View Full Version : hi everione

12-15-2003, 02:06 PM
hi I an new in this forums, and a fan of UT, mostly deatmatch, I am one of those players with no clan that just play for fun and distracton :lol: (after all one need some distraction when studing engineering).
and I have a question, how can someone identify a bot? I have seen some weir things, like people kiling someone with a sniper/headshot while doing that fast jump forward, but I am not sure and do not want to give the benefict of doubt, after all once they said I was an aimbot, or people that seem to be able to see troght the walls, or people that do the last kill with a sniper rifle and in the screen they are loking the other way, wath is not true I just love the sniper and after some practice against the machine in sniper arena you get the hang of it.

hi to everione :)

12-15-2003, 02:40 PM
ummm, they have standard names, and ping should be 0 at the end??

12-15-2003, 02:55 PM
yes...their ping is 0...

you don't need aimbot for headshots while double jumping...

I have about 35% headshots on UT server sniper mode and I often do these
while jumping....


12-15-2003, 03:05 PM
well thanks for the advice, this will help, any other thing that caould give clues about who is using abot?
the true is that I just care about plaing most of the tyme

12-15-2003, 03:11 PM
Headshots on the move is just timing and prediction. Good sound system let's you hear where players are in relation to you. Seeing through walls in UT, never heard of it, but if I hear you picking up health viles or adrenalin around that corner, expect a flack shell in the puss when you turn the corner :devil:

I am one of those players with no clan that just play for fun and distracton
I am one of those players in a clan who plays for fun and distraction! :cool:

Bot's = 0 ping lately dumb asses have been playing using the bot names :rolleyes:

oh yeah, welcome to GM nightelve :wave:

12-15-2003, 04:44 PM
aimbots will have like 700 fph....

12-16-2003, 09:02 AM
man, if he sees trought walls then that&#39;s really wallhack. You can easy catch cheater, who uses wallhack:
by spectating and seeing, that he allways knows where&#39;s the enemy
and in game - If some player have really bad moves (n00b), but he are shooting you first behind walls. Try to run around some columns, if he will frag you after 2 secs, he have wallhack :rolleyes: They looks like players with best reflex.

to catch aimbot is more easier. First of all look at moves, if he moves slowly and like sleeping at PC, but shooting increddible, then noob + aimbot
if he plays good and shooting good, then try to catch moment when he turns around 180° very fast and doing headshot, make a demo or tell server admins

I catched few cheaters in quake, too :thumbs:

12-16-2003, 05:16 PM
If you see a player that is jumping around aimlessly and shooting nothing but air, that is sometimes a bot named {DS}Pure_Evil. I can&#39;t remember what server it is though... :hmmm:

12-16-2003, 05:47 PM
Also, if you see a player walking around, then suddenly diving into flack shells and rockets, that&#39;s the {DS}Dissectional bot, can&#39;t remember the server, but you&#39;ll see his name almost always at the bottom of the score board list ;)

12-16-2003, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by <<Hybrid>>@Dec 16 2003, 05:02 AM
when he turns around 180° very fast and doing headshot, make a demo or tell server admins

:blink: I can do that &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
and I use aimbot only infrquently.. :shifty:
( I can&#39;t even load the map packs decently).....

12-16-2003, 11:22 PM
well thanks I think I have found an aimbot user... this is when he do the last kill with a sniper rifle, the game show the image of the player and he is loking 180° from the target, wath is not posible as the sniper autohit or I am rong?
wath do you think?

12-17-2003, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by nightelve@Dec 15 2003, 10:05 AM
well thanks for the advice, this will help, any other thing that caould give clues about who is using abot?
the true is that I just care about plaing most of the tyme
Yes you spawn and die - spawn and die oh wait may be not thats just me I suck :blink: :P

12-22-2003, 04:53 PM
well I saw people with 600 FpH, and once the same person made 1200 FpH :blink:
thats 3 second to locate and kill each target...well I thinks this proves that there ar ebots in the server where I play...will post a picture soon...

12-24-2003, 04:01 AM
If you see someone who you think is just out of this world, and you suspect them of using a bot, spec them and record a demo, and e-mail the admin about it. It&#39;s not wise to start screaming about it in-game, as they might just be really good. Really, I don&#39;t see anyone in servers who I thought was using a bot, although I&#39;ve certainly had my but kicked really badly at times - but those people were just that much better than me, I concluded.