View Full Version : Installing IE 6

Caged Anger
02-12-2004, 07:46 PM
downloaded upgrade tries to install always say it can't install the right files. Help? I want to uninstall IE 5.5 and put on 6. Already downloaded 6 upgrade from windows update.

02-12-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Caged Anger@Feb 12 2004, 01:46 PM
downloaded upgrade tries to install always say it can't install the right files. Help? I want to uninstall IE 5.5 and put on 6. Already downloaded 6 upgrade from windows update.
The MS IE 6 DL site (http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/downloads/critical/ie6sp1/default.asp) has some info....do you have any DL agents running? I wouldn't try uninstalling 5.5, but rather let MS do it's install. I looked for the whole install file, the one you would get (I assume, maybe wrongly) you would get on the CD you can order from them, but I can't find it. As it says, your particular DL install of IE6 might vary between 11 megs, and 75 megs.

02-12-2004, 09:26 PM
try to get help here: http://www.tweakxp.com/
there is all progs and features for windows standarts
i hope you have windows XP

02-12-2004, 09:54 PM
I assume he doesn&#39;t, as IE 6 is standard with XP, isn&#39;t it? Can&#39;t remember for sure, but I thought so. Good site, though, lots of good stuff.

02-12-2004, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by Death-Dude@Feb 12 2004, 05:54 PM
I assume he doesn&#39;t, as IE 6 is standard with XP, isn&#39;t it? Can&#39;t remember for sure, but I thought so. Good site, though, lots of good stuff.
Yes i remember when i reinstalled WinXP like 3 times, it came with IE6.

02-12-2004, 11:44 PM
yeah, but he need to uninstall IE5 and insall IE6, thats why i asked

02-12-2004, 11:44 PM
old windows XP beta or demo package maybe :rolleyes: