View Full Version : Guide: Part 1

03-22-2004, 09:08 PM
Ahh, the weapons, the skills. Here is a guide for you who want to know your little friend a bit closer:

We begin with the Shofield 45/w TMAR. Your primary sidearm is there for one thing; humiliation. But you must have some skill to use it. Try dodging a cannonball and shoot the attacker meantime. :devil:


This little tool is one of the best weapons available. Not only that it does excessive increased damage, you can also run faster and jump higher. Very good for backstabbing campers or chatting clanmembers. They never saw you coming.


It sucks. Basically. Does half the damage as itīs big brother, but fires just as slow. Not very good against noobs nor average players. Forget clanmembers.

Double Shotty

Hey hey! Now we are talking! This weapon packs a real punch. From short to medium range, doesnīt matter. When lethal in short range, gory in close range, this makes it one of the best weapons there is. Noobs donīt stand a chance. Average players CAN avoid itīs fire, but take a lot of damage. Clanmembers is a lot faster and will probably try to blow you up, but donīt worry. If he ready the Rocket Launcher, simply approach him jumping and when he fires, shoot the rocket. That will probably kill him. Maybe. :unsure:


This is one of those guns when you just want to scream out loud in irritation, because it cannot hit anything. Donīt even try this one on clanmembers. Nor me.


Packs a good punch, but use of it in small levels is a bad thing. You cannot even try to hide with it, because the long pipe keep pointing out. It eats ammo too, so watch the ammo-counter. Good for those noobs, but thatīs it.

Rocket Launcher

This baby packs some real fun. Does excessive damage in any range, but not very easy to aim with. You can kill ANYONE with this one, but if your opponent wears over a 100 armor, it will take two. The rockets are slooow, so forget using it as a sniping weapon.

Grenade Launcher

The most dangerous weapon. Five greandes can be launched before they blow, and you can kill anyone. Very good against clanmembers, as it is impossible to avoid the mines on the floor. Fire five grenades into a small room with two or three opponents already fighting, and watch the fun. Can be used as a backup to the RL, as it can fire long-range.

Flame Thrower

A favourite among noobs. Try lurking around a corner with third person view, and as the enemy approaches, jump out and fry him. And if you get killed during your attack - donīt worry, you opponent is now covered in fire and will either die or loose all his health. Works on any enemy.


The camperīs wet dream. Very successful in scouting out other campers, but just try hit a clanmember, and you will get frustrated. And be sure to find a dark spot, so that your enemy cannot locate you. But, sooner or later they will anyway, because this baby makes a lot of noise when firing.


A lot more effective than the Minigun, this gun is very effective against any enemy.
According to your opponentīs eyes, the beams seem to disappear after some 20 meters, but this is just lag. He will die, oh yes he will. BWAHAHAH!


The most powerful weapon in the game. Can fire cannonballs that goes straight trough your opponents, and later explode. You can even load up the Cannon, and then fire a burning cannonball trough a whole level. If you encounter an enemy with this weapon in a corridor, youīre f***ed. Excellent agains any opponent, doesnīt require skill, and tends to moosh everyone. Watch out though, some really skilled clanmember could jump over your cannonballs and get you with his pistols. Another warning is that the cannonballs bounce on walls and souch. It hurts a lot to get overrun by your own weapon.

But as always; Years of training is a plus. :thumbs:

03-22-2004, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by Loket@Mar 22 2004, 10:08 PM

Packs a good punch, but use of it in small levels is a bad thing. You cannot even try to hide with it, because the long pipe keep pointing out. It eats ammo too, so watch the ammo-counter. Good for those noobs, but thatīs it.

I guess u never seen Terminathare play huh? :P

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
03-22-2004, 09:21 PM
Very well written, excellent article! Only thing that I would disagree with is the single barrel shotgun as a "sucky" weapon, and saying that the grenade launcher is "the most dangerous weapon". But besides that I think you did an excellent job. Thanks for taking the time to write this up and for sharing your opinion with us. :thumbs:

03-22-2004, 09:23 PM
In addition to my above post the minigun makes it harder to spot ya if ya attack ranged so i prefer Minigun over Lasergun anytime!

Edit: have to agree with 9.99 nice post even though some players may value the weapons slightly diffent! But overall it's a good post to start with till ya found your own playing style :)

03-22-2004, 09:51 PM
minigun is instant unlike lazer, with a good aim you can take out a lazer shooter first

Die Hard
03-22-2004, 10:47 PM
Nice article Loket. :thumbs:

I think the single barrel shotty is very good. It might not be as mighty as the double but it fires quicker. So if your aim is very good it can be a deadly weapon.

03-23-2004, 02:24 AM
Minigun is the best on serious difficulty. (I can aim.) :jammin:

03-23-2004, 03:32 AM
i can get a perfect in yodeller just using lazer

03-23-2004, 03:48 AM

03-23-2004, 07:46 PM
Good Tips to the newbies, as for the more experienced players, they have already adopted a playing style and will stick with it! :thumbs: