View Full Version : Traldor's Oracle

01-16-2004, 03:34 AM
Now once you have killed a boatload of Tral Mercs go see the gaderian Leader in Hespos at around 45k 10k you'll know the spot as you get 'Entering Galderia' as a text message. If they are neutral then you are good to go. Speak to the Leader. He will assemble a rading party and head for the Tral Merc platform. Best thing to do is beat his party there and start wiping the Tral mercs before they get there. Once the Gal leaders party arrives go up and talk to him again. Say ''Proceed'' and his band will try to take the coffers on the platform. Do not et the Gal Leader die, if he does, you start over again.

Still with me? :)

Ok, once the Leader has all the coffers he will speed away with his raiding party. Let them go, you now need to head to Traladors temple (15k 54k Boreal) once there you will either see the mercs beating down the doors or they will be already open with tralador inside waiting to be ganked.

He has 6 oj-red con guards who will only baf one more so take your time and wipe them. When they are down Tralador is an easy kill.

OUTLAWS The Machine
01-16-2004, 04:07 AM
Where we went wrong is that the group should have stayed away from them. Sorry Sauron. We will try again. ;)