View Full Version : +SEALS+

+SEALS+ Platinum Plus
11-05-2002, 01:05 AM
[color=red:18a7a16db0]Hello everyone. My name is Jasan. I am the leader and creator of the[/color:18a7a16db0][color=black:18a7a16db0]+SEALS+[/color:18a7a16db0][color=red:18a7a16db0] clan and we have just upgraded to 1.07 from 1.05. We are elite and there are currently only 4 of us. Now that we are upgraded we would like to recruit some new members. Anyone who is looking to join a clan or would be interested in joining the elite group of SEALS please post here and we will get in touch with you. Once again there are only 4 (four) of us. The current members are as follows:[/color:18a7a16db0]

[color=blue:18a7a16db0]Platinum Plus
Fast Break
Crunch Time

Well like I said if you would like to join us post on this thread and we will get in touch with you A.S.A.P. We need members now since we upgraded so we will look at anyone who wants a shot. Also after i played at most for 30 minutes in 3 different servers i was browsing i noticed a fake SEAL. This is crazy I think since we all had upgraded only an hour ago at most and had only been playing for the past 30 minutes. He played as +SEALS+ Inferno. He is NOT a SEALS member, he is a fake. Thanks for reading and we look forward to all who post.[/color:18a7a16db0]

11-05-2002, 01:07 AM
good luck with recruiting! :)

+SEALS+ Platinum Plus
11-05-2002, 01:08 AM
Thank You.

11-05-2002, 01:10 AM
Good luck guys, and please don't ever post in red again. My eyes are bleeding now. :shock: :D

+SEALS+ Platinum Plus
11-05-2002, 01:12 AM
Lol. Ok I'll use black. Lol.

Dangerous Dan
11-05-2002, 01:16 AM
welcome guys, hope the clan works out for ya, recruiting is always hard, did the bong clan also upgrade? a few of them have been on the 1.07 now as well.

+SEALS+ Platinum Plus
11-05-2002, 01:19 AM
I'm not sure about bongs. I only noticed them playing in the FUNFUN server where they only used cannons. I was cheesybong once in the FIGONA server and he walked around with the cannon the whole time too. In 1.07 so far though I haven't heard one cannon go off so I'm really liking this lol.

+SEALS+ Platinum Plus
11-05-2002, 01:20 AM
I *saw* cheesybong once in the FIGONA server.

11-05-2002, 01:23 AM
[quote="+SEALS+ Platinum Plus"][color=red:60be5d4319]Hello everyone. My name is Jasan. we have just upgraded to 1.07 from 1.05.[/color:60be5d4319]quote]


11-05-2002, 01:44 AM
[quote="Ice!!!"][quote:da5f8ab895="+SEALS+ Platinum Plus"][color=red:da5f8ab895]Hello everyone. My name is Jasan. we have just upgraded to 1.07 from 1.05.[/color:da5f8ab895]quote]


cough where? cough

11-05-2002, 01:45 AM
Welcome at Gamemecca and good luck with ur recruiting

11-05-2002, 01:45 AM
Welcome to Gamemecca.

11-05-2002, 01:46 AM
[quote:21104a2f03="+SEALS+ Platinum Plus"]I *saw* cheesybong once in the FIGONA server.[/quote:21104a2f03]

LOL! That was a Freudian slip. You have a secret desire to BE chessybong. Admit your problem and be free brother! And then join us in the Sirc and Whocares Support Group thread. We can help you. :D

11-05-2002, 01:48 AM
welcome to gamemecca seal

11-05-2002, 01:48 AM
[quote:f62efa70a2="Sirc"][quote:f62efa70a2="+SEALS+ Platinum Plus"]I *saw* cheesybong once in the FIGONA server.[/quote:f62efa70a2]

LOL! That was a Freudian slip. You have a secret desire to BE chessybong. Admit your problem and be free brother! And then join us in the Sirc and Whocares Support Group thread. We can help you. :D[/quote:f62efa70a2]

We are here to help. :idea: :arrow: :!: :arrow: :shock:

11-05-2002, 01:56 AM
[quote="Slice"][quote:2d787c6265="Ice!!!"][quote:2d787c6265="+SEALS+ Platinum Plus"][color=red:2d787c6265]Hello everyone. My name is Jasan. we have just upgraded to 1.07 from 1.05.[/color:2d787c6265]quote]


cough where? cough[/quote:2d787c6265]

COUGHFrom 1.07 to 1.05? LOL.COUGH

11-05-2002, 01:58 AM
Ice u misread something there he typed to1.07 from 1.05

+SEALS+ Platinum Plus
11-05-2002, 02:18 AM
Lol ice is stupid. I realized that when I played him about 10 minutes ago at red station. Haha. Lol im j/k ice.

11-05-2002, 02:19 AM
Where is the rest of your clan?

11-05-2002, 02:24 AM
@ PLatinum - LOL

@ Sauron - DIE BITCH j/k :-P

@ WHOCARES - no clue where they are.

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-05-2002, 02:41 AM
Welcome dude!

11-05-2002, 06:10 AM
[quote:7b4a3395a7="Terminathare"]Welcome to the wonderful world of Gamemecca (Boy, that sounded gay...Sal would be proud :P )[/quote:7b4a3395a7]


11-05-2002, 04:51 PM
Welcome guys

11-05-2002, 06:16 PM
1.05ers,,,, no head up the butt here,,,, and no swimming,,,, good fragging for all,,,,,, welcome guys,,, feel free to spam,,,,I mean post,,, :wink:

+SEALS+ Platinum Plus
11-05-2002, 09:10 PM
Thank you all for all the welcomes. The others aren't here yet because they chose not to get involved in this. They just want to play. One of them will join soon. He is 007, my good friend. But the other 2 won't. By the way we have recruited one new member. His name is Beowulf. He won't be registering at GameMecca either. He said the same thing the others did. It is just me and soon 007 who will be here. Please feel free to get to know the others if you see them in the game though. They are a great bunch of guys. Thanks again for the welcomes.

+SEALS+ Platinum Plus
11-05-2002, 09:19 PM
Current Member's List:

Platinum Plus
Fast Break
Crunch Time

Also 007 was DWF three 6 mafia gunner. He will no longer be in DWF since Ice Slayer told us that DWF is not playing Serious Sam II anymore. He is just +SEALS+ now, not DWF.

11-05-2002, 09:38 PM
[quote:c3b103f906="+SEALS+ Platinum Plus"]Current Member's List:

Platinum Plus
Fast Break
Crunch Time

Also 007 was DWF three 6 mafia gunner. He will no longer be in DWF since Ice Slayer told us that DWF is not playing Serious Sam II anymore. He is just +SEALS+ now, not DWF.[/quote:c3b103f906]

ummh DWF still plays sam but not at the same time as Ice

11-05-2002, 09:56 PM

+SEALS+ Platinum Plus
11-06-2002, 03:39 AM
umm guys I'm confused. My forums page here isn't saying gamemecca. Well it does say gamemecca but it says "invision discussion board" at the top left hand corner. It's really hard to understand the menu. Do you guys have this to? Did it switch to invision discussion board or something?

OUTLAWS The Machine
11-06-2002, 03:40 AM
Originally posted by +SEALS+ Platinum Plus@Nov 5 2002, 10:39 PM
umm guys I'm confused. My forums page here isn't saying gamemecca. Well it does say gamemecca but it says "invision discussion board" at the top left hand corner. It's really hard to understand the menu. Do you guys have this to? Did it switch to invision discussion board or something?
Yes we changed software because of the many bugs that the old software had. See the Welcome thread and post any problems that you might be having.


11-06-2002, 05:42 AM
I have a problem, I lost like 500 posts in my count!

11-06-2002, 11:47 AM
really ???

+SEALS+ Platinum Plus
11-06-2002, 03:53 PM
Hey Sauron. Whats up? I was talking to Ice and he said that DWF doesn&#39;t play at all. Is that true? Also i talked to three 6 mafia gunner and he showed me his name and tags for the DWF and I really like them. Ever since I started the SEALS clan back in 1.05 about 8 months ago we have had the same tags. I think we need new ones. Would you mind if we kind of copied your DWF tags? <"~-._.-~"SEALS"~-._.-~"> like that. Would you mind? We would change the colors of course but we like the design of the tag. Would it be ok if we did ours like this? Let me know ok please. Thanks.

11-06-2002, 05:00 PM
Welcome +SEALS+ I saw you playing last night and you were very good&#33; Welcome.

(Others: Why do I not see their posts in red only lots of brackets and numbers?) :huh:

11-06-2002, 06:09 PM
Forum blindness maybe? B)

11-06-2002, 06:10 PM
I get that too Ada.. seems to occur in every thread i look at all i see is codes everywhere... lol i think i broke something ;)

11-06-2002, 06:30 PM
they just have to edit the posts and remove everything between the : and ] then it should work again

i have done that with my posts in The Ultimate smilie thread

+SEALS+ Platinum Plus
11-06-2002, 07:10 PM
Hey Sauron. Whats up? I was talking to Ice and he said that DWF doesn&#39;t play at all. Is that true? Also i talked to three 6 mafia gunner and he showed me his name and tags for the DWF and I really like them. Ever since I started the SEALS clan back in 1.05 about 8 months ago we have had the same tags. I think we need new ones. Would you mind if we kind of copied your DWF tags? <"~-._.-~"SEALS"~-._.-~"> like that. Would you mind? We would change the colors of course but we like the design of the tag. Would it be ok if we did ours like this? Let me know ok please. Thanks.

11-06-2002, 07:14 PM
Just take different colors I would say.

NOT yellow and blue so that we can see differences :)

+SEALS+ Platinum Plus
11-06-2002, 07:24 PM
OK cool thanks. I already had them created and the colors are different. The tags are similar but the colors are different. Thanks.

11-06-2002, 07:28 PM
Cool I cant wait to see it

+SEALS+ Platinum Plus
11-07-2002, 12:43 AM
ok what do you think? I also changed my name to Cisqo Kid. What do you guys think of our new tags? I&#39;m still thinking about the colors though. I was thinking these blue colors or a white/grey/black mix. What do you think?

11-07-2002, 12:53 AM
yeah why not but i have to se it in game for final judgement :)