View Full Version : Nintendo's New System

Dangerous Dan
01-22-2004, 03:37 AM
yes, that's right, there's a new system on the horizon... can someone say Virtual Boy 2? i think Miyamuto's finally lost his sanity :blink:


an ign editor's take on it all:


the articles speak for themselves....

Dark Desperado
01-22-2004, 04:46 AM
WOW! its going to be so stupid and itll prolly be the most expensive system out there :rolleyes: :down:

01-22-2004, 05:05 AM
Yawn, won't get my money... I refuse to play video games on anything smaller than a 19". Ofcourse it probably wasn't marketed for me anyways and to kids between 8 to 18 or something. ;)

01-22-2004, 05:20 AM
Most of the specs still haven't been revealed but I think its off to a bad start. They say it will not compete with the GBA and that it will be a new product line, but then that means they'll have the GBA, DS, and GameCube all going at the same time. One of those will have to die out.

Plus have you ever even wanted 2 screens on a portable? Hitting pause to look at a map isn't that big of a deal. Hope it has some killer specs and software lined up because Sony's PSP is going to be a massive product at the end of this year.

Fred Bear
01-22-2004, 08:45 AM
the GBA is great. 2 screens? why?