View Full Version : Question for head SERVER PEOPLE ON HERE!

11-11-2002, 03:56 AM
I was just on a server named JERCLAN - now i know that the servers have changed.. to OUTLAWS...

Obvious the server i was just on wasnt a JERCLAN server... more or less someone just faking it! It was a server with a player who has a blank name .. we started playing, and when i was killed by this blank player - nothing came on the screen like "Optimus Prime was killed by ...." Nothing at all... This game was really wierd - i do have the ip though... port was 25600

The server is no longer running now.. check this out boys..

TNT Tonic
11-11-2002, 05:38 AM
I played it too, it was real weird! Ping was to high too!!

Drunken Warrior
11-11-2002, 07:15 AM
Originally posted by OPTiMUS PRiME v2.0@Nov 11 2002, 01:56 AM
I was just on a server named JERCLAN - now i know that the servers have changed.. to OUTLAWS...

Obvious the server i was just on wasnt a JERCLAN server... more or less someone just faking it! It was a server with a player who has a blank name .. we started playing, and when i was killed by this blank player - nothing came on the screen like "Optimus Prime was killed by ...." Nothing at all... This game was really wierd - i do have the ip though... port was 25600

The server is no longer running now.. check this out boys..
I played a similar game too, the no-name person in the game was a swimmer camping out by the grenade launcher. The lag was so bad I had to leave, f**king swimmers!