View Full Version : My next RA should be ? ? ?

OUTLAWS The Machine
03-22-2004, 02:31 PM
I was holding out for Ignore Pain(8points), but the damn mezzes are really getting on my nerves. I have 7 points. should I get Determination 3? Or I could get purge for 4 points? :hmmm:

OUTLAWS The Machine
03-22-2004, 02:32 PM
Also. is there a free RA respec at a certain level?

03-22-2004, 02:43 PM
I have both Det III & Purge and I got them in that order. I'm very happy with them and if you notice sometimes in the MLs i'm usually the first to get back to fighting after a aoe mez :cool: Sad thing is most of those times I forget to use Purge. :bandhead:

Every char. gets 2 free realm respecs and can be used at any point you choose.

OUTLAWS The Machine
03-22-2004, 03:15 PM
I'm almost tempted to get rid of my First Aid as well if I dont get IP since I vary rarely use it.

OUTLAWS The Machine
03-22-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Mar 22 2004, 09:43 AM
Every char. gets 2 free realm respecs and can be used at any point you choose.
How do i respec?

03-22-2004, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine+Mar 22 2004, 05:02 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (OUTLAWS The Machine @ Mar 22 2004, 05:02 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-OUTLAWS SHOGUN@Mar 22 2004, 09:43 AM
Every char. gets 2 free realm respecs and can be used at any point you choose.
How do i respec? [/b][/quote]
Was wondering that also :)

03-22-2004, 04:07 PM
See your trainer and type /respec realm

03-22-2004, 04:37 PM
remember you only get one /respec so choose wisely :P

03-22-2004, 05:01 PM
Nope u get two anytime respecs :P

03-22-2004, 05:41 PM
Oh, I was told only one /respec realm. Cool&#33; :w00t:

03-22-2004, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Mar 22 2004, 08:31 AM
I was holding out for Ignore Pain(8points), but the damn mezzes are really getting on my nerves. I have 7 points. should I get Determination 3? Or I could get purge for 4 points? :hmmm:
Have a sorc in your group, they have remove mezz spell :) They are usually the first ones out of mezz, and well I know when I come out of it, I try to land an aoe mezz and then unmezz those that are in my group (others if they don&#39;t pick on me and kill me :P )

They really need to nerf insta mezz or give Albs a better purge. :wacko:

03-23-2004, 01:48 AM
I deffinetly would get atleast DET 4 if you plan on RVRing...... as for purge i do have to say armsmen have it nice with the 4 pt cost but it does have a 30 min timer ..... Scottish does not have Ignore Pain or Purge anymore...... as for respec at a certain lvl, well not that im aware of, you get your 2 free respecs then after that you have to get a respec stone

minstels have cure mezz also .....albs have instant aoe mezz too .... most just dont realize it because that spec is very rare ....... smite clerics have it

Death Engineer
03-23-2004, 02:49 AM
Ahem. But that&#39;s PBAOE and the range stinks. On top of that, the duration is worse at the outside of the radius. So a 20 second aoe mez will only do like 8 seconds if they are more than melee distance away.

This is _not_ the same thing the mids/hibs have.

03-23-2004, 03:53 AM
I got rid of FA 1&2 and got purge, it only cost me 10pts :bawling: Next is FH or IP, not sure yet prolly gonna be FH for 14 more pts :bawling: one good thing I only need about 2500 more rps to get it :jammin:

03-23-2004, 04:57 AM
I have 1st aid and IP.
I use them often. next on the list is up to det3

03-23-2004, 05:49 AM
I have FH and six free pts I think. Not sure what I am going to pick next but sure would be nice to cut down on Mez time.

03-23-2004, 11:33 PM
yea would be nice to cut down on mezz time but the only alb classes that can get determination are merc and armsmen i believe :bandhead:

03-24-2004, 07:59 PM
Purge is the first thing a armsmen should get then ignore pain.

Purge is very important to have in rvr for a armsmen.

I been reading up on it and my armsmen that my uncle was using has purge and now going for ignore pain.

Read it and it will tell you that purge is important.

And you can respect twice for realm.

What it will do is reset it all back and then you can choose to put it any place you want once you respect.

SAS :thumbs:

OUTLAWS The Machine
03-24-2004, 08:06 PM
I have Determination 4 and Purge now. :cool:

03-24-2004, 08:08 PM
I know for a fact I hate perfing an enemy and having them to no life just to see them go IP on me and me being out of end. Board has done this to me numerous times in df. Though he was dead then BAM

03-24-2004, 08:14 PM
The reason I like the Purge+Det combo is because of the way mez attacks work with the second time it&#39;s cast the mez time is reduced. So when you hit Purge after the first time it clears you and then when they cast it the second time you come out real quick.

Grats Jandar, You won&#39;t be sorry&#33; :wootrock:

03-24-2004, 10:43 PM
Im sorry sas but i have to disagree with you ...... DET should be one of the first things gotten for armsmen that want to rvr .... you dont have to wait on a 30 min timer to dispell mezz .... until the new ra system get posted i am dead set on det for armsmen in rvr, i know other people that agree with me also

03-24-2004, 10:48 PM
My problem is I don&#39;t like sitting around for 30 min trying to find out who has cg to see if I can get a group.

I went for IP because there are times when I need to use it. (stupid harpies)

Maybe it&#39;s because I don&#39;t know my way around the frontiers or that people don&#39;t know me in RVR or they just think I am a moron.

When I do get into a good group I enjoy it.
I know that I am somewhat gimp being a S/S Tank but hey casters love me for sitting in the back of the pile to get a slam off on a emeny Tank.

I would love to get into RVR more but again sitting around waiting for a group does nothing for me.

/rant off

Jandar the post you made on the VN boards hit the nail on the head.

03-24-2004, 11:00 PM
Its almost time for OoD to own rvr. I can lead or help lead as much as needed. I am very familiar now with the other realms gank groups and what spam to look for. I am also very familiar with the current frontier. I would like to give this a shot sometime soon. Possibly take 2 fg with sorc speed if we can&#39;t get two minsterals. We don&#39;t have a ton of healers, but we have several 50&#39;s and some friars. We have several Crowd control guys, some volcanic pillar, ml&#39;s to boot, det tanks, Pally&#39;s galore and some uber infi&#39;s and scouts. :jammin:

I think our first test should go to some unclaimed keeps and take them. Then possibly set up an amf flank bg. We could have me, sep and aranor run together and scout the amf/mmf. When we see an opportunity call in the bg and give it a shot. I really think we have the chance at being a force in RvR, its just gonna need to be one of those things where we can all get together at the same time. How many times do you see 20-30 people from the same guild running around for albion together in emain. We want to be the best, I think it is our time to step up and take over the mess that is Albion RvR

03-24-2004, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS WHOCARES@Mar 24 2004, 11:48 PM
My problem is I don&#39;t like sitting around for 30 min trying to find out who has cg to see if I can get a group.

I went for IP because there are times when I need to use it. (stupid harpies)

Maybe it&#39;s because I don&#39;t know my way around the frontiers or that people don&#39;t know me in RVR or they just think I am a moron.

When I do get into a good group I enjoy it.
I know that I am somewhat gimp being a S/S Tank but hey casters love me for sitting in the back of the pile to get a slam off on a emeny Tank.

I would love to get into RVR more but again sitting around waiting for a group does nothing for me.

/rant off

Jandar the post you made on the VN boards hit the nail on the head.
With more and more outlaws getting into RvR there will be soon the chance to make balanced Outlaws groups&#33; Then at least the waiting to get a group would be not there anymore&#33;

Plus the more often u show in RvR the higher are the chances to get into groups&#33;

03-25-2004, 03:53 AM
I feel the complete opposite way. I get into groups in rvr almost immediately if anything is going on. The pain in the ass ML levels you spend all fricken day doing and I hated them.

03-25-2004, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by scottish@Mar 24 2004, 05:43 PM
Im sorry sas but i have to disagree with you ...... DET should be one of the first things gotten for armsmen that want to rvr .... you dont have to wait on a 30 min timer to dispell mezz .... until the new ra system get posted i am dead set on det for armsmen in rvr, i know other people that agree with me also
TOA has changed things alot so I maybe wrong but having purge when you first start off at bg1 which is only 4 point to get is to me the right thing to do especially when you are preparing for bg3.

As for RVR at the high lvl, it can only lesson a bit when mezz.

If I was to start a armsmen at BG1 the first thing that comes in mind for me would be purge to prepare for bg3.

I believe if you are going to prepare to play rvr at the high lvl it would be a good idea to go through all the bg&#39;s. It&#39;s to bad that bg2 isn&#39;t so popular but bg1 and bg3 is to me a must to go for a favorite toon you maybe preparing for rvr.

In over all I disagree with you when it comes in this form or should I say in this step ata time for a armsmen.

Thank you anyway it&#39;s nice to hear others what they have to say because it helps all of us.


03-25-2004, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Terminathare@Mar 24 2004, 06:15 PM
Ozzy for President :wootrock:

You know my playtime :wave:
:jammin: :wootrock: :thumbs: