View Full Version : Far Cry Demo

01-22-2004, 01:34 AM
Anyone try this yet? It's supposed to have some of the greatest graphics out there along with being a damn good game. The demo is 500MB and here is a good link for it:


I'm downloading at about 250k/sec which is pretty good considering every other site I found was running at 100%. I'll post some impressions once its done and installed.

01-22-2004, 01:51 AM
Yea i heard some good feedback about this one as well.

01-22-2004, 02:29 AM
What an absolute flaming piece of crap. I think I set a new record for uninstalling a game.

01-22-2004, 02:31 AM
LOL, u gotta go deeper than that SAL.
Gameplay, Graphics, Story?
What was wrong?

01-22-2004, 02:34 AM
It bogged down my machine, was 1 shot one kill, just not fun.

01-22-2004, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by SALvation@Jan 21 2004, 10:34 PM
It bogged down my machine, was 1 shot one kill, just not fun.
Its just a demo, im sure they'll get a swarm of complaints.
PS Can u adjust the difficulty urself?

01-24-2004, 12:37 PM
I just downloaded it.
Yea it really sux getting killed with two shots.
But everything else about the game is AWESOME.
Great graphics, physics, vehicle(s), and a HUGE environment.

01-26-2004, 07:30 PM
this game is created in Coburg (Germany)

20 km far away from me :P

Jesse James
01-26-2004, 09:01 PM
Ahh nothing like instant death shots eh? :lol: I would download it, but I dont feel like waiting for 5 days to have it complete the download, mom would kill me.

Silent Sam
01-28-2004, 04:38 PM
:thumbs: I really liked the Demo. I like the occasional shooter that makes me sneak around and stick to the shadows (i.e. Thief). This game has good potential methinks. Like the vehicle implementation.

And man...I've never seen water done so well in a game!

01-29-2004, 03:21 AM
The game actually rocks. You have to have an awesome system to play it though. The Cryengine that drives this game is actually very good and this will be the sleeper game of the year. The graphics are super high end and have been compared to that of HL2 and Doom3. The game runs off direct x 9.b but can be configured for open gl. For a smooth and enjoyable game you should have at least a gig of ram, and one of the latest graphics card with at least 128 Megs of ram. (If you have an ATI card you need the 3.9 drivers or you will have problems) I see this game going very far because of its multiplayer, mods and mapping value. It will become a very popular game amongst the gaming clans. I finished the demo and although it was on the short side it was very smooth, the graphics absolutely incredible and it has some similarity to BF1942.

02-01-2004, 01:57 AM
I just read PC Gamer's review of their 'hands on' with the beta, and they raved about it's beauty, AI, and huge, open environment, and non-linear play. They compared it to HL2 and D3 as one of the really 'big' games of the year. But, as Slice has outlined, it sounds like it will choke my system with half a gig, GF4, and 1800+ down, or maybe right out.

Burn the Witch
02-01-2004, 02:29 AM
i just ordered an AMD 64 FX-51, 1GB RAM 256 MB ATI 9800 XT, Asus Motherboard with 19 Inch Screen and 160 GB RAM from Alienware :)

Silent Sam
02-04-2004, 08:23 PM
Hey, I just read an article that the Crytek developers office was raided by the police today looking for pirated software or something like that. I can't read the article because its in german.

If anyone speaks german or can figure out babel fish, here's the link:



02-04-2004, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Burn the Witch@Jan 31 2004, 10:29 PM
i just ordered an AMD 64 FX-51, 1GB RAM 256 MB ATI 9800 XT, Asus Motherboard with 19 Inch Screen and 160 GB RAM from Alienware :)
Nice!!! :wootrock:

Silent Sam
02-05-2004, 06:12 PM
Looks like Crytek being raided was a false alarm:

Crytek Follow-up [February 05, 2004, 10:27 am EST] -

German developer Crytek (thanks Andy and Jonas) has a follow-up to reports from yesterday that their offices had been raided in a hunt for pirated software (story). Apparently no arrests or confiscations occurred, and the incident only delayed development of the game by a few hours:

The management of Crytek is grateful for the diligence of the German Police Department concerning protected software and fully cooperated in every way. As a software devloper [sic], Crytek is always interested in properly obtaining and utilizing third party software. Development of the eagerly awaited Far Cry was only delayed for three hours while police cleared the matter with Crytek and it's management staff.

Despite false allegations that have appeared in various media and forums, no inventory or personel [sic] were affected in any way. Crytek would like to assure its fans that completion of Far Cry remains on track."

02-05-2004, 06:51 PM
ummm..... a version of far cry was released a couple of days ago.... I thought development was complete...

02-05-2004, 08:04 PM
I haven't seen any reviews... :hmmm:

02-06-2004, 01:20 PM
news about far cry CRYTEK (http://www.crytek.com)

OUTLAWS high ping camper
02-11-2004, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by Silent Sam@Feb 4 2004, 12:23 PM
Hey, I just read an article that the Crytek developers office was raided by the police today looking for pirated software or something like that. I can't read the article because its in german.

If anyone speaks german or can figure out babel fish, here's the link:


German website PC Games Online (thanks Fappin) has word that the offices of Far Cry developer Crytek were raided by the police this morning. Here's a rough Babel Fish translation of a bit that suggests a disgruntled ex-employee (are they ever gruntled?) tipped the police that pirated software was in use: "According to first estimations of the police Crytek used illegally software for play production and caused thus a damage within the six-digit range. Evidence was placed already surely. The law guardians had become attentive by the reference of a former Crytek coworker."
:hmmm: :wave: