View Full Version : RVR

01-07-2004, 07:01 PM
I have seen more and more Outlaws venturing out into the RVR world. This is a good thing. I also see some of you getting frustrated. So what I have decided to do is give a few pointers to those of you that are new to the RVR world.

1. Finding Groups
a. I know this is hard at times.... no replies or grps always seem "full". All i can say is keep trying and you should be able to find one.
b. Groups in RVR need some specific classes in each grp to do decent out in rvr also. Just filling up a grp most of the time will turn out in a poor outting if you do not have the right tools. I'm not saying that we can't have Outlaw grps in RVR. It just makes it more enjoyable if you have a grp that can do decent and work with other grps.

2. While in a group
a. Find out who the "Main Assist" or "MA" is. This helps out alot especially when there is mezz. I recommend making a macro. </macro assist /assist (name)>.
b. Try not to spam the chat group (cg).
c. Listen to the group leader.
d. Listen to the leader in cg.
e. If you are able to rez, rez if possible. There are times where someone will beat you to it even if you casted it, there are plenty of realm points (rps) in RVR so dont worry about it.
f. If you are able to carry siege equipment or wood i recommmend it. Keep takes are usually spontanious and is hard to tell when one is going to come up. If you cant carry all the pieces of a ram or a treb that is ok. The wood type mostly used in upgrading doors and seige equipment is Ironwood.
g. STICK TO GROUP LEADER AFTER A BATTLE. There is nothing worse than to have to leave the other grps you are traveling with to get a straggler. This separates people and usually results in death from not being rdy to engage in combat.
h. Try to pan while traveling to look for incoming (INC)
i. Sometimes it is just faster to release than it is to wait for a rez.

Well these are some basic pointers. It takes time to get the feel for RVR. It is totally different than PVE. It is rewarding and it is frustrating. There are some people out there that do not cooperate the rest of the people. Dont make a big deal about it, its not going to change anyways. I hope these help you guys out. Have fun and I hope to see you out RVR. :)

Scottish - Gryphon Knight Armsman

OUTLAWS The Machine
01-07-2004, 07:09 PM
Good post man. :thumbs:

I&#39;m anxious to see the changes in RvR in the new RvR expansion. the maps really look cool and I think it will generate a lot more RvR traffic due to curiosity.

01-07-2004, 08:28 PM
Thanks a ton&#33; Good post. :thumbs:

Death Engineer
01-07-2004, 08:32 PM
The new maps will be a welcome change and will bring alot of the people searching for the latest DAOC stuff back to RvR (from SI/ToA).

01-07-2004, 08:38 PM
Nice post&#33;

One question on that main assist though. Is that MA only for the ones that inflict dmg or is it for all classes? I set it up even though i just spam my mez most of the times in battle&#33;

I noticed it&#39;s hard to get into grps when u just start out but as soon as u been in a few grps u will get into grps more and more easily&#33;

Sauron aka Starvald

01-07-2004, 10:09 PM
Nice to see you here Scottish and thanks for the helpful tips. :wave:

More Outlaws are getting higher in level or have recently turned 50 and we&#39;ll probably be seeing our name in RvR more often now. I&#39;m finding out how different it is out there and definetly have alot to learn.

01-07-2004, 10:21 PM
Thanks Scottish and welcome to GM&#33; :jammin:

If you have a map of Emain, please post it. I get sooooooo turned around out there&#33; :bandhead: Also I would like to know all the names of the keeps and those other divider things are called. :WTF:

01-07-2004, 10:23 PM
Check Kristena&#39;s Maps for Emain and other frontier maps. Those other border thingys are called mile fortresses. AMF= Albion Mile Fortress MMF= Midgard Mile Fortress.

Death Engineer
01-07-2004, 10:57 PM
Kirstena&#39;s maps are in the pinned links thread.

01-10-2004, 02:27 AM
DO NOT LOSE STICK&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; This is something that will really piss people off and it holds up multiple groups. Even if you lag off, if you are paying close attention you will be able to sprint and stay within the speed radius to catch up.

"I&#39;m not saying that we can&#39;t have Outlaw grps in RVR. It just makes it more enjoyable if you have a grp that can do decent and work with other grps."

This is very true. Until you guys get more rps and more RA&#39;s, RvR groups composed of OUTLAWS will not be very successful. Let me tell you- it sucks to be in a crappy group that gets rolled over and over again. You would be better off getting in groups as you can with some more experienced peeps.

Don&#39;t get discouraged, I spend hours each day in Emain and sometimes I can&#39;t find a group. As you spend more time there and build a reputation you will find your way into groups pretty easily.

Also, not all armsman and paladins have to be huge damage dealers. If you have high shield spec you can be valuable in guarding clerics or casters. If you do want to be offensive I strongly suggest respecing to polearms.

Please don&#39;t hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.

01-10-2004, 03:56 PM
I dont know much about how albs play in emain, but i seen them
play in bg1 and honestly, they play like crap, tactics are no way to be found,
mainly small groups run of and get slaughterd by the more TEAMING hibs,
that know that numbers give advantage and knows how to combined

I hope it dosent work like this in emain, also when u try suggest something
that dont fit their ego trip playing styles, they get all upset and complains
about pointless things, is there REAL skilled leaders in emain?

And i have tried to get people to listen, but they are not interrested, 1 plan
is better then no plan and just being a running bunny prey to hibs.