View Full Version : ISP tracking problem

02-14-2004, 09:53 PM
My ISP, Cox cable has been giving me shotty service. :bandhead:

Basically, I get choopy connections, ok for DL and web surfing, but when gaming, I get dropped from servers or real nasty ping spikes.

I've called tech no-support numberous times and they said since my clocked speed is fine and I can access the net, send them proof, and they'll send a tech out. But if the tech shows up, and can't duplicate the issue, I'm S.O.L.

I've been told it's probably a bad switch in the system.

What I'm looking for is a free program that can tell me exactly where the issue in the Cox network is.

Does anyone know of such a program?? I need to email solid proof :bandhead:

02-15-2004, 02:29 AM
must be a problem in your area lately...mine's been fine and i have cox

Frag Junky
02-15-2004, 06:37 AM
You ever figure it out, I would be interested. I get spikes so bad I am just about to give up playing Sam.

This is on my own dedicated, so it is LAN gaming for me. I can play about half the game, then the spikes get so bad I can't move, and will often freeze. No one else in the game gets them :WTF:

I have changed video cards, net work cards, New SCSI Drive. New CD ROM, New Router, Re loaded Sam and wiped it clean and reloaded the operating system.

Nothing I do helps, it is only getting worse. :bandhead: :bandhead:

02-15-2004, 06:48 AM
hi guys, i just want to throw something out to see if i can help. check to see what size your swap file is. if you are using xp, it's best to let system manage your swap file so check to see if it is. also under services, disable tcpip/netbios helper. you do not need this and also make sure messenger service is disabled. if you are using a ati card, set the arpeture size to no more than 128 in the bios. sometimes also resetting router can help. ck under task management--processes and see if msn messenger is running in background--if it is end the process. if you want to stop using default messenger--rename the messenger folder in program files. i did this and downloaded latest msn messenger.

02-15-2004, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Frag Junky@Feb 15 2004, 02:37 AM
You ever figure it out, I would be interested. I get spikes so bad I am just about to give up playing Sam.

This is on my own dedicated, so it is LAN gaming for me. I can play about half the game, then the spikes get so bad I can't move, and will often freeze. No one else in the game gets them :WTF:

I have changed video cards, net work cards, New SCSI Drive. New CD ROM, New Router, Re loaded Sam and wiped it clean and reloaded the operating system.

Nothing I do helps, it is only getting worse. :bandhead: :bandhead:
Don't use the LAN option, because thats what causes the spikes in the first place.

Frag Junky
02-15-2004, 06:26 PM
If I use anything but LAN, the screen vibrates in and out(don't know how else to describe it) and makes the game un playable.

MSN is not installed on mine, and the Messanger Service has been disabled. I do use Yahoo, but do not start it up when I play.

The BIOS option is the only thing I have not tried, I will look into that one.(GeForce 4 128 ram)

Yesterday, I blanked both the server and my game machine of Sam, and done a fresh install on both. It did help with one problem, and at least the game is more playable, but I do get that one problem once in a while now.

The reason I say that one problem is I was going to post the error, but forgot in the las post.
(IP changed of course :oooo: )
SYNCEARLY: Client '', Tick 76.40
SYNCEARLY: Client '', Tick 78.40

When I get the spikes, I get this error on the dedicated server one right after the other. The Tick will build through the game until it reaches a 1000 +, then the game is no longer playable. :bandhead:

02-15-2004, 10:50 PM
ummm, like wtf are those ip addresses?
you may be having routing issues,
you should not have ip addresses like that on your system
typical ips would be like : for the router for the first computer for the second computer

or like: for the router for the first

Frag Junky
02-16-2004, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Feb 15 2004, 10:50 PM
ummm, like wtf are those ip addresses?
you may be having routing issues,
you should not have ip addresses like that on your system
typical ips would be like : for the router for the first computer for the second computer

or like: for the router for the first
Read the fine Print

(IP changed of course :oooo: ) to protect the Guilty :angel:

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
02-26-2004, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Frag Junky@Feb 15 2004, 07:37 AM
You ever figure it out, I would be interested. I get spikes so bad I am just about to give up playing Sam.

This is on my own dedicated, so it is LAN gaming for me. I can play about half the game, then the spikes get so bad I can't move, and will often freeze. No one else in the game gets them :WTF:

I have changed video cards, net work cards, New SCSI Drive. New CD ROM, New Router, Re loaded Sam and wiped it clean and reloaded the operating system.

Nothing I do helps, it is only getting worse. :bandhead: :bandhead:
Nothing helps, it is a bug in the game, when you get those spikes, change network connection to XDSL seting and you will be able to play. It helps a little. This is the only thing that helped with my server. Sometimes i use ISDN connection through my LAN. Don't use XDSL connection when you join the game, after the spikes, otherwise you will get choppy picture as you described.