View Full Version : Hard Drive Problem

02-16-2004, 02:17 AM
Specs......amd 2400 Shuttle AK32L MB with latest bios update
original drive 40gb Maxtor
Ghosted it over to a 160gb Maxtor with no problems about a month ago
Took out the 40, installed the 160 with jumper set on master. Ran fine
Occaisonally would not boot (once every 2 weeks or so)
Today booted once and then not at all. Booted to bios and it wouldn't even recognize even having a hard drive installed . Put hand on it while trying to boot and felt no vibrations (no spin)
booted again with ide ribbon unattached but with power to it. Drive would spin
Put in Original drive as master, set 160 to slave rebooted and it recognized both drives, could even access both drives. Removed original drive put 160 back at master position on the ribbon set jumper back to master and nothing happens.

Any ideas?

02-16-2004, 02:47 AM
a couple of things, some drives require a jumper for master,
others require NONE, there also should be a setting for CS,
plug a jumper there, and with the right type of cable, it will
set the master slave relationship. hopefully experimenting
with those settings will get something that works

based on what you say though, no spin with cable.... that is
damn weird, (assuming you are using the correct type of cable)

02-16-2004, 03:01 AM
With all the intermittant action, and if it's not spinning up occaisionally, I fear imminent death. When you have it going, certainly pull off anything you'd want/need for your next drive. When you have it Master by itself, maybe 'jogging' it lightly will help make sure it spins up. Lots of good HD sales this weekend. :thumbs:

02-16-2004, 03:02 AM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Feb 15 2004, 09:47 PM
a couple of things, some drives require a jumper for master,
others require NONE, there also should be a setting for CS,
plug a jumper there, and with the right type of cable, it will
set the master slave relationship. hopefully experimenting
with those settings will get something that works

based on what you say though, no spin with cable.... that is
damn weird, (assuming you are using the correct type of cable)
I am sure it is the right cable..........It's the same one that's been in this comp for almost a year. It worked with this same hard drive before up until today.

However, just to be sure, I will try an old cable.
I tried setting the jumper to cable select and it didn't work there either.
Mighty strange. I mean right now it's in here as a slave on this cable and it's working fine....go figure. Thank goodness I didn't reformat my original drive as planned.

02-16-2004, 03:08 AM
Is the 160 under warranty? Maxtor is good about honoring.

Fred Bear
02-16-2004, 07:12 AM
XP wont work right with a HD over 137gb without SP1. That isnt the problem is it?

02-16-2004, 12:38 PM
it sounds like the problems are occuring before xp loads...

02-16-2004, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Feb 16 2004, 07:38 AM
it sounds like the problems are occuring before xp loads...
Yes....it is happening at start up. My bios won't even recognize there being a hard drive in when I have the maxtor in as a master drive. Now the Maxtor is a 133ATA while my motherboard and round cables are probably only 100ATA. I don't know if that would be the problem or not.
I do have SP1.

02-16-2004, 05:04 PM
it maybe the bios is not recognizing it and need update. just to see if it isnt the ide port, unplug all ide devices, then take hard drive and place it ide port 2 or callled secondary ide port. see if bios is able to detect drive there. if not then you know ports are fine. also with maxtor drives, make sure you have the jumpers correct. also check motherboard site for latest bios or beta. see if they or anyone elso has the same problem.

also check to see if power supply is ok.

02-16-2004, 05:45 PM
I did switch IDE ports, also tried jumpers at master and cable select.
There is a new bios upgrade for my motherboard. Got to go to work but I will try to Flash it in the morning and let you know how it goes.
Power supply is fixing to get replaced....starting to get a noisy fan.
Funny thing....hard drive is still working right along as a slave.
#%!!@!.......Oh well...think happy thoughts.
See y'all in the morning.

02-16-2004, 06:43 PM
goobs, you should set the drives to auto in bios when changing form master to sl ave or vise versa. the bios needs to reset itself because it may be looking for the first way you had it set. if it is being seen as slave than most likely it is not the bios but hell you should update it anyway. i would clear cmos and then start fresh :thumbs:

02-24-2004, 03:33 PM
Finally found time to play with settings.....had too. Upped my vcore voltage by .025V and it wouldn't post...#$!@!!........ Simple fix, move jumper to clear CMOS, leave there for 1 munute switch back, fire up computer...no post. DANGIT!!!
So I removed the battery while changing jumpers....waited 10 minutes, still no post. Go to other computer do a little searching....AH HA!!!!!.... Shuttle motherboards must have power cable unplugged before CMOS will clear. Did that, cleared CMOS with jumper, fired up computer with no IDE cables attached .....POSTED!!!!.....YAY!!....(Apparently that was my trouble, wasn't clearing CMOS completely)
Turned comp off reconected new hard drive set as master, fired back up.....Comp recognized new hard drive and went straight to Windows....Did this several more times and it worked each time...I BE FIXED NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...................

Thanks guys, for all your help.
I learned something today.....Think I'll go back to bed.

02-24-2004, 09:00 PM

02-24-2004, 09:47 PM
Note to self (ALL - always remove AC plug to clear cmos) :lol:
Seriously always remove the plug ;)