View Full Version : Fun as always

02-12-2004, 05:18 PM
It has been a good day for me today. The next upcoming fight was from the beginning some kind of "n00b bash", but it turned out to be quite a challenge
(but fun) when Boa and Picard joined the fight. I was in the lead, and someone managed to frag one more than me, exactly when the all famous "Trying to stabilize connection" appeared. Anyways, I got a screenshot when there was 4 frags left....

Asian Invasian
02-12-2004, 05:20 PM
GG :thumbs: they always seem to come up when your winning

02-12-2004, 05:27 PM

02-12-2004, 05:30 PM
GG this was a gripping game, well done to locket...sorry about the connection not sure why my server did that!!! I was left on my own LOL :rofl:

As for the guy in the lead, i was fed up meeting him puppied up and not standing a chance....spoils a game that does...nevermind.

BOA don't think i got you once dude .... next time m8 :thumbs: :thumbs:

Die Hard
02-12-2004, 06:32 PM
Wow intense game. Good one Loket :thumbs:

02-12-2004, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by picard@Feb 12 2004, 07:30 PM
GG this was a gripping game, well done to locket...sorry about the connection not sure why my server did that!!! I was left on my own LOL :rofl:

As for the guy in the lead, i was fed up meeting him puppied up and not standing a chance....spoils a game that does...nevermind.

BOA don't think i got you once dude .... next time m8 :thumbs: :thumbs:
:rolleyes: GG all :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: GG Picard :rolleyes:

Sad we joined so late, or else the score would have been different. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

I think. :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:

02-12-2004, 08:20 PM
GG villains :thumbs:

02-12-2004, 10:19 PM
You´re good at thinking, BOA. :wootrock: