View Full Version : ss2 and everthing

02-28-2004, 01:05 AM
this is my first post and maybe the only one (cos i'm lazy), i'd jus like to say a big thank-you for all the people who've been hosting the ss2 servers (dwf, grim reapeares, outlaws, viallains, and many others i can't remember due to a bad memory). SS2 online is the best game i've played to date (i think i've wasted more time thatn on mario Kart and ;007 N64) . Anyway a few questions i always w9anted to know the answer to were

a) work out your controls yourself (putting the keyboard is a nice idea, but it won't get you that far (e.g for newbies put your shottie on the right mouse, knife on the middle/scoll and left for fire), work the other stuf out yourself - 999999999 has loads on this which ain't bad - my only tip is to change around from first to third person mode and you'll llearn a hell of a log

b) lag -everyone talks about lag, but not many understand it people complain about lag saying the server is crap, but please remember the internet is a bit more copmlex than that. I'm sure the forums have articels on this, so don't slate something that someones giving for free.

c) experience/pups/ - it''s a dangerous world out thee, it's fulll of masters of every weapon you've know and quite frankly some of them are a bit of a nighmare due to how good they are.
There is a big issue with the experienced sammers which you learn after a while:
- if you're good enough, you don't need power ups, but the problem with this is if you're a newbie, you're don't stand a chance. Personally i ( not personally) would use use power ups if your a newbie ceos at thi1
s state of time the players need the challenge. Don't worry, you might be invisible, but thay have extra sensory eyes and will detect you and you will be dead.

d) fastest pc/connnecionst - i don't know - apparently there is a limit to how fast your pc can go - i have 21000 xp athlon, 256ram - nvdia 3 64mb ram card (personally i think i needs an upgrade. Connection - i started on 56k modem and am sure caused loads lag in fact this is a topic

e) Shouold people with 56lk modems be allowed to play as they cause lag (is this ture? Of course they should - anywhere as it gives the top players a change of difficulty anyway (if they wish to play).

Hope this has given some food for thought, i hope some people can answer some of teh questions i'n still not sure aboutt.


(maybe i'm stupid, but i'm still learnin')

Asian Invasian
02-28-2004, 01:20 AM
you have a point only newbs use that setup i mean lookat myslef i use it so i am a newb btw i have 56k to tell everyone all i am in the game is a free kill i have played you before on cable and beat you by one kil you are a great player :thumbs: the thing that angers me the most is if peolp leave because their ping is supposidly too high there is no point i have 500 ping constantly and i never leave games unless intended pups and spamming is being used but other thatn that if you have 300 ping think of the bright side its still 2 times better than mine :thumbs: and most of my life as been wasted on THPS2 007 is second but sam is rapidly gainning :thumbs:
and btw nice opening words for a new member welcome to GM :thumbs: