View Full Version : S/S vs. Two-Hand

02-11-2004, 01:19 AM
Though i'd share some very un-scientific test results with you all.

S/S - 99% Arcanium Short Sword - DPS:16.5(eff. 16.0)SPD:2.8
2H - 100% Black Ash Soul Slayer – DPS:15.3(eff. 15.3)SPD:5.0

Malefic Phantom – Barrows - Yellow Con

S/S Shodin on Igraine server

[16:28:29] You shoot the malefic phantom with your crossbow and hit for 106 (-19) damage!
[16:28:32] You attempt to use the arcanium Illbane Honed fortified short sword.
[16:28:32] You sheathe the duskwood exceptional crossbow. Both hands are now free.
[16:28:32] You interrupt your firing!
[16:28:32] You wield the arcanium Illbane Honed fortified short sword in your right hand.
[16:28:32] Your hits have increased.
[16:28:32] Your Slash skill has increased.
[16:28:32] Your Parry skill has increased.
[16:28:32] You wield the duskwood Protector's reinforced tower shield in your left hand.
[16:28:32] Your hits have increased.
[16:28:32] Your Shield skill has increased.
[16:28:33] The malefic phantom attacks you and you parry the blow!
[16:28:33] You attempt to use the arcanium Illbane Honed fortified short sword.
[16:28:34] You enter combat mode and target [the malefic phantom]
[16:28:34] You prepare to perform a Amethyst Slash!
[16:28:34] You perform your Amethyst Slash perfectly. (+55)
[16:28:34] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 122 (-21) damage!
[16:28:36] You prepare to perform a Diamond Slash!
[16:28:36] You perform your Diamond Slash perfectly. (+77)
[16:28:36] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 134 (-24) damage!
[16:28:36] The malefic phantom hits your leg for 68 (-16) damage!
[16:28:39] You prepare to perform a Amethyst Slash!
[16:28:39] You perform your Amethyst Slash perfectly. (+52)
[16:28:39] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 115 (-20) damage!
[16:28:41] The malefic phantom attacks you and you block the blow!
[16:28:41] You prepare to perform a Diamond Slash!
[16:28:42] You perform your Diamond Slash perfectly. (+82)
[16:28:42] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 143 (-25) damage!
[16:28:43] You prepare to perform a Amethyst Slash!
[16:28:45] The malefic phantom attacks you and you block the blow!
[16:28:45] You perform your Amethyst Slash perfectly. (+46)
[16:28:45] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 101 (-18) damage!
[16:28:46] You prepare to perform a Diamond Slash!
[16:28:47] You perform your Diamond Slash perfectly. (+78)
[16:28:47] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 136 (-24) damage!
[16:28:49] The malefic phantom attacks you and you parry the blow!
[16:28:49] You prepare to perform a Amethyst Slash!
[16:28:50] You perform your Amethyst Slash perfectly. (+55)
[16:28:50] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 122 (-21) damage!
[16:28:50] You critical hit for an additional 23 damage!
[16:28:51] You prepare to perform a Diamond Slash!
[16:28:52] The malefic phantom attacks you and you block the blow!
[16:28:52] You perform your Diamond Slash perfectly. (+76)
[16:28:52] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 132 (-23) damage!
[16:28:54] You prepare to perform a Amethyst Slash!
[16:28:55] You perform your Amethyst Slash perfectly. (+45)
[16:28:55] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 98 (-17) damage!
[16:28:56] The malefic phantom hits your arm for 67 (-16) damage!
[16:28:56] You prepare to perform a Diamond Slash!
[16:28:58] You perform your Diamond Slash perfectly. (+83)
[16:28:58] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 144 (-25) damage!
[16:28:59] You prepare to perform a Amethyst Slash!
[16:29:00] The malefic phantom attacks you and you parry the blow!
[16:29:01] You perform your Amethyst Slash perfectly. (+55)
[16:29:01] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 120 (-21) damage!
[16:29:02] You are too fatigued to perform the Diamond Slash style! :mad:
[16:29:03] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 64 (-11) damage!
[16:29:04] The malefic phantom attacks you and you block the blow!
[16:29:06] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 60 (-11) damage!
[16:29:08] The malefic phantom hits your leg for 61 (-14) damage!
[16:29:09] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 59 (-10) damage!
[16:29:09] You critical hit for an additional 44 damage!
[16:29:12] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 60 (-11) damage!
[16:29:12] The malefic phantom dies!
[16:29:12] You get 34,866,829 experience points. (7,194,742 camp bonus)
[16:29:12] The malefic phantom drops a bag of coins.
[16:29:17] You sit down. Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

2H Shodintest on Pendragon server

[15:11:17] You shoot the malefic phantom with your crossbow and hit for 73 (-13) damage!
[15:11:17] You attempt to use the Black Ash Soul Slayer.
[15:11:17] You sheathe the duskwood exceptional crossbow. Both hands are now free.
[15:11:17] You interrupt your firing!
[15:11:17] You wield the Black Ash Soul Slayer in both hands.
[15:11:17] The magic of the Black Ash Soul Slayer flows through you.
[15:11:17] Your Quickness has increased.
[15:11:17] Your Two Handed skill has increased.
[15:11:17] Your Cold resistance increased.
[15:11:20] You enter combat mode and target [the malefic phantom]
[15:11:20] You prepare to perform a Bone Bruiser!
[15:11:21] You perform your Bone Bruiser perfectly. (+54)
[15:11:21] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 194 (-34) damage!
[15:11:21] The malefic phantom can't attack as fast as normal!
[15:11:21] The malefic phantom resists the effect!
[15:11:21] The malefic phantom attacks you and you parry the blow!
[15:11:23] You prepare to perform a Bone Splitter!
[15:11:25] The malefic phantom attacks you and you parry the blow!
[15:11:25] You perform your Bone Splitter perfectly. (+86)
[15:11:25] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 213 (-38) damage!
[15:11:25] The malefic phantom begins moving more slowly!
[15:11:27] You prepare to perform a Bone Breaker!
[15:11:30] The malefic phantom hits your torso for 70 (-16) damage!
[15:11:30] You perform your Bone Breaker perfectly. (+119)
[15:11:30] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 254 (-45) damage!
[15:11:30] The malefic phantom is bleeding!
[15:11:30] You hit the malefic phantom for 7 damage!
[15:11:33] You prepare to perform a Rile!
[15:11:34] The malefic phantom attacks you and you parry the blow!
[15:11:34] You perform your Rile perfectly. (+72)
[15:11:34] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 203 (-36) damage!
[15:11:35] The malefic phantom is bleeding!
[15:11:35] You hit the malefic phantom for 6 damage!
[15:11:36] You prepare to perform a Rile!
[15:11:39] The malefic phantom attacks you and misses!
[15:11:39] You perform your Rile perfectly. (+56)
[15:11:39] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 158 (-28) damage!
[15:11:40] The malefic phantom is bleeding!
[15:11:40] You hit the malefic phantom for 5 damage!
[15:11:42] You prepare to perform a Rile!
[15:11:43] The malefic phantom attacks you and you parry the blow!
[15:11:44] You perform your Rile perfectly. (+77)
[15:11:44] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 217 (-38) damage!
[15:11:45] The malefic phantom is bleeding!
[15:11:45] You hit the malefic phantom for 4 damage!
[15:11:46] You prepare to perform a Rile!
[15:11:47] The malefic phantom hits your leg for 64 (-15) damage!
[15:11:48] You perform your Rile perfectly. (+75)
[15:11:48] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 211 (-37) damage!
[15:11:48] You hit for 114 (+10) damage!
[15:11:50] The malefic phantom is bleeding!
[15:11:50] You hit the malefic phantom for 4 damage!
[15:11:50] You prepare to perform a Rile!
[15:11:51] The malefic phantom hits your head for 85 (-20) damage!
[15:11:53] You perform your Rile perfectly. (+77)
[15:11:53] You attack the malefic phantom with your sword and hit for 216 (-38) damage!
[15:11:53] You critical hit for an additional 71 damage!
[15:11:53] The malefic phantom dies!
[15:11:53] You get 34,313,387 experience points. (6,641,300 camp bonus)
[15:11:53] The malefic phantom drops a bag of coins.
[15:11:57] You sit down. Type '/stand' or move to stand up.

Two handed left me with enough endurance to finish off the Malefic Phantom with 9 swings using the Bone Bruiser/Splitter/Breaker chain and few Rile swings with around 90% health left.

S/S left me with zero endurance and around the same health as the TH spec did. It took 15 total swings to finish off the Malefic Phantom, But notice I ran out of End. after 11 swings using the Amethyst/Diamond chain.

To me 2H (and pole) seems the way to go over the S/S route if you want to deal out the most damage. I’m still not too impressed with the damage results. Maybe a better TH sword like the Ancient Two-Handed Sword (with Endurance Chant proc.) that drops from the Stone quest or a PC’d & SC’d Great Scimitar (DPS 16.5 SPD 4.8) would yield even better results.

Still not sure if I’m gonna respec to 2H or not.

Death Engineer
02-11-2004, 01:31 AM
Did you plug that stuff into the ol' log parser???

02-11-2004, 03:15 AM
No but that sure would come in very handy for things just like this. Good idea you had making it. :thumbs:

OUTLAWS The Machine
02-11-2004, 04:52 AM
Wow that must be one tiny sword to be that fast. I would never use anyting under 3.5 or so because of the lack of damage.

Death Engineer
02-11-2004, 05:57 PM
Set 1 stats:

* * * * * * * * * * .,;| Style Information |;,.

Style name: * * * * * * Hits * *Failed *Min Dmg Max Dmg Avg Dmg Std Dev
Amethyst Slash: * * * * 6 * * * 0 * * * 45 * * *55 * * *51.33 * 4.68
Diamond Slash: * * * * *5 * * * 0 * * * 76 * * *83 * * *79.20 * 3.11
Unstyled: * * * * * * * 4 * * * 0 * * * 59 * * *64 * * *60.75 * 2.22

* * * * * * * * * * .,;| Melee Critical Hit Information |;,.

Style name: * * * * * * Hits * *% * * * Min Dmg Max Dmg Avg Dmg Std Dev
Amethyst Slash: * * * * 1 * * * 16.67 * 23 * * *23 * * *23.00 * 0.00
Unstyled: * * * * * * * 1 * * * 25.00 * 44 * * *44 * * *44.00 * 0.00

Set 2 stats:

* * * * * * * * * * .,;| Style Information |;,.

Style name: * * * * * * Hits * *Failed *Min Dmg Max Dmg Avg Dmg Std Dev
Bone Breaker: * * * * * 1 * * * 0 * * * 119 * * 119 * * 119.00 *0.00
Bone Bruiser: * * * * * 1 * * * 0 * * * 54 * * *54 * * *54.00 * 0.00
Bone Splitter: * * * * *1 * * * 0 * * * 86 * * *86 * * *86.00 * 0.00
Rile: * * * * * * * ** *5 * * * 0 * * * 56 * * *77 * * *71.40 * 8.85

* * * * * * * * * * .,;| Melee Critical Hit Information |;,.

Style name: * * * * * * Hits * *% * * * Min Dmg Max Dmg Avg Dmg Std Dev
Rile: * * * * * * * * * 1 * * * 20.00 * 71 * * *71 * * *71.00 * 0.00

Not really enough samples to have reliable data.