View Full Version : Yo Bigg

03-22-2004, 06:08 PM
Something happened when I launched my browser today. I started getting a bunch of popups and pages where the browser page was gone so I alt+ctrl+deleted and closed out internet explorer. After that I Noticed I had a few files that had appeared on my desktop (o,o.bat,bs5-nt15v.exe & calsdr.exe) Updated Ad-Aware, Ran it and got rid of the crap it had installed like Bargain Buddy, eZula, Lycos Sidesearch, Winpup32, etc..... Worked great several times earlier in the day then all of a sudden the popups started. Grrrr I hate friggin Spyware :bandhead:

Ok on to where you come in to the story. I had let my Norton's AV expire :angel: so I renewed my subscription, Updated the defs., Ran it and it found 3 infected files all of which were Trojans, One of which had your name in it. With the problems you have been having, Just thought this might be related and would let you know.

03-22-2004, 06:40 PM
It was located in the Temp. Internet files

Die Hard
03-23-2004, 10:00 PM
Ouch :blink:

03-24-2004, 09:56 AM

just kidding,

it's not a virus but it is something that alters your computer that changes code on the fly somewhat. it only goes to show how long it's been since you maintained your computer :P .

let me explain....

about 1 or so years ago i had put a page together that would produce the you are an idiot theme, and when you tried to shut it down 100 more would come out screaming the same theme. if you hit ctrl alt del, it would just flipp out screaming the theme. it was something that i posted here at gm as a joke a long time ago and some got a good laugh. nortons will ddetect it as a virus as it did with you and put it into quarantine. my nortons does the same thing to me when it detects the code in html. i dont let nortons quarantine it though. look at the date and the section where the file was found.

now as for your virus software being outdated, i suggest getting 04 soon because it is dangerous in these neck of the woods.

if you think you may have caught something already may i suggest you download this...
stinger (http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/)

have this scan your unit.

any help needed just e-mail me and i will help ya out

03-24-2004, 10:02 AM
after rereading your post, it does appear you have spyware. all that stuff that takes over like popups is what i have been dealing with many clients the past 2 weeks. it's getting really out of hand that our gov't allows this bs to happend but soon some will take it to the gov't the way they can not refuse to prevent it.

adware is ok but if you have it and it is not working--junk it.

i have something that works well called spy sweeper. if you get some of this crap to run in memory while you boot, it is a pain in the arse to clear out as it is in your sys32 folder in 10 ifferent areas. it will not let you delete it if it is already booted so you may have to do some stuff to make sure it does not load into memory while you boot. again, just e-mail me or get intouch with me and i will help.

the number 1 cause for this is ............ kazaa. do you have this installed or others like it?

03-24-2004, 05:55 PM
thats scary :unsure:

03-24-2004, 06:01 PM
Between this post and this one linked here (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29831) it's a fine reminder to be nice to Mr. ME BIGGD01 :hmmm:

Especially since he's such a kind and helpful man :thumbs:

03-24-2004, 06:32 PM
Bigg now I remember the page you are talking about and also seem to remember you explaining the trojan thing back them too, just slipped my mind. I saw this and thought maybe it was related to some of the problems you have been having.

Besides IF you were gonna do something like send a virus to someone, I seriously doubt you would have named it after yourself.

BTW I read your post at Geek.com also, Man try not to let those peeps get you so riled up :D

03-24-2004, 06:46 PM

they are the most uneducated people discussing technology.

3 times i let that place know stuff that was going to happend with intel before they happend and some attacked me. the owner took my info off some times and i told the guy that he was an idiot for taking my info off like as if they were being paid by intel. i told them the prescott was going to be delayed and that they have many flaws in it. ok they just bug me yet i still go there and post.

03-24-2004, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Pure_Evil@Mar 24 2004, 06:01 PM
Between this post and this one linked here (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29831) it's a fine reminder to be nice to Mr. ME BIGGD01 :hmmm:

Especially since he's such a kind and helpful man :thumbs:
i would never send a virus to anyone that's for sure. and if any one asks i would help for sure :thumbs: