View Full Version : In need of desperate help!!!

11-04-2002, 02:04 PM
ok guys here's the situation: friday night I played a little UT2003, did some general surfing, everything normal... then I wake up on satruday and my computer is off ... so I think ok poweroutage and it didn't turn back on (my monitor and speakers were still on) so I go to turn it back on and I get nothing... absolutely nothing... I try different outlets, nothing.. I try different powercords, nothing... I open up the case and move wires, wiggle stuff around, and still nothing... the only thing that the n00b that I am can come up with is that my powersupply took a shit on me... believe it or not though when taking out my garbage last night I found two junked pcs with powersupplies intact... so I swiped them... I haven't gotten a chance to do any switching yet because I'm not sure if that's what you computer gurus think may be the problem and because I can't tell what wattage the powersupplies are... they're from pentiumII computers though if that helps at all... could someone please throw good ol' Yellow a bone here????????
Antec case (came with PS)
geforce 4 ti4400
SB audigy
tv tuner card
net card
epox 3k8ha+ (something like that)
as you can see i'm not putting any real demand on my powersupply

11-04-2002, 02:09 PM
Defintely sounds like the power supply failed.

11-04-2002, 02:45 PM
Those power supplies won't work in your system. For an XP processor, you need at least a 350w power supply and a Pentium 2 power supply is probably around 200-250w. You might actually do more harm by trying to install them. Newegg has a AMD approved 350w power supply for only $22 + shipping:


I would try that.

11-04-2002, 03:43 PM
alright thanks fellas... I think i'm gonna give Antec a call and see if I can get them to replace the powersupply before I just go out and buy one... if they won't though I'll look into the one you posted Sal... thanks

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-04-2002, 08:40 PM
SAL said it all.

11-06-2002, 09:44 PM
well fellas I've figured out my problem....I called Antec last night and we determined that it was indeed a blown powersupply... it turns out that if you unplug the ps from the mobo and connect the green wire and a black wire with a paperclip (thus bypassing the mobo) anything connected to the ps alone will still work (fans etc)... mine didn't ... but I did try the same trick with one of the ps that I found in the dumpster and it did work.. the only thing is that it's a 235 watt powersupply with isn't enough... so I'm gonna return the ps to antec and get a replacement...unfortunately they wouldn't let me have a 350 or 400 and just take the difference in price so I'm getting another 300... i did get two more case fans from one of the dumpster dives so i also installed them ... hopefully 300w will be enough to run everything ok again... if not I'll just have to get a bigger ps or what i was thinking was running the fans off of my 235 ps and then my mobo and stuff with the 300w ps... we'll see... anyway I hope to send off the crappy ps today and hopefully I'll have a new one in a short period of time... sucks that antec is stationed in CA ..gonna take forever... thanks for the advice though!! I really appreciated it! :D

11-07-2002, 04:11 AM
You shoudl really look into gettting more power soon like sal said not having enough power can be bad on all you other parts so spending 22 dollars now could save you hundreds of dollas down the road......just my two cents

11-07-2002, 06:40 AM
Have you checked ebay out for one?? They probably have them for next to nothing!

11-07-2002, 03:06 PM
well a friend of mine said the he runs off of the same PS that I have and he has all those cool lights inside his pc, plus all kinds of fans and stuff... and he claims to have no problem with his power... another buddy of mine who has practically the identical system as me is just fine and he OC's his vid card and has more fans... I think I just got a lemon... BUT in the event that this new one pisses out on me I'll definitely be taking Sal's advice and get a bigger one

11-07-2002, 05:29 PM
when you get it, sell it to someone and get a bigger one.

11-07-2002, 09:02 PM
ahhhhh not a bad plan my friend.... not a bad plan at all <_<

11-07-2002, 10:23 PM
;) (that is suppose to be a wink lol) B)