View Full Version : Log file parser

Death Engineer
02-02-2004, 10:03 PM
In order to begin learning more about the C# language, I decided to write a simple DAOC log file parser.

For those who aren't familiar, this would take the log file that is created while playing (press 'L' during the game) and extract various information form it to be arranged in a more viewable format.

The current version simply finds all of the damage amounts for each style and gives a report about average damage, number of times used, standard deviation, etc.

The reason I'm posting this is two-fold: First, I wanted to make my current executable (simple as it is) available to all of you. Second, I wanted to see what other info you would like to see out of a log file. All ideas are welcome.

My next project will be to get spell damage and statistics...however this is more complicated because the damage line doesn't say which spell it came from. :hmmm:

Anyways....tell me your ideas.

02-03-2004, 02:36 PM
Would be cool if you could figure out the Spell dmges!

And an idea for the spell dmg: Maybe you can include the "you cast ..." msges to find out what spell was used

Death Engineer
02-03-2004, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Sauron@Feb 3 2004, 09:36 AM
Would be cool if you could figure out the Spell dmges!

And an idea for the spell dmg: Maybe you can include the "you cast ..." msges to find out what spell was used
My only problem with doing that is that sometimes the next spell starts before the first one finishes. For example:

[16:30:12] You cast a Flame Spear Spell!
[16:30:12] You begin casting a Flaming Rocks (Major) spell!
[16:30:13] You hit for 570 (+74) damage!
[16:30:14] You cast a Flaming Rocks (Major) Spell!
[16:30:15] You begin casting a Major Conflagration spell!
[16:30:15] You are already casting a spell!  You prepare this spell as a follow up!
[16:30:15] You hit for 401 (+52) damage!
[16:30:17] You cast a Major Conflagration Spell!
[16:30:17] You hit for 472 (+62) damage!
[16:30:17] You begin casting a Major Conflagration spell!

It can just be hard to tell which spell is doing the damage. I'll work on it.

In the mean time, anyone care to beta test for me? It's just a simple executable (you will need to know where your chat.log file is though).


02-03-2004, 07:46 PM
I'd volunteer just don't have to forget to activate the Chatlog ;)

Death Engineer
02-03-2004, 09:16 PM
I can email or AIM the executable to you. Just drop it into the directory where your chat.log file is and run it. It should give you something back, even if you rarely turn the log on.


Death Engineer
02-04-2004, 05:57 PM
Since I couldn't sleep last night, I added crafting statistics to the log parser. Statistics are: How much skill gained in each area, how many of each quality made, successful combines, failed combines, successful combines since last quality (100%, 99%, 98%).

Death Engineer
02-06-2004, 05:44 PM
As requested, I added support for spells. It's not fool proof, but I think it will work. Below is a sample output:

Log file parsed successfully.

* * * * * * * * *.,;| Style Information |;,.

Style name: * * * * * * Hits * *Min Dmg Max Dmg Avg Dmg Std Dev
Achilles Heel: * * * * *82 * * *22 * * *63 * * *32.70 * 9.20
Backstab: * * * * * * * 1 * * * 94 * * *94 * * *94.00 * NaN
Backstab II: * * * * * *3 * * * 85 * * *218 * * 130.67 *75.66
Garrote: * * * * * * * *167 * * 13 * * *47 * * *23.34 * 6.73
Hamstring: * * * * * * *93 * * *20 * * *61 * * *35.82 * 8.56
Leaper: * * * * * * * * 44 * * *24 * * *66 * * *38.64 * 9.91
Perforate Artery: * * * 31 * * *99 * * *456 * * 187.00 *85.01
Puncture: * * * * * * * 5 * * * 4 * * * 15 * * *6.80 * *4.60
Thigh Cut: * * * * * * *1 * * * 22 * * *22 * * *22.00 * NaN
Unstyled: * * * * * * * 827 * * 1 * * * 366 * * 51.95 * 40.37

* * * * * * * * *.,;| Spell Information |;,.

Spell name: * * * * * * Hits * *Min Dmg Max Dmg Avg Dmg Std Dev
Flame Spear: * * * * * *4 * * * 570 * * 864 * * 716.25 *123.87
Flaming Rocks (Major): *5 * * * 401 * * 611 * * 486.80 *89.72
Major Conflagration: * *47 * * *409 * * 540 * * 464.68 *29.44

* * * * * * * * .,;| Crafting Information |;,.

Attempts Success * * * *Failure * * *94 *95 *96 *97 *98 *99 *100
28 * * * 27 (96.4%) * * 1 (3.6%) *5 *2 *8 * 5 * 4 * 3 * *0

Successful since last - 100%: 27 * * * *99%: 15 98%: 2

Skill gained:
Cloth: 1

Press Enter to Close

The formatting of the crafting info is a known issue. I'm just too lazy to line everything up just right. Eventually, once I have all the functionality built in, I plan to build a visual interface with graphs. This would give the ability to select which session(s) you want statistics for. Right now, the whole file is parsed.

REQUEST: Is there anyone that has webspace that could host a zip or exe for me? It's extremely small (24k). As a heads up, there will be frequent updates until I get all the functions in it that I want.

02-06-2004, 07:20 PM
Me and Bain have webspace and i think we can host it for ya :)

Death Engineer
02-06-2004, 08:54 PM
Whoever doesn't mind uploading the file on a consistent basis, is fine with me. I wonder if I can attach it to a post. :hmmm:

02-06-2004, 08:55 PM
hey DE, can you throw some ssam support in there too while you are at it??


Death Engineer
02-06-2004, 09:00 PM
I don't plan on supporting serious sam in a daoc log parser. :P

However, as I am still learning the language and find it fun to do, I'd be willing to take on a small project such as writing a Serious Sam log parser (though I'm not sure why you don't just do it yourself).

If you're interested, I'll need you to send me a nice fat log so I can look it over. Then we can discuss what should be in the stats.


02-06-2004, 09:33 PM
oh, I am joking man, although it would be easy enough to do...


Sam logs would kind of suck though, as all guns show 'shot', rockets & missles show 'blew", taking the sd shows 'whored', etc.....


Death Engineer
02-06-2004, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Feb 6 2004, 04:33 PM
oh, I am joking man, although it would be easy enough to do...


Sam logs would kind of suck though, as all guns show 'shot', rockets & missles show 'blew", taking the sd shows 'whored', etc.....

You could probably come up with some interesting stats. As interesting as Sam stats go. My sam time has come and gone. DAOC is where it's at now. That and Q3.