View Full Version : Who is this

Asian Invasian
01-27-2004, 10:34 PM
man this person was good but who was he really?
Uzi and i decided he was too good so it was me and him and he dominated in Lost tomb too but i got 3rd some spammer beat me i did prt screen it messed up so no screenie uzi was 1 behind but gg's uzi and alias person :thumbs:

Asian Invasian
01-27-2004, 10:34 PM
the name is 100% since you cant read it

Asian Invasian
01-27-2004, 10:35 PM
ohh and btw for the reccord i had 8 lol 1 behind uzi

C2H5OH Guy
01-27-2004, 11:22 PM
hmm maybe fs or some other alias :hmmm:

GG you 2 :thumbs:

Black Rose
01-27-2004, 11:29 PM
dunno :WTF:

GG Uzi and AI :wootrock: :thumbs:

01-28-2004, 02:17 AM
fs i think

01-28-2004, 09:45 AM
I've seen "100%" in Yodeller a few times and whoever it is is freaking good. Beat my head in. :wacko: Not that that's too hard. :P

Does FS stand for something for us n00bs? Free Styler? I think I remember reading he was really good.

If not FS then I'm guessing maybe Slick Nick/Quick Kill from Merc? He uses aliases a bunch...:oooo:

01-28-2004, 09:48 AM
GG you all

01-28-2004, 04:33 PM
:hmmm: :hmmm: :hmmm:

01-28-2004, 05:00 PM