View Full Version : Silent Hill 4

Dark Reign
01-09-2004, 09:32 PM
http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/adventure/sil...ws_6086258.html (http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/adventure/silenthill4theroom/news_6086258.html)

Burn the Witch
01-10-2004, 01:03 AM
nice, hopefully it will be as good as two, and better than three :unsure:

01-10-2004, 04:42 AM
This game is catching up to RE fast, by that i mean actual number of games in the series released!
Nothing like a Konami vs. Capcom battle!

Burn the Witch
01-10-2004, 05:04 AM
P Y R A M I D H E A D ! ! ! ! ! :devil:

Dark Reign
01-10-2004, 06:12 AM
Ahhh Burn....You didn't like SH 3?
Although I'm willing to admit SH 2 was maybe a wee bit scarier, I enjoyed SH 3. Care to share?

Burn the Witch
01-10-2004, 03:37 PM

Also Dark, if this doesnt all make sense to you, I have a link somewhere of some guy explaining it really well, the whole plots of 1-3, but its on the IGN forums and as I cannot post it here, just give me a PM I will send it to you.

I gotta say I only rented SH3, and i never owned SH2, but I did complete that, heh i still have it next to me actually.

After playing a few hours on silent hill 3, it just began to bug me. Basically I found in SH2, that because you weren't constantly tormented by monsters that you would end up freaking yourself out, compulsively looking into every corner incase something was there. That was cool. In Silent Hill 3, the monster design was still creepy, but nothing that rivaled the terrible mannikins/nurses in SH2, and you know what? Because there are so many monsters, it just got ANNOYING! Also, zombie dogs are not original.

The two major things though were A) the plot. It hops around too much, and if you havent played Silent Hill 1 on the PSOne you won't get alot of it. I hadnt playing SH1, so the whole cult thing and the rebirth of Paradise/Sammael the God passed over my head. I have since read the Silent Hill 1/3 scripts, and although I think the whole story connects extremely well, the plot itself hops around too much.

B) Doors. Silent Hill 2 required you to test every door you found, and sometimes this got annoying, but the number of doors you have to test in SH3 is just above and beyond the call of patience.

Other minor things:

Pyramid Head isn't in 3, which is fair enough, but theres no one that replaces him. Sure Valtiel is in 3 but its not the same. Pyramid Head is THE scariest enemy game.

SH2 isn't extremely connected to 1/3, but the plot was amazing in that, eventually after I read posts from different people with different theories on the game, alot more of it makes sense. It was so subtle, and yet so scary, the Apartment block freaked me out, and I thought the hospital was terrifying, but by the time I got to the prison and the labrynth beneath it, I was just a hollow shell of a man. Seriously creepy stuff.

Also, eventually I got that each person saw the monsters differently, based on why they were in Silent Hill, so James see's many of the demons as nurses because he spent alot of time with his wife in a hospital, before he resorted to euthanasia, so the demons are a personification of his guilt -- as nurses. Maria see's them differently, and Laura, the little girl doesnt see them at all -- because she is a child, and thus innocent.

I have nothing else to type. I'm not gonna blast and flame SH3 like I do with other games I'm against (Vice City, FFX-2 etc. :devil: ) because it doesnt deserve that punishment. But its not as good as 2.

01-10-2004, 03:40 PM
Sequels can either make or break a series, but people will still buy the sequels if they know its coming from a "good" game.

Gun Element
01-10-2004, 05:28 PM
Id say the 2nd one was much better, it was more twisted and crap. Even though I havent seen Dark Reign play the whole 3rd one, Id still say the 2nd one was much cooler

hah told you Dark Reign, I TOLD YOU!

Dark Reign
01-10-2004, 06:49 PM
Haha, I thought of you Gun when I read Burn's post. :P
Agreed, there were just too many ****ing doors. I won't argue you with that. Pyramidhead is scarier than anything I saw in SH3, I got scared just watching Gun play when that "thing" showed up.
I never did play SH1, so yeah the plot was a little confusing. It is a good story overall, I just kind of hope they leave it behind them in the next one.

Burn the Witch
01-11-2004, 01:30 AM


This is designed as a simple explanation of 1 to 3 :) There may be several errors.

SH 1 -- You play Harry. Harry's wife has died, and you are left with an adopted daughter, Cheryl. You + wife used to go to Silent Hill on holiday. You go back there to show Cheryl. On the way you hit a ghost or some weird apparition. You crash the car. Cheryl is missing.

You wander into Silent Hill, looking for Cheryl.

*lots of messed up stuff happens*

There are three phases of Silent Hill, normal world, where things are quiet. Misty style world, where you are making the transition into the "Otherworld" as it is called, and "Nightmare" world.

Explanation -- There is a cult in SH1, they are trying to raise a god. The God is *born* through a human female. Harrys wife was the original host? (unsure) Sammael is lord of the nightmare realm of silent hill. He has 2 lieutenants, Pyramid Head -- a sort of demon soldier lord (SH2) and Valtiel, who controls who crosses between the normal realm and the nightmare realm (SH3). Neither of them are in SH1. Whatever happens to make your wife die in the past involved the cult, and the God failed to be born. Dahlia, the head of the cult, was infected somehow, or *chosen* to birth the god. She had sex with a doctor Kaufmann, head of SH hospital. Instead of giving birth to the demon god however, she had two children (but not twins -- weird). Cheryl, who was found and adopted by Harry, 8 years BEFORE SH1, and Alessa. Cheryl and Alessa are both innocents, but also both half human, half evil demon god guy. Alessa only now exists in shade form. It is Alessa you hit in the Cut scene at the beginning of the game. So when the car hits Alessa, she *merges* with Cheryl and Silent Hill goes all wacky-wacky as the god begins to be born. At the end, Dahlia invokes the god from the merged child, and Harry manages to kill it (final boss). The endings:

Bad -- Harry and Cheryl go home together.

Good -- Harry and Cybil (a sub character) and Cheryl go home together.


SH 2 -- You play James. James' wife has died. Three years after her death he gets a letter from her, telling him to meet her in Silent Hill.

*lots of messed up stuff happens. James meets weird people*

Explanation -- Sammael, dark god summon in SH 1 has permanentally *tainted* Silent Hill. Its pretty vague, but the gist is lots of people who feel guilty for personal actions are tricked/drawn into comming to Silent Hill. James is drawn because he killed his wife (euthanasia, she was suffering). James' guilt is personified in the demons. Each person sees Silent Hill in relation to how he/she is dealing with their guilt. (example -- at the end of the game, James enters a room on fire. Angela is there ((think its Angela?)). James asks why the place is on fire. Angela tells James that its always like this for her). Pyramid Head, one of Sammaels underlings has been left in Silent Hill. He torments the player because he is a scary ****ing evil ****. James eventually excepts his guilt. He kills his wife, Mary, who has been brought back as some sort of sick demon thing with wings because of the cults actions in SH1. She returns to life again, on the edge of death, telling James it wasnt his fault. Theres a bunch of endings:

James leaves with Laura, adopting this lonely child.

James leaves with Maria.

Ooh, ****, a really clever dog was behind everything.

James goes to ressurect his wife in the cultist church where Sammael was summoned.

*an ending I forgot*


SH 3-- You play Heather. She cant remember her past. Boo Hoo. Heather is approached by a man called Douglas, an investigator. She gets sucked into Silent Hill, where she finds her father, Harry, murdered.

*some annoying stuff happens that is vaguely creepy, and vaguely related to SH1*

Explanation -- Heather IS Cheryl, the daughter from the first game, who Harry renamed to hide her past (which she cant remember). Douglas was hired by the sister of Dahlia (the leader of the cult in SH1 -- i think she died). Heather still has the foetus of Sammael in her. She goes through a bunch of stuff, dealing with creepy monsters and cultists, and Valitiel (VALTIEL IS VERY HARD TO SEE, YOU MAY MISS HIM, HE IS ALWAYS IN DARK AREAS, IT SUBTLY DONE. HE IS ALWAYS TURNING VALVES). There is a final showdown between Dahlias sister and Heather. Sammael awakens inside Heather, and Heather has to again *birth* the dark god. Heathers mother (harrys wife, Heathers adopted mother) obviously did something to Heather, and so Sammael awakens in Foetal form. The cultist leader eats the foetus (yeah, i know :unsure: ) and some funny **** happens im not sure. Heather kills (???) the god. End of number three.

Endings -- theres 3. The now obvious extra (UFO ENDING), or the other two. One may suggest Silent Hill 4.

Heather finds Douglas, who is basically a nice guy. She helps him up (he is wounded), and they leave SH.

*ending that suggests beginning of SH4* -- Heather comes up to Douglas, and kills him. It looks like Sammael has possessed Heather. Oh ****!

The possessed ending is more likely, because if Sammael were truly dead, Silent Hill would be free of his taint permanentally, and there would be no fourth game. Which would be a shame.

Gun Element
01-12-2004, 03:35 AM
ummmmmm :blink: I mean I get it.... but I was too lazy to re read the thing again to know that I got the stuff right :wacko:

But I see that their is a reason behind the fog and emptiness and crap :wootrock: