View Full Version : Crafting quests

01-29-2004, 10:53 PM
Having been asked a couple of times about the crafting quests, which I have done repeatedly since they have been implemented I thought I'd post some info on them. I do not attempt to skill up now without the quest tool.

You can do this first quest at level 500 and the second quest at level 800. You can do over and over again and store the items in your vault for future use. Both quests take a bout 45 minutes to complete once you know your way around. The first quest took me about an hour to complete the first time I completed it.

Basically comes down to a time or money question, I have more in-game time then I have in-game gold so any help at all skilling up is a bonus :)

500 level Quest
Worn Tradeskill Tools Quest

1. Find your craft master in Camelot.
2. Speak to Shandley in Camelot.
3. Make requested recipe and take to a lady named Rheda in Cotswold,
96% or higher. Anything lesser would be an insult. lol

4. Go back to Shandley with message from Rheda
5. Go to Lentilas Association in Camp Forrest

Alot of running around, sends you down to camp forest.
The tree behind the broken house was easy, just look at where the door
is on the house, then go behind at stand at the short tree, the next was
to look for a log with large roots, well, those arent roots but branches.
next was the small island close to amarsh, stand on the small patch of
ground in water by dock. next is to go to the cedar tree between the guard
tower and dock, well, there are no cedars, so stand by one of the huge
trees that look like oaks or something. You have to go right up to the
tree, practically inside it.
After that, back to lentalis. You get to pick one of three dyes, seemed
to have no effect on the quest and is just a freebie.

Locs for Alb Quest:

All in Camp. Forest

1: 17050, 8613 (Bindstone)
2: 15026, 18925
3: 26369, 30107
4: 14309, 50681
5: 18503, 52608
6: 9081, 10274

When done in Forest head back to Camelot,
talk to Shandley again , and then your trainer.

Your choice of one of 3 items, 10 charges on it.
One raises the quality of an item made. raises the minimum floor one level does not just add 1% to the quality
One increases the speed of combine. I think this has 50 charges
One increases the skillup rate (5%) 10 charges not rechargeable just drop when used up.
The quest is repeatable.

800 level quest
Tarnished Tradeskill Tools
[Step #1] Deliver the Cart of Ore to somedude in Cornwall Station
[Step #2] Return to your tradeskill master and see if there is anything else that needs to be done.
[Step #3] Deliver the Bolts of Cloth to Somedude in back of Snowdonia Station
[Step #4] Return to your tradeskill master and see if there is anything else that needs to be done.
[Step #5] USE the Glowing Substance while carrying the other two items you received while on your deliveries.
[Step #6] Hand the infused hide to your trade master to receive your reward.

"Splendid! You have done an amazing job! Now as to your reward. Which would you like? Woul dyou like to craft [faster], craft [

smarter], or craft [better]?"

Strength 10
Bonus to speed of crafting: 13%
60 charges

strength 10
Bonus to frequency of crafting skill gain: 6%
13 charges

strength 10
Bonus to minimum quality of crafted items: 1%
6 charges

01-29-2004, 11:16 PM
Thanks Man.

OUTLAWS The Machine
01-29-2004, 11:26 PM

01-30-2004, 02:47 PM
Slash appeal

OUTLAWS The Machine
01-30-2004, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Terminathare@Jan 30 2004, 01:43 AM
Ok...what if you destroy your Cart of Ore? :hmmm: :bandhead:
:rofl: :loser: