View Full Version : BG1 CK

12-26-2003, 04:57 PM
Well, we've been trying to take CK for some time now with no luck :bandhead: The Hibs are probably laughing their asses off at our attempts. We either dont have the bodies to do it or when we do have the bodies, most of them are terrible and wont come together.

I was wondering how many of you have lvl 20 toons and if you would like to get together someday and get that keep for the Albs. We've actually gotten somewhat close one time but like I said, we were just lacking numbers. So far we've had about a group and a half of OoD in BG1 each night but if anyone else is interested give a holler, we could really use more.

12-26-2003, 09:26 PM
We've taken the CK in BG1 with about 1 and a half fg when Keyn was in BG1 (he still is because he still needs to cap out of that damn place)

It's not that hard but nearly impossible if there are defenders (esp Hib mages) and a not organized grp of albs (my experience : nearly always the case in BG1 :P )

Ok now a short summary how we did it: One of us was the leader and we did bring two rams only for the first door of the keep! We had one cabby and a few fire wizzys!

Cabby's nearsighted the Hib mages while the fire wizzards took the rangers and hibs out that where over the keep door! One tank was operating the ram while one healer just healed the ram operator and did nothing else till the door was down.
After a while the hibs didn't come back to defend the ck so we were able to take it!

So u need at least 1 tank one healer and a few long range spellcasters if it is defended! Reaver would nice too to pbAoE the gatekeeper and door to uncover the Nightshades that try to take out the ram operator!

And if u try it the next time and it is defended send me a tell because i still need a few rps to cap out :P

12-28-2003, 05:59 AM
We have now taken CK two days in a row :jammin:

12-28-2003, 03:57 PM
Yep!! :jammin: Way cool!!! :w00t: