View Full Version : True Blades stepping down as alliance leaders.

OUTLAWS The Machine
01-02-2004, 03:20 AM
GMs and Officers had a meeting tonight in which Fewyn announced that TBs are stepping down as the leader of the Alliance. There will be a vote on which guild is to take the position as the alliance leader. Hopefully Fewyn and other GMs will come post their thoughts and plans so we can have a smooth transition and maintain unity within the Alliance.

01-02-2004, 01:28 PM
OK well first payment for /as leaders is the company of some of the greatest people to play the game.. and for those of us that are shallow your name in lights on the herald ;) :wootrock:

At this time no guilds have offered to take over... Its a tough decision to make.. Its also not a decision that any guild should make in haste. I think any guild that is thinking about it should really put time and energy discussing this with their guild.. You are no longer responsible for you and your guilds actions, you are responsible for the guilds that have aligned with you aswell.

Theres not necessarily alot of pressure being the leaders.. Complaints are not common other then the few disputes in /as when people have not seen eye to eye...

I feel that an Alliance Leader should be able to spend time with the alliance and plan things.. As you all know TB hasnt planned anything in ages.. Some of it cause we dont have the time and some of it is because when it was done very few showed and the raids became people standing around trying to figure out what would be good to do with such a small amount of people.. It can be disheartening at times..

Another thing I feel the Alliance leader should be responsible for is policing(sp?)
chat.. Its mostly each individules responsiblity to be a mature person, but when that doesnt pan out, there needs to be someone to say ok enough is enough and that becomes the /as leaders role.. Were we always had a fairly open /as, there are just somethings that shouldnt be said in /as since we do have younger impressionable people among us.. Respect goes along way when everyone is treated with it.. Once that is gone people dont feel the atmosphere anymore and it becomes a hostile and unhappy enviornment..

Also Alliance leaders are responsible for organizing meetings with guilds that are intrested in joining the alliance.. I cant count the meetings that I set up with guilds and completely forgot about only prolonging their acceptance into the alliance over the last few months.. I dont think thats fair to you guys or to the potential guilld...

I feel its just more time consuming then any TB's have to handle atm.. I want nothing but the best for the people I play this game with and just basically feel that I am not giving you guys the time and energy you all deserve...

I can go on for hrs, but unfotunately have to go to work :bandhead:

hope i answered or shed a little light on what i feel a leader should be... (theres more tho, remember that :P )


01-02-2004, 07:16 PM

This is my first post on this board, but I am sure some of you know me. I play the character Figtherbunny lv 50 reaver officer of Albion’s Presences.

I think that any good alliance like a good guild needs more than just a strong leader. We all know that a strong leader is important, but like in a good guild no single person (or in the case of alliance single guild) can organize everything all the time. I think we should delegate duties to guilds much as a guild leader would ask his or her officers to do things for the guild.

These duties could include but not be limited too some of the following:

· A certain guild could be in charge of RvR raids and events. These
events could be monthly and organized by the guild in charge. They could
range from outing to emain where the whole alliance can zerg (even the little
20+ chars) to keep raid where the organizing guild brings the rams. They
could set up duels and 8vs8 matches with other realms through the VN boards.

· Another guild could be in charge of epic encounters and missions. These would
include leading dragon, legion or artefact raids. The guild could hold any
artefact or large drops to only be rolled for by people that show up to at least 3
raids. This would make the raids a on going event that people would show up
for regularly instead of just getting what they need and not coming again. It
would be up to the guild in charge to make the rules and regulations for each
of these raids. They could be set up on a bi-weekly or monthly basis.

· We could have another guild leading ml raids. We need to bring are alliance
through the ml’s as a group. A single day should be picked each week where
this guild would lead the alliance through another part of an ml.

· A guild could be held responsible to help out the new members of the alliance.
Crafting low level gear for new players. Taking these players out into the
DoAC world and getting them xp. Alts from the other guilds could msg this
guild to find the organized guildy groups that would be xping on given days.
This guild could request members of other guilde to come help care for the
young ones.

I fell that we are on the verge of a great change. I hope this change will allow some one to stand up and make this already great group of players even better by allowing us to participate more as an alliance.

Only recently have I gotten the time to really hang out with some of the members of our alliance and I am happier each day to call my self a part of it. (thaxs again to OoD for helping me finish my epic after having fighter at 50 for several months)

These are just a few thoughts. 8)

Death Engineer
01-02-2004, 07:44 PM
I missed a majority of the meeting due to talking on the phone with my parents on New Years Day (also missed doing M1T10 :doh: ). However, I have a few thoughts I'd like to share.

First, I would like to thank the TB people who have been willing to lead our alliance for the past....who knows how many months. Any probs that I have witnessed have been taken care of quickly and judiciously. Most of my experiences were with Fewyn about whom I can't say enough good things. I just hope TB will still be active in the alliance.

Second, please tell your guildmates and other people on the /as chat about our forums. They are a great place to hold polls or just to get some info. Heck, our guild even has threads where people can place crafting orders. It's a great system of communication to add to /as chat. However, if we only have 4% of our alliance visiting the forums, the communication will be far from effective.

Note that I've been on these forums for over a year and have far fewer posts than anyone else. I'm not asking people to post all day long. Just to come visit everyonce in a while and put in your 2 cents when you feel you have some input.

Finally, no matter who leads the alliance, or if others leave for other alliances during the shuffle, I just want everyone to know that how much I appreciate having a friendly helpful alliance. ::hands out drinks and raises glass:: To everyone in the alliance and especially TB... :drink:

01-06-2004, 04:04 PM
Hey all just a quick post before i rush off to work. I play Yburi 50 merc and would just like to reiterate the thought I expressed in the last /as meeting that the /as would be best served by a council of members of 1 person from each guild to be chosen by each guild and that the duties if done right could be minimul for each person but that the alliance as a whole would benefit greatly from a little planning from each GM it is important that we have this input from each guild and with a little work from each council member alot can be done from ML raids to frontier wuppings. Lets make sure all guilds are posting on here and if not lets message the ones that arent if they wanna have a say in the direction the alliance takes they need to post here

Yburi 50 merc
Yburid 42 pally :jammin:

OUTLAWS The Machine
01-06-2004, 05:46 PM
Woot Hi Fighterbunnt and Yburi! :wave:

First of all I would like to apologize for not being very talkative on the lst 2 meetings. the first one I was in the middle of taking a group through ML1 and the second one I was working on ML3. :wacko:

I really like Fighterbunny's post. Sharing the tasks between the guilds sound like an awesome idea. Or even have multi-guild groups assigned to tasks such as epics, MLs, Dragon raids, etc. Have 20-30 people assigned to the epic group and when an epic is needed we wont have to spam for days to get help.

01-07-2004, 02:51 AM
Fair enough Gharac we should work on this soon no huge rush either but soon I am hearing more and more that other /as's are done there ml's and that these are winning fights for them in RvR and ML's one place a dedicated /as could really work. And as far as the number of peeps Gharac is right prob 3 peeps from each guild so i guess not necessarily have to be GM's although they should be at least one Gm in the council trio from each guild might not be easy for all though as some of the guilds are smaller from what i understand.

Yburi :jammin:

01-07-2004, 03:37 AM
I like the idea of the representatives of each guild!
I too like the idea of organizing stuff like ML Raids Keep raids Dragon Raids and so on

One thought about the representatives! I dunno how it is in other guilds but in our guild there are several european players (including myself) so it would be nice if there could be a rep for those too since time zones really can screw you!

And i would suggest to get more /as ppl here since this is a great place to organize things because here u can check when u have the time and u don't have to be on at a certain time just to participate in a meeting!