View Full Version : What Class we need?

03-15-2004, 11:39 AM
Hi peeps!

I prolly will go in to alot more rvr when the new frontiers comes out and im thinking
of starting a new toon now, mainly for rvr, so i wonder, what do the albs need out

Slash, u prolly know best, afterall, i heard they moved your house from housing
zone to pennie mountians :P

So any suggestions on what albs need more of in rvr, im planning to cap this
toon in bg1 and bg3 also.

Thank u for your time.

NerfNercos can still be good in rve ;)

03-15-2004, 11:49 AM
Mezzers and speedsters are needed from what i heard (means Minstrels and Sorcs)

The more detailed "need list" might be up to Scottish and Wordna :P

OUTLAWS The Machine
03-15-2004, 01:02 PM
theurgist with 6sec PBT. Good for PvE and RvR. ;)

03-15-2004, 01:34 PM
The essential components to a good rvr group are clerics, sorcs and minstrels. You can never have too many of any of those.

03-15-2004, 02:05 PM
Yeah, people are always trying to scramble to get a cleric or minstrel that yells lfg at apk.

Another class that's really needed are Paladins. Tanks that run out of end = useless tanks = dead casters. I know I cringe if there's not pally in my group. If I run out of end, I cant pull my bow and basically with no bow all I can do is stand there because I just tickle them when I melee.

03-15-2004, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by Haze@Mar 15 2004, 06:39 AM
NerfNercos can still be good in rve ;)
When playing my cleric, I love to have a necro in my grp....They got what I neeeed! :drink:

03-15-2004, 11:20 PM
SORC's WE NEED MIND SORC's this server is lacking skilled mind sorcs......they have UBER mezz.... as for paladins there are ALOT of them on this server......just not alot of them rvr..... Cleric's that are mainly rejuv are a rare comodity too..... since most know half the server is bots....... I think this is rather sad if you ask me....... the one thing is, if you plan on RVR play your char to the fullest in PVE so you know your chars abilities and limits.... minst are becoming more frequent now so that class isnt that much of a minority anymore..... DO NOT RELY ON AE SPD IN RVR.....try to always have a minst in grp

03-16-2004, 12:15 AM
I would respec my Sorc to an RvR sorc but noone wants to go on a Sidi/dragon raid :( And i can't afford a full respec stone for 8 plat or more (to be honest i don't want to pay that much)

Black Rose
03-16-2004, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by scottish@Mar 16 2004, 12:20 AM
SORC's WE NEED MIND SORC's this server is lacking skilled mind sorcs......they have UBER mezz....
:w00t: WOW, thatīs good to hear, cause SenoraRosa is a mind sorc :D

if skilled, thatīs the other question :unsure:

03-16-2004, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Sauron@Mar 16 2004, 01:15 AM
I would respec my Sorc to an RvR sorc but noone wants to go on a Sidi/dragon raid :( And i can't afford a full respec stone for 8 plat or more (to be honest i don't want to pay that much)
Agree with u sauron, u should never have to pay that much for any drop,. no
matter how rare it is, the same goes for scrolls, its a shame what some people
wants for scrolls that they dont plan to use anyway.

As for Sidi raid, i would love to go on one, so count me in, if the time will be "late",
hope its a friday or saturday, so i can do all nighter.

I have a sorc lvl24, caped bg1 and mind spec, was gonna spec it 44mind, rest body.