View Full Version : intel fans read here

03-11-2004, 03:36 PM
:devil: muhahaha (http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=14648) :devil:

03-11-2004, 03:52 PM
Man, that sounds kinda rushed and messy. I'm really a bit surprised that, as big as they are, with all those resources and talent, they haven't countered the A64 family better than they have. I'm waiting until later this year, maybe summer, or even fall, but will spend about $1200 for a new rig....that'll get me a pretty tough A64 754 rig right now, like bingo's. When are the new FX chips coming? How long before we see some significant price drops in the FX chips? I lust for one of those, but I may have to settle for a really fast A64.

03-11-2004, 06:45 PM
:rofl: Good one Bigg! AMD PWNS! :jammin: