 11:58 PM

solid snake295
12-15-2003, 05:40 AM
i used to have respect for you slice, not any more man :down: :WTF:

12-15-2003, 05:47 AM
ahhhh politics. it just takes a little while before it changes to sh1t slinging
and hurt feelings....
i guess it is time for this topic to be locked....

12-15-2003, 05:50 AM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Dec 14 2003, 10:47 PM
i guess it is time for this topic to be locked....
Ok, I&#39;ll lock it. But before I do, I just wanted to say kudos to EricC, who obviously was able to get this fire roaring. He seldom posts, but he sure knows the sweet spots.

Wow, this is the last post, I can say anything&#33;&#33; and nobody can respond&#33;&#33; ahahah POWER&#33;&#33;

solid snake295
12-15-2003, 05:51 AM

12-15-2003, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by solid snake295@Dec 14 2003, 10:51 PM
touche&#33; [sp?]

12-15-2003, 05:53 AM
Yes lock please before SIRC gets back and comments.


solid snake295
12-15-2003, 05:53 AM
dont you hate it when you have food that requires dipping sauce and you put way too much sauce on the plate.... i just did that, i must have drank half a bottle of blue cheese :spam:

solid snake295
12-15-2003, 05:57 AM

12-15-2003, 05:58 AM
I love DD&#39;s avatar&#33;

12-15-2003, 06:01 AM
Originally posted by solid snake295@Dec 15 2003, 01:40 AM
i used to have respect for you slice, not any more man :down: :WTF:
Like I care.

solid snake295
12-15-2003, 06:05 AM
oh you do..... :shifty:

12-15-2003, 06:09 AM
what i think u should do slice to get back at us bad bad canuks is to stop using the word AmeriCANs how bout


Hey after all it worked with freedom fries did it not :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

12-15-2003, 06:16 AM
I am American&#33; I pay taxes and a lot of them. I am sick and tired of being put down by other countries that don&#39;t do sh&#33;t to help out in global conflicts. Yes there are a lot of problems in the world that need to be resolved, but Rome wasn&#39;t built in a day either. One at a time. Funny how all countries bring up your flaws in time of war. So everyone elses sh1t smells like roses in the world I guess eh? Well my sh1t stinks and too ****ing bad.

12-15-2003, 06:18 AM
Oh and one more thing, I would die for my country&#33;

12-15-2003, 06:20 AM
freedom toast or what is know as French Toast (which was named after Joseph French, the American chef who invented it, and has nothing to do with France).

I don&#39;t care about your politics, you&#39;re an idiot for calling it "Freedom Toast"&#33;

12-15-2003, 06:24 AM
Hey Slice give it up man. You turned this topic into what it is now, i was merely having a educated discussion.

I respect you comments and beliefs, but for you to only think one way is pig headed and immature&#33; You have to maintain an open mind.

Did you see "Bowling for Columbine"?

Watch it please.

I am not commenting on this anymore. Good bless america for catching that TURD SADDAM&#33;

Ps. I would die for Canuckism also&#33;

PSS. I love Fur TRADERS&#33; :P

12-15-2003, 06:28 AM
Night all.

12-15-2003, 07:27 AM
y&#39;all need to ****ing grow up&#33;&#33; Dieing for you country, hell yea, you should&#33;&#33; If you won&#39;t then what part you have being in it&#33;

Dam a good thing happend and people get bent outta shape&#33; Reread the topic, he was caught&#33; A good thing happened, end of story&#33; But if yall seem to bicker about small talk about this, well do it on your own&#33; This is GM, where we talk about games and stuff. GROW UP&#33;

Hell yes I will defend my country, but to sit here and let peeps argue about pitty **** like this, it just ****ing redicilous&#33; I got my piece, people leave me alone, and if I have to I will go further on&#33; Yea I die for not my country, but what is meant to be right&#33; The way it should be&#33; Canadians, take a chill pill, Slice, dude tone it back a bit, DAMN&#33;&#33;&#33;

Next **** post, this thread will be gone&#33; Act your age, acknoledge the good, Saddam is caught, great news for all&#33;

Oh yea, I got my piece ready. That just one of em :P Call me physco, everyone has there defence&#33; This is just mine. As long as I can work, and make a living, I am kewl. You mess with my country and say you have weapons of mass destruction, then I am aggro to you. We are mostly adults here, please act that way and have a good conversation, not a flaming one.

Grimmy aggroes JOO&#33; :P

I speak the music I listen to, puts me in the MOOD&#33; :jammin: DTA&#33;

12-15-2003, 08:00 AM
I like Canada&#33; :thumbs:

proud Canadian. but.. um.. to be honest i never really agreed with the war, because in all honesty, im not sure how soldiers killing each other solves the worlds problems. Ill kill some.. you kill some.. in the end we are all just killing each other.

and plus.. how many weapons of mass destruction does the US of A have.. and they have used em before...

but to be honest i love America. its just us canadians and americans get a little bit too patriotic sometimes. I know us Canadians are often fence squatters.. or whiners. But we like peace. and *gasp*.. Americans Can be a little bit arrogant somtimes&#33;

but we all love each other.. now dont we?? eh eh???


solid snake295
12-15-2003, 08:04 AM
Grimmy has a good point. we should all call him a psycho, lol :P

(oh ya mr fancy pants, i got a big knife to :devil: ) (( i knew this scanner was good for somthing))

12-15-2003, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by Ra&#092;/en@Dec 15 2003, 02:00 AM
but we all love each other.. now dont we?? eh eh???

I wub joo Raven&#33; Now just get a hair cut so I don&#39;t have to come up there and pull it out&#33; :devil: :rofl: I just shaved my head today man. Will have to send ya a pic :cool:

12-15-2003, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS BOSTON SHOCKER@Dec 14 2003, 06:56 PM
what i want to know is where is all the weapons of mass destruction thats why the U.S went there isnt it? If they can find a guy in a rat hole how come they havent found 1 nuke or any chemical weapons ???

:thumbs: congrats U.S you have crushed a poverty stricken country :thumbs:

Your prizes include a old man in a hole and &#036;75,000

be proud
Right On&#33;&#33;&#33; :thumbs:

I&#39;m a democrat in a sea of brainwashed republicans

12-15-2003, 12:15 PM

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
12-15-2003, 01:21 PM
You guys make me laugh.

12-15-2003, 02:22 PM
:dunno: where&#39;s Sirc when you need him? :rofl:

yeah, right :rolleyes:

nice read, nice knife :thumbs:

bye bye Saddam :wave: :wave:

12-15-2003, 03:41 PM
I personnaly enjoy living in a country where I dont need a Rambo knife
or a gun...
where 3 officers dressed in dukes of hazard attire stop you and throw you in
jail for a month because you got 20&#036; of pot on you....
when I watch "cops" I freak out man......
or beign roasted alive on a chair for a crime you didn&#39;t commit...
dont get me wrong...I applaud what the US is doing and I would encourage them
to go even further..
but it&#39;s not my fault our military is a joke...
and I much prefer living in a "moderate" country....

and Slice... I always thought you were an idiot....

Thanks for confirming it &#33;&#33; :thumbs:

12-15-2003, 04:42 PM
lol nick, you pretty much hit all the stereotypes....
enjoy winter in the frozen wasteland you call home (another stereotype)

He Is Legend
12-15-2003, 06:25 PM
If you live in the U.S.

You die for the U.S.

If your Dem or Rep it doesnt matter, if you live in the u.s. you should atleast try and serve...

So everyone that says there not glad STFU??&#33;?&#33;?&#33;&#33;?&#33;?&#33;?&#33;?&#33;?

True we have a freedom of speech, but not that harsh, if it wasnt for that you could say any of those words you have been saying ( 666 :thumbs: )

If you think you can do better, run for president,


12-15-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Ra&#092;/en@Dec 15 2003, 08:00 AM
I like Canada&#33; :thumbs:

proud Canadian. but.. um.. to be honest i never really agreed with the war, because in all honesty, im not sure how soldiers killing each other solves the worlds problems. Ill kill some.. you kill some.. in the end we are all just killing each other.

and plus.. how many weapons of mass destruction does the US of A have.. and they have used em before...

but to be honest i love America. its just us canadians and americans get a little bit too patriotic sometimes. I know us Canadians are often fence squatters.. or whiners. But we like peace. and *gasp*.. Americans Can be a little bit arrogant somtimes&#33;

but we all love each other.. now dont we?? eh eh???

as far as using the weapon of mass destruction and questioning why america used it, i would like to remind you that it was us that were attacked and lied to. america has always done the diplomatic thing and have always went by the books.

if america was the demon like these other countries, why wouldnt we have just dropped the a bomb on all countries that were threats to us such as russia and china and germany etc etc. that would of easily made us own the world in a non diplomatic way and we america had that power to do so.

if america isnt great, why did we beat germany and save europe twice and rebuild it so that europeans like americans can enjoy a free life as was granted by no govenment but the god you may pray to. america has backed up every country when a dictator has risen yet they seem to get no respect for the forgotten past. thats the price america has to pay.

regarding iraq, we did not just go in there because we think there were weapons of mass destruction. people seem to forget (democrats) that we were diplomatic for many years including the wasted years of the clinton era. (i will also like to remind those who do not know how much of the military mr clinton cut which weakened our country more than imaginable). we went to the un and rules were passed and we waited and waited as they were disregarded by the iraqi administration. they were told that they would face the consequences if they did not comply and they didnt. we had the right to goto war and again america will free and make the lives better for non americans who one day will still spit on us.
this has been very costly for america. i think my anger get the best of me sometimes but i am sure if i lived ther eiw ould want some country to help save me and make my childrens life better than mine. the world is wicked and becomes more evil everyday. while two allies argue (usa/canada) argu among eachother, they fail to see how it all happend or just refusse to look it up.

i do understand slices frustration or other americans frustration due to the lack of respect or backup from other countries. i do not think others should hate him for his feeling especially if they are not american. you must be able to understand why many americans get angry at this sort of thing. we get no credit for anything yet if you really wanted to you can actually see what country does the most for other countries. i do not and am not saying our gov&#39;t is great. i am sure we being the biggest is as corrupt as the other. i care for the people and it is we the people that starts fighting among thing that we really have no clue what is going on. this is how people just hate and hate and hate with out knowing truthfully what is going on. we are all ignorant to even discuss anything about politics because politics suck and is all crooked. we have to remember that we are just humans on this planet that actually all want the same thing but under rules and gov&#39;ts we are inslaved. i do think each county is allowed it&#39;s own choices but to see regular people like us argue over stuff we really have no clue whats going on is just crazy and builds hate.

the only thing i get angry mostly about is people who say something and show no backup to the statement. you can not expect me to take anyone saying clinton did alot of good for the economy with out proper proof. i will rebut the claim and show where clintons were nothing but an embarassemnet and corrupt family that took the white house. as far as those who are domocrats, i feel no need to counter any statements as the demo parties running seem to be shooting themself in their own foot :P i personaly feel embarrassed what democrats are doing in this country. no wonder other countries are looking at us like fools. you can never or will never hear any statement from any democrat on tv when they bash the bush administration. sure like some of the psosts i have read here is the same as they do. they make a ststaemnt but offer no explanation. i would like to hear what they would or should do. i would be enlightened to hear an other perspective. but you see this will not happen and it is to obvious that the only agenda any democrat has is to bash instead actually take part of this war. it&#39;s a discrace that because of the parties in america, things do not get done.

i some times feel there is only one government that plays us all for fools. i let my anger get to me sometimes but realize it&#39;s not worth it and you probably want the same thing as i want, regardless of your country. we all need to count our blessings because there are still many other countries that the people live in a short life of hell.

12-15-2003, 07:41 PM
well, there is no doubt that america has done lots of good things in the world,
and it certainly is a great place to live, and democracy is great, etc.
That being said, america has done lots of shameful things to lots of different
countries. all you need is a pro-american dictator, and then you have america
supplying weapons, military advisors and military training. and lots of these
people have turned around to bite us on the ass. Iraq & Nicaragua just
being a couple of them... Anyway when you read about people in the world
hating americans, it is probably important to understand if american policy
has somehow screwed those people in the past. It isn&#39;t important if we do
the actual screwing or not. If we put a tyrant in power that bleeds his country
dry and leaves the populace starving and destitute then are we not to blame?

12-15-2003, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Dec 15 2003, 03:41 PM
well, there is no doubt that america has done lots of good things in the world,
and it certainly is a great place to live, and democracy is great, etc.
That being said, america has done lots of shameful things to lots of different
countries. all you need is a pro-american dictator, and then you have america
supplying weapons, military advisors and military training. and lots of these
people have turned around to bite us on the ass. Iraq & Nicaragua just
being a couple of them... Anyway when you read about people in the world
hating americans, it is probably important to understand if american policy
has somehow screwed those people in the past. It isn&#39;t important if we do
the actual screwing or not. If we put a tyrant in power that bleeds his country
dry and leaves the populace starving and destitute then are we not to blame?
:thumbs: bravo Jimbo &#33;&#33;

12-15-2003, 08:06 PM
I usually try to stay out of topics like this, But im fed up with all the bashing of my country and i&#39;m glad they caught the SOB&#33; :wootrock:

I understand that when you were born you didn&#39;t have the choice as to where you would be born at but if you don&#39;t like the way things are done here in the USA, Pack your sh&#33;t and get the F out&#33; And take that wench from the Dixie Chicks with ya&#33; :D

As for you @%#& in this thread that dislike the USA or the people that live there, You can kiss my RED WHITE & BLUE Buttocks&#33; ;)

12-15-2003, 08:19 PM
:thumbs: just love

"where is the love, where is the looooooove"

great song :thumbs:

12-15-2003, 08:33 PM

I&#39;ll take all three, thank you&#33;&#33;

12-15-2003, 09:08 PM
I think they should do the tortures that he did to his ppl to him&#33; Where they would cut there toungues,fingers,toes,legs,arms and etc..........&#33; :oooo:

12-15-2003, 09:23 PM
I hope when we catch that other Piece of &#036;hit Bin Laden, we can have another cival chit chat :rofl:

12-15-2003, 10:22 PM
Have any of you lived through the 60&#39;s...or have extreem hippie parents?

Well I have extreem hippie parents and was brought up on ideals of "Make love not war"

Chaotic...You signed up for the draft yet? You say everyone should at least try to serve...So go enlist.

And to Shogun...You have a red white and blue ass?&#33;?&#33;?&#33; :blink: Post a pick of your starspangled hind quarters. :P

12-15-2003, 10:48 PM
well said 666vicious666 and Jim........ :thumbs: i agree with u guys.......

12-15-2003, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by MayHem@Dec 15 2003, 02:48 PM
well said 666vicious666 and Jim........ :thumbs: i agree with u guys.......
Finally a freed mind :wootrock:

BTW Nice avatar MayHem :thumbs:

Burn the Witch
12-15-2003, 11:38 PM
yeah i also agree with vicious and jim.....

You say George Bush is just trying to protect American lives, then tell me this, why have his actions resulted in a war where a few hundred of Americans/British have been killed, with no real end in sight, even now Saddam has been captured? The highest number of American deaths in recent years have been under Bush as President.

God forbid, I&#39;m not defending Saddam, but I truly believe that if you want him to die, you are just as bad as him. Let me get this straight, you want to kill him because he killed people and is evil. How then, please explain, are you allowed to kill him and not also become a terrible person? How does it make you any different?

This patriotism really makes me very sick. It clearly wasnt invented by America though, it even permeates into Shakespears "Henry V". Now, you can talk all you like about saving America, but when you are bleeding to death after having been riddled full of holes and are lying in a ditch coughing up crap, you really won&#39;t give a damn about your country because your leader sent you off to kill others in a war you probably dont fully understand.

12-16-2003, 12:44 AM

12-16-2003, 12:59 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Dec 15 2003, 04:06 PM
I usually try to stay out of topics like this, But im fed up with all the bashing of my country and i&#39;m glad they caught the SOB&#33; :wootrock:

I understand that when you were born you didn&#39;t have the choice as to where you would be born at but if you don&#39;t like the way things are done here in the USA, Pack your sh&#33;t and get the F out&#33; And take that wench from the Dixie Chicks with ya&#33; :D

As for you @%#& in this thread that dislike the USA or the people that live there, You can kiss my RED WHITE & BLUE Buttocks&#33; ;)

12-16-2003, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by Burn the Witch@Dec 15 2003, 07:38 PM
yeah i also agree with vicious and jim.....

You say George Bush is just trying to protect American lives, then tell me this, why have his actions resulted in a war where a few hundred of Americans/British have been killed, with no real end in sight, even now Saddam has been captured? The highest number of American deaths in recent years have been under Bush as President.

God forbid, I&#39;m not defending Saddam, but I truly believe that if you want him to die, you are just as bad as him. Let me get this straight, you want to kill him because he killed people and is evil. How then, please explain, are you allowed to kill him and not also become a terrible person? How does it make you any different?

This patriotism really makes me very sick. It clearly wasnt invented by America though, it even permeates into Shakespears "Henry V". Now, you can talk all you like about saving America, but when you are bleeding to death after having been riddled full of holes and are lying in a ditch coughing up crap, you really won&#39;t give a damn about your country because your leader sent you off to kill others in a war you probably dont fully understand.
It&#39;s called an eye for an eye. When you mass murder 10s of thousands of people what should be done about it? Just sit back smoke your pot and be pacifists. It pisses me off that everyone knows what actions need to take place against dictators like Saddam and when the USA gets their hands dirty doing it we are shunned and frowned upon. Then when the dirty deed is done we get commended and then all the rest of the world wants to capitalize on our achievement. So to answer your question yes the Mvther ****er deserves to DIE&#33;&#33;

12-16-2003, 01:53 AM
heres to canada&#33; :drink:

Americas largest suburb&#33; :jammin:

12-16-2003, 04:24 AM
:watchmovie: However, I am thrilled that he was captured, perhaps he and Osama can be "extra special friends" in prison together on death row if he is captured as well&#33; :devil: :blink:

12-16-2003, 04:26 AM
well, that would be difficult, after they are castrated....
but then i know someone named bubba that could help... :thumbs:

12-16-2003, 04:36 AM
Originally posted by Slice@Dec 15 2003, 09:12 PM
It&#39;s called an eye for an eye.
the eye for an eye thing is an interesting concept. recently in pakistan a man was
convicted for pouring acid on his girlfriend eyes and blinding her. he had some
relatives also that helped. i think they are going to jail. his punishment is to
have acid poured on his eyes and be blinded in a public soccer stadium.
obviously you may or may not feel that it is justified, but it is the same type
of fanaticism that escalates into religious insanity, like in afghanistan where
they would publicly stone women in soccer stadiums for wearing burkas that
were too short or other stupid ass reasons. so how far are you willing to
go with the eye for an eye concept? remember that in our own shady past,
lynchings were not an uncommon thing, and the people that went to them
brought along a festive atmosphere as someone was hung or burned to death.
you may have seen the travelling exhibit that includes plenty of pictures and
postcards that proudly show people posing beside the dead bodies.....

12-16-2003, 05:25 AM
Originally posted by Slice@Dec 15 2003, 05:12 PM
It&#39;s called an eye for an eye.
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

Mohatma Ghandi-

12-16-2003, 05:45 AM
Originally posted by 666vicious666+Dec 16 2003, 01:25 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (666vicious666 @ Dec 16 2003, 01:25 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Slice@Dec 15 2003, 05:12 PM
It&#39;s called an eye for an eye.
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

Mohatma Ghandi- [/b][/quote]
It is a sacrifice and it is figurative. You do have 2 eyes....

12-16-2003, 06:02 AM
I&#39;d die for my cat, but I&#39;m not sure about my country. :shifty:

I would be proud to fight with other "good" people, but I wouldn&#39;t be proud for helping a lame president.

Slice + me = Christmas Tree

12-16-2003, 06:05 AM
Originally posted by merkwannabe@Dec 16 2003, 06:02 AM
I&#39;d die for my cat, but I&#39;m not sure about my country. :shifty:

I would be proud to fight with other "good" people, but I wouldn&#39;t be proud for helping a lame president.

Slice + me = Christmas Tree
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

12-16-2003, 06:08 AM
Originally posted by Phoenix+Dec 15 2003, 11:05 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Phoenix @ Dec 15 2003, 11:05 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-merkwannabe@Dec 16 2003, 06:02 AM
I&#39;d die for my cat, but I&#39;m not sure about my country.&nbsp; :shifty:

I would be proud to fight with other "good" people, but I wouldn&#39;t be proud for helping a lame president.&nbsp;

Slice + me = Christmas Tree
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: [/b][/quote]
witty, yet not funny. :rolleyes:

12-16-2003, 06:10 AM
Originally posted by merkwannabe@Dec 16 2003, 02:02 AM
I&#39;d die for my cat, but I&#39;m not sure about my country. :shifty:

I would be proud to fight with other "good" people, but I wouldn&#39;t be proud for helping a lame president.

Slice + me = Christmas Tree
He he actually I just got my Christmas tree today. :)

12-16-2003, 06:12 AM
Cha cha cha chia....

12-16-2003, 06:12 AM
(note that this has nothing to do with the current topic)

12-16-2003, 07:14 AM
OK 666Vicious666,
this explains a lot:

Have any of you lived through the 60&#39;s...or have extreem hippie parents?

Well I have extreem hippie parents and was brought up on ideals of "Make love not war"

You pretty much admit that your entire ideology is based on your parents hippie experience, not your own. Time for a history lesson young one.

Your parents were actually protesting the Democratic Administration. Unfortunately Vietnam Conflict (military advisors and troop escalation) was a product of Kennedy and Johnson. It was called a conflict because war was never declared. Troops sent by presidential order. What country were we trying to bail out? Our survey says ---- France. South Vietnam was a French territory and they were in a military conflict with the North Vietnese. Unfortunately the french bailed after we committed troops. What was the political party of the President who pulled us out of Vietnam? Our survey says --- Republican (Richard Nixon). :hmmm: I admit he was a dumb-ass for trying to cover up a DNC office burglary/wire tap. :bandhead:

Reaganomics - For those of us old enough to remember, we were in a serious recession because of 4 years under Carter (Yes Democrat). Reagan pulled us out of the recession and delivered the longest running GDP growth in the history of this country. Bush continued this but had a short recession that cost him the election. When did positive GDP growth begin again? Our survey says --- 4th quarter of Bush Senior&#39;s last year in office. Ooops, that&#39;s before Clinton took office. Who did Clinton pick to continue the financial policies of Bush Senior? Our survey says --- Alan Greenspan (sorry another republican and Bush appointee). When were the tax increases implemented that economist gave credit for balancing the budget? --- 1990 --- Wow that was under president Bush. Yes, he was willing to sacrific his political future for the good of the country. Also a pilot in WWII.

Now I am guessing that you got out and protested the Democrats when Clinton changed the mission of our troops in Somolia from peace keepers and food delivery and tried to go toe to toe with the warlords. Seems I remember Americans getting killed and some special forces soldiers getting abandoned by our president and having their bodies dragged through the streets.

Now I am also guessing that you protested the Democrats when Clinton used military action in Bosnia. Seems Europe had a little problem with an evil dictator and needed the US to come in a kick some Butt. Yes, US soldiers died in that country.

Now I am also guessing that you protested Clinton and the Democrats ordering a worthless missle attack against Afganistan in response to Bin L. killing some Americans on the USS Cole.

If you didn&#39;t --- we call that hipocracy.

Unfortunately, North Korea started a nuclear weapons development program under Clintons watchful in eyes in 1994 that Bush is having to deal with now. And darn, the weapons inspectors were kick out of Iraq in 1998. Unfortunately, if Clinton had done something about this, we would not have had to guess about WMD in Iraq, now would we.

The cause of the current recession that was marked by negative GDP growth in Clinton&#39;s last two quarters in office and the cause of your economic woes in CA (don&#39;t forget Gray Davis was Gov. not Arnold when your debt problem happened --- ooops - Democrat). Seems that the SEC did not enforce corporate laws very well in the 1990&#39;s. Does the Tech bubble formation and failure ring a bell. Seems companies sold IPOs while having negative profit. Seems that companies reported non-existant profits in 1998 - 2000 and the SEC did not inspect or act. Wow, who had responsibility for the federal Securities and Exchange Commission during all of this corporate wrong doing. Our Survey says - Clinton (Sorry --- Democrat). Well it seems fitting if you have a president who didn&#39;t give a flip about morality and the law, why should corporate america. Those of us with children know how that happens. Besides, he was busy recruiting a 20 year old intern so that he could have sex with her in his office.

Like it or not, the freedom you keep spouting was bought with blood and sacrific. Please educate yourself before putting things in print. That&#39;s as dumb as saying "I did not have sex with that woman". Final question to you Vicious. If you believe in peace and love --- why do you play video games that depict war, killing and violence??? :unsure: :wacko: :blink:

JIMINATOR - I do agree with some of what you have said (fortunately you have discussed experience philosophy instead of spouting political garbage). That, most normal people will respect. You are correct that we have more evil people out there than we can deal with and one is replaced with another. Both Dems and Repub. have put evil dictators in power.

In closing:
I love my country and would not pick any other place to raise my family. I also believe in getting the facts before I speak. Not believing some dumb-ass reporter on the TV.

12-16-2003, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by UZI@Dec 15 2003, 09:14 PM
Final question to you Vicious. If you believe in peace and love --- why do you play video games that depict war, killing and violence??? :unsure: :wacko: :blink:

12-16-2003, 11:28 AM
Uzi, I&#39;m on your side but there is too much truth in what you post. It will be extremely difficult for most of the flamers to read that whole thing&#33; (Let alone understand it)

12-16-2003, 03:10 PM
:D Yet another political thread gone wild :D

12-16-2003, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Sepra@Dec 16 2003, 11:10 AM
:D Yet another political thread gone wild :D
Pssst, take note... I am not involved this time&#33;&#33;&#33; I decided to steer clear of this one... :shifty: :wave:

12-17-2003, 12:12 AM
are we done now ? :rofl:

12-17-2003, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by PimpDaddy@Dec 16 2003, 08:12 PM
are we done now ? :rofl:
Hell no&#33; :babe:

12-17-2003, 03:17 AM

12-17-2003, 04:03 AM
Originally posted by UZI@Dec 16 2003, 07:14 AM
OK 666Vicious666,
this explains a lot:

Have any of you lived through the 60&#39;s...or have extreem hippie parents?

Well I have extreem hippie parents and was brought up on ideals of "Make love not war"

You pretty much admit that your entire ideology is based on your parents hippie experience, not your own. Time for a history lesson young one.

Your parents were actually protesting the Democratic Administration. Unfortunately Vietnam Conflict (military advisors and troop escalation) was a product of Kennedy and Johnson. It was called a conflict because war was never declared. Troops sent by presidential order. What country were we trying to bail out? Our survey says ---- France. South Vietnam was a French territory and they were in a military conflict with the North Vietnese. Unfortunately the french bailed after we committed troops. What was the political party of the President who pulled us out of Vietnam? Our survey says --- Republican (Richard Nixon). :hmmm: I admit he was a dumb-ass for trying to cover up a DNC office burglary/wire tap. :bandhead:

Reaganomics - For those of us old enough to remember, we were in a serious recession because of 4 years under Carter (Yes Democrat). Reagan pulled us out of the recession and delivered the longest running GDP growth in the history of this country. Bush continued this but had a short recession that cost him the election. When did positive GDP growth begin again? Our survey says --- 4th quarter of Bush Senior&#39;s last year in office. Ooops, that&#39;s before Clinton took office. Who did Clinton pick to continue the financial policies of Bush Senior? Our survey says --- Alan Greenspan (sorry another republican and Bush appointee). When were the tax increases implemented that economist gave credit for balancing the budget? --- 1990 --- Wow that was under president Bush. Yes, he was willing to sacrific his political future for the good of the country. Also a pilot in WWII.

Now I am guessing that you got out and protested the Democrats when Clinton changed the mission of our troops in Somolia from peace keepers and food delivery and tried to go toe to toe with the warlords. Seems I remember Americans getting killed and some special forces soldiers getting abandoned by our president and having their bodies dragged through the streets.

Now I am also guessing that you protested the Democrats when Clinton used military action in Bosnia. Seems Europe had a little problem with an evil dictator and needed the US to come in a kick some Butt. Yes, US soldiers died in that country.

Now I am also guessing that you protested Clinton and the Democrats ordering a worthless missle attack against Afganistan in response to Bin L. killing some Americans on the USS Cole.

If you didn&#39;t --- we call that hipocracy.

Unfortunately, North Korea started a nuclear weapons development program under Clintons watchful in eyes in 1994 that Bush is having to deal with now. And darn, the weapons inspectors were kick out of Iraq in 1998. Unfortunately, if Clinton had done something about this, we would not have had to guess about WMD in Iraq, now would we.

The cause of the current recession that was marked by negative GDP growth in Clinton&#39;s last two quarters in office and the cause of your economic woes in CA (don&#39;t forget Gray Davis was Gov. not Arnold when your debt problem happened --- ooops - Democrat). Seems that the SEC did not enforce corporate laws very well in the 1990&#39;s. Does the Tech bubble formation and failure ring a bell. Seems companies sold IPOs while having negative profit. Seems that companies reported non-existant profits in 1998 - 2000 and the SEC did not inspect or act. Wow, who had responsibility for the federal Securities and Exchange Commission during all of this corporate wrong doing. Our Survey says - Clinton (Sorry --- Democrat). Well it seems fitting if you have a president who didn&#39;t give a flip about morality and the law, why should corporate america. Those of us with children know how that happens. Besides, he was busy recruiting a 20 year old intern so that he could have sex with her in his office.

Like it or not, the freedom you keep spouting was bought with blood and sacrific. Please educate yourself before putting things in print. That&#39;s as dumb as saying "I did not have sex with that woman". Final question to you Vicious. If you believe in peace and love --- why do you play video games that depict war, killing and violence??? :unsure: :wacko: :blink:

JIMINATOR - I do agree with some of what you have said (fortunately you have discussed experience philosophy instead of spouting political garbage). That, most normal people will respect. You are correct that we have more evil people out there than we can deal with and one is replaced with another. Both Dems and Repub. have put evil dictators in power.

In closing:
I love my country and would not pick any other place to raise my family. I also believe in getting the facts before I speak. Not believing some dumb-ass reporter on the TV.
:thumbs: :thumbs:

uzi, i knew you were going to love it here :thumbs:

12-17-2003, 01:29 PM
He does doesn&#39;t he? :thumbs:

12-17-2003, 01:41 PM

Die Hard
12-17-2003, 01:58 PM
So when are you running for office Uzi :w00t:

12-17-2003, 06:12 PM
I don&#39;t think my heart could take the stress.

I&#39;ll stick to GM :jammin:

GM RULES :jammin: GM RULES :jammin: GM RULES :jammin:


GM RULES :jammin:
GMtyherdhe RuLejsfjf :jammin:
GMfdthetjralkxzjfe :jammin:

:drink: :drink: :drink:


12-17-2003, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by UZI@Dec 17 2003, 01:12 PM
I don&#39;t think my heart could take the stress.

I&#39;ll stick to GM :jammin:

GM RULES :jammin: GM RULES :jammin: GM RULES :jammin:


GM RULES :jammin:
GMtyherdhe RuLejsfjf :jammin:
GMfdthetjralkxzjfe :jammin:

:drink: :drink: :drink:

:rolf1: :rolf1: :rolf1: