View Full Version : Life at its Worst (Part 2)

Gun Element
03-13-2004, 05:23 AM
*sigh* It had to happen. Its unbelievable. Its timing was just right...........

First I lose my first girlfriend, which is still angry with me as ****. I still cant live it down. People tell me too, but I just cant. I wont go ramblin about that anymore.

As it turns out, my first pet died today. I came home late depressed already when my ex called me a retard and just failed a test. Then I come home with my guinea pig laying on its side with watery white eyes. Hes dead? hes DEAD?! WTF IS GOING ON!


Its just the way to start Spring Break

Asian Invasian
03-13-2004, 05:36 AM
im sorry gun henry was a great pet although he just sat there :bawling: hope you feel better soon :thumbs:

03-13-2004, 06:34 AM
dude thats sad yur pet died man i would go on a F***in outrage
go out kickin everyone's @**.When i fail test man thats when i go..i go
...i go...i go up to the teacher and start yellen at her or him.Like i had
to go to the princibils for lighting a bottle rocket in the hall shotting it
at a girl into the girl's bathroom it was funny because it hit the girl next to her. but the pricible says "what were u thinking u crazzy kid" then
i said "SHUT UP!!!!" MAN I WAS HARSH so the lead of the downey school
district comes to me and says "i aint yur mom so i wont cut u eney slack."And told me to sit on the while she was talking to me.soo i got
expelld for flipping of the head of the downey school district.So i moved
from Califonia to Las Vagas. wait what was the topic again.

MAN I GET CARRIED AWAY (im a bad boy)! evil school!

03-13-2004, 06:37 AM
oh ya and hope u fell better (man yur gurl is harsh)
dont give up keep movin threw life [ :thumbs: ]

OUTLAWS high ping camper
03-13-2004, 07:52 AM
Sorry to hear that about your pet.
Hope things turn around for you.
Keep on pluggin' along.......you can do it.

solid snake295
03-13-2004, 08:00 AM
thats sad but you'll get over it. dont get all depressed about it, it was gonna happen sooner or later (unless it was some kind of super guinea pig that could live forever)

i got pretty pissed off when my dad acdentally stepped on my favorite kitten *squish* i ended up punching a hole through a wall but i got over it.... actually, smashing stuff helps alot, just make sure its not expensive. you could even kill 2 birds with one stone by smashing some of your ex's stuff :devil:

as for goblin... (in mr macky voice) shooting bottle rockets at people is bad mmmkay? :oooo:

03-13-2004, 09:15 AM
sometimes in life you feel there is a big black cloud over your head but there isnt. the trick is to make sure you see the rainbow in every cloud. don't do anything stupid like flipp out. remain calm and let the bad things which are only temporary pass. good things happend also but you have to let them.

sorry to hear about your pet.

03-13-2004, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by ME BIGGD01@Mar 13 2004, 10:15 AM
sometimes in life you feel there is a big black cloud over your head but there isnt. the trick is to make sure you see the rainbow in every cloud. don't do anything stupid like flipp out. remain calm and let the bad things which are only temporary pass. good things happend also but you have to let them.

sorry to hear about your pet.

Keep your head up gun!
You'll get trough

as for gobblin, you seem like an idiot!....

03-13-2004, 02:27 PM
Oh man Gun, I'm so sorry about your pet :(

This is totally dejavu for me. :unsure: A bf of mine dropped me after 5 years for another girl and then my dog that I bought myself for X-mas got hit by a car four months after the bf tragedy. I know how you feel....completely devastating.......like nothing worse could ever happen. :(

Things do get better.......just takes time. :thumbs:

03-13-2004, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by goblinwarrior2004@Mar 13 2004, 02:37 AM
oh ya and hope u fell better (man yur gurl is harsh)
dont give up keep movin threw life [ :thumbs: ]
Sorry to hear about your pet. As for the test don't sweat it, what fun would it be to get all A's? :P Anyways things will turn around for you real soon. I see a blonde in your future.

::: DARK PSI :::
03-13-2004, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by TheUltimateWarrior@Mar 13 2004, 05:58 AM

as for gobblin, you seem like an idiot!....

I am still a little lost as to what he was saying above. I second your comment.

::: DARK PSI :::
03-13-2004, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Slice+Mar 13 2004, 10:48 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Slice @ Mar 13 2004, 10:48 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-goblinwarrior2004@Mar 13 2004, 02:37 AM
oh ya and hope u fell better (man yur gurl is harsh)
dont give up keep movin threw life [ :thumbs: ]
Sorry to hear about your pet. As for the test don&#39;t sweat it, what fun would it be to get all A&#39;s? :P Anyways things will turn around for you real soon. I see a blonde in your future. [/b][/quote]
Hmmm, your blonde. SLICE DON&#39;T YOU CHEAT ON ME&#33;

Gun Element
03-13-2004, 06:36 PM
My room......so empty.....quiet.......

03-13-2004, 08:57 PM
:( Keep your head up, even when the road is hard, never give up&#33;

03-13-2004, 09:39 PM
MAn, pet&#39;s die so unexpectadely.
One of my cat&#39;s for example, got hit and run over by a car.
and i&#39;m still mad about it

03-13-2004, 09:51 PM

Sorry about your pet.

Bigg gave you good advice. :thumbs: If you let bad things get you too down and dwell on them too much, you can miss the good opportunities that will come your way. No matter how tough things seem you have to keep a positive attitude and keep on trying. That&#39;s what turns things around.

03-13-2004, 09:59 PM
Hey just look at it this way man i know you have heard this before there are many fish in the sea especiall tuna. your deserver better that your ex if she is doing what you said to ya. just keep the head high and go out looking for a new girl you will find one. as for the pet i would just buy another gini pig and give it the same name might make you feel a little bit better :thumbs:

03-13-2004, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by :: DARK LEVIATHAN ::+Mar 13 2004, 03:02 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (:: DARK LEVIATHAN :: @ Mar 13 2004, 03:02 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by Slice@Mar 13 2004, 10:48 AM
<!--QuoteBegin-goblinwarrior2004@Mar 13 2004, 02:37 AM
oh ya and hope u fell better (man yur gurl is harsh)
dont give up keep movin threw life [ :thumbs: ]
Sorry to hear about your pet. As for the test don&#39;t sweat it, what fun would it be to get all A&#39;s? :P Anyways things will turn around for you real soon. I see a blonde in your future.
Hmmm, your blonde. SLICE DON&#39;T YOU CHEAT ON ME&#33; [/b][/quote]

you guys make me laugh, and that&#39;s why i love gm :thumbs:

gun, you&#39;re going to make it brother, just hang in there :thumbs:

03-13-2004, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by unforgiven@Mar 13 2004, 04:59 PM
as for the pet i would just buy another gini pig and give it the same name might make you feel a little bit better :thumbs:

03-13-2004, 10:08 PM
I have a pet hamster and he&#39;s lived for about a year, i dunno when he/she will die, but i won&#39;t be happy when he/she does.
As i said before things just tend to happen, sometimes all at once, you cant control it and none of the things that happened are your fault, just focus on school and tell ur ex to get over it if she continues to be soe about the accident.

Gun Element
03-14-2004, 05:06 AM
Thanks guys. I hate all of you so much :)

03-14-2004, 04:09 PM
one of my other cats ran into an electric fence

Asian Invasian
03-14-2004, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by nitrostatic@Mar 14 2004, 09:09 AM
one of my other cats ran into an electric fence
:bawling: :( sorry nitor

Asian Invasian
03-14-2004, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Gun Element@Mar 13 2004, 10:06 PM
Thanks guys. I hate all of you so much :)
we love you too :)

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
03-14-2004, 06:03 PM
Gun, sorry to hear about the loss of your guinea pig. The loss of a pet is a very hard thing to go through. I shared with everyone here the loss of my dog, Hope, back in November, and I still miss her. As time passes, your sadness will fade and happy memories will linger. You are in my thoughts.

03-14-2004, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by nitrostatic@Mar 14 2004, 12:09 PM
one of my other cats ran into an electric fence
Ouch&#33; sry to hear that, must not have been a pretty sight. :unsure:

Gun Element
03-14-2004, 07:18 PM
I didnt mean to return sad stories to people :(