View Full Version : He REALLY wants to be in Villains

12-15-2003, 01:19 PM
Hi Villains,

I was just in the Villains server when behold there was yet another Villains faker.
This time it was a differnet name. So, I thought of a plan. Nitro was gonna make a guest appearance as Villain. When that happened, man did he talk . He had no problem talking to me. (Check the log Crazy) Here aer some pics of this at 7:30 AM EST

oh, and he said he REALLY wants to be in Villains =) :angel:

12-15-2003, 01:20 PM
:oooo: he was askin me how to get the colors right! :rofl: :rofl:

12-15-2003, 01:24 PM
a little bit of conv:

me: but u fake bad cuz you got the colors wrong^r
him: can u give me the color?^r
me: if u tells me what name u use usually^r
him: my name serious thom^r
me: u must like villains alot right?^r
him: yes^r

(Villains)****Death Sentence****
12-15-2003, 01:55 PM
invite him on gm, we need to know him better i think, also say to him to not wear the tag if he isn't in a clan...

btw thanx nitro :thumbs:

(but don't wear the tags again :devil: ;) :P )

12-15-2003, 04:57 PM
it wasn't me

12-15-2003, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by long-island-ice-tea@Dec 15 2003, 04:57 PM
it wasn't me

Fred Bear
12-15-2003, 06:53 PM
this is just the kind of talk we DON'T need in Villains :down:

12-15-2003, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Fred Bear@Dec 15 2003, 06:53 PM
this is just the kind of talk we DON'T need in Villains :down:
aggree :loser: :loser:

@nitr: u just want to be cool?? eh dude, you're a good player so why u need to talk trash???

12-15-2003, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by huggy@Dec 15 2003, 03:50 PM
i dont think nitro is insulting anyone,do a search for the word *****z,you will find it has nothing to do with what you think he means
for all you ppl who dont talk ghetto, "*****" actually means "friend" So plz dont jump to conclusions and get the facts straight . I HATE being prosecuted on false accusations -thanks

Fred Bear
12-15-2003, 09:06 PM
sounds like trash to me

12-15-2003, 09:07 PM
yea, like i would be soo stupid as to trashtalk in a villains server where everything is logged...just think guys and stop backstabbingly accuse everyone..plz

12-15-2003, 09:08 PM
if u dont know what somthing means dont talk about until you find out e.g. Fred Bear

12-15-2003, 09:12 PM
are you white? why don't you try going up to a group of black people
and saying "hi *****z!!"

do you think they will hug you or kick your ass?

and I don't want to hear about how you have black friends...

12-15-2003, 09:16 PM

12-15-2003, 09:21 PM
I thought villains rocked :rofl:

*****z something with gangster rap (google)

12-15-2003, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Dec 15 2003, 09:12 PM
are you white? why don't you try going up to a group of black people
and saying "hi *****z!!"

:rofl: :rofl:

12-16-2003, 04:05 AM
It's slang that hasn't totally been accepted by all cultures! That's it in a nut shell!

12-16-2003, 04:39 AM
yeah, and more importantly i think a lot of black people would be
offended by your use of the term, regardless of how you address your

Fred Bear
12-16-2003, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by nitrostatic@Dec 15 2003, 04:08 PM
if u dont know what somthing means dont talk about until you find out e.g. Fred Bear
ummmmm,,, to me it's a negative term and I for one have no use for it. I'm just saying the Villains stand for fair play and this term is not villain like. thats all.

Die Hard
12-16-2003, 10:59 AM
Nitro, Fred is right.

Whether you believe it or not. The fact is that more people
would find what you said offensive.

Well said Fred :thumbs:

12-16-2003, 03:54 PM