View Full Version : hang on awaiting snapshot

Death Engineer
12-27-2003, 07:33 PM
I was forced to reload my computer and am not trying to get q3 running again. I have installed q3, point release 1.32 and UFT as well as the 8 map packs on junkphreak. However, now when I join a game (through all seeing eye), I hang on the awaiting snapshot message. Any ideas?


12-27-2003, 10:06 PM
DE I couldn't think of anything to suggest because i've not seen this before so I used Google and got back a few suggestions.

I'm getting stuck at Awaiting Snapshot...

A number of problems can cause this to occur. Make sure you're not running with an old q3config.cfg file from the demo. Play from a full install of the game and not from the CD. Finally, lower your texture quality and turn on force model, or set geometric detail to low.

Q: I'm getting stuck on 'Awaiting Snapshot'
A: Ok, first make sure you set com_hunkmegs high enough. Do this by adding +set com_hunkmegs 96 or so to the commandline when you start Q3F. Also make sure that you close all background applications as IRC, Gamespy, ICQ, virus scanners, email programs, office taskbar etc etc etc. You might want to tweak it some more, especially on 96 meg systems as while Q3F supports them, for some bigger maps it is tricky to get it running.

Some other things you can try are network related. Before connecting to a server set 'rate 2000;snaps 20;cl_maxpackets 20'. When ingame, you can increase these settings. This should make it easier for you to join a server and get past the initial snapshot. Or see the question above about starting Q3F2 from a shortcut.

Death Engineer
12-28-2003, 05:20 AM
Hmm. Well, I think my problem was related to my name. I finally got into a server and pb kicked me out because I had not filled in the name.

However, now I'm having stranger probs.... now Q3 locks up once in the server after about 10 seconds. /sigh. It all worked perfectly on win98 before I crashed.

I guess I should try reloading it.


12-28-2003, 05:28 AM
ah, sounds all too familiar to me...

12-28-2003, 12:15 PM
I don't want to discourage you, but i could never get Q3 1.32 running on my system ever.
I'm sure youupdated pb and all, but there's always something i miss to download.

Death Engineer
12-30-2003, 06:38 AM
I think I found the answer. Linky (http://www.ozquake.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=276) Anyone know where I can find older Nvidia drivers (series 4x.xx)?


12-30-2003, 08:57 AM
v45.23 (http://www.nvidia.com/object/winxp-2k_45.23) :D

Hope this works for you and Jim

EDIT I tried to download it and it tried to give me v53.04, Use the Mirror site 3 server and it will give you the correct version (v45.23).