View Full Version : trojan

01-15-2004, 04:35 PM
my avg anti-virus found a trojan called Downloader.stubby.a in my c:\system voume information\_restore{03446121-f47f-4e89-b5df-9435fff26612}\rp7\a001129.exe

My avg wont delet it cause everytime i do a full scan it dosent say i have it???

i am running windows xp. i also tryed to just go in and delet it mannually and i couldn't even find the folder called system volume information??

please help guys :unsure:

01-15-2004, 04:46 PM
Check Symantec's website to see if they have a removal tool for it.

01-15-2004, 04:53 PM
i just got ridd of it out of the registry i think..we will see...i will also check symtec too ty sal :wootrock:

01-15-2004, 04:57 PM
i check symtec and they havn't heard of it i guess cause i searched the name of the trojan and didn't get anything back...i also checked the removal tools section and it wasn't listed :thumbs:

01-15-2004, 09:40 PM
If you update your AV, and do a full scan, you should be OK. I looked at symantec as well, and found nothing for that, or 'stubby' by itself....is it possible that you have some other virus dropping this in? In Trojan style?

01-15-2004, 09:42 PM
oh geez, i saw the title and thought you were looking for 'little' condoms... :hmmm:

01-15-2004, 10:16 PM
hmmmz is that possible? never saw that i couldnt delete from registry :blink:

Caged Anger
01-17-2004, 01:06 AM
I ran into a nasty trojan a while back. V-Scan did delete it but the files it corrupted kept causing trouble. Somehow it got into the startup files. Tell me this, did your system tray freeze up every time you started the computer?

01-17-2004, 02:02 AM
NOPE it didn&#39;t do anything to my computer to be honest with ya....it was in my system restore registry i got rid of it thanks though everyone :thumbs:
an thoughs condoms would be magnums ty very much :P