View Full Version : Guide: Part 2

03-23-2004, 10:00 PM
I am sure many of you here think having your own gaming style. Some of you does, but for a matter a fact, many follow the same pattern. I have here a list about the most common styles among SS gamers.

We begin with the Noob Style.

The newbie, who never played such games before without reflexes, will mostly do as in single player. Pick up a Minigun, stand still and fire against incoming opponents. Just try to do this in Little Trouble when fighting Villains or DWF. Impossible. The noob will later learn that these guys aren´t fighting like Kleers (running forward), rather stabbing from behind or moosh with double shotty...

Next out is the Camper Style.

Campers exist everywhere, in any game. Sniper Rifles are the most common weapon of choice, but in Serious Sam, almost any weapon works. They ALWAYS use first person view to snipe out the best targets.
The camper is a patient person, who could sit for several minutes just picking anyone off. This guy is dangerous. This is to anyone: If you hear the famous DITHCOOWWFF! sound, quickly run and hide. Use third person viewmode to peak around corners, and try spot the coward. If you should locate him, be sure to have picked up the Laser Gun, and then jump out spraying green beams at the camper.


PUPBOY ALERT! PUPPY WARNING! These famous words warn other players that a Pup has entered the game. The Pup doesn´t care about any "training" or "skill", he just run directly towards the nearest Power Up. The most common pup to use is Serious Damage. It makes the weapons do twice the damage, and the Pup can kill ANYONE from ANY range. Watch out. The best way to kill this freak is to call upon your fellow clanmembers, and give this one a match he will never forget.

The Cheater

This guy is a true A**HOLE. If he doesn´t get what he wants, he will use illegal hacks and cheats to win. Most common are the swimmers. They usually go with noclip, or the such, oftenly making the player model half visible. Others are Spammers. They just join the server to make it as laggy as possible for the other players by typing in-necessary letters in the Console. Fortunately, you can ask the Server Admin to ban this sucker.

The Clanmember

These are the veterans of Serious Sam. Very skilled in any game and map, and real professionals. The clanmember must follow certain rules, such as no spamming, or cheating in any way, nor trashtalking. Best of all, they are sportsmen. If someone manage to kill one of them, the members answer with "NICE SHOT!" or "GG!". GG stands for "GO GO!", and is a very polite way of cheering other non-clanmembers up. If you are lucky, you might meet the Leader in a match. Earn his respect, and you MAY be asked to join their clan.

The Average Player

An average player is the one who has been playing for several years, and keep getting better and better. They oftenly have a goal to reach, like joining a clan or start their own. Self, I am the Average Player.

The Solo

A Solo Player is the one who thinks he is better on his own. Almost like a mercenary, this one uses every skill and opportunity there is to frag their opponent. They are oftenly using Pups, but still play fair. These guys (or girls) can sometimes be asked to join a clan because of their skill in battle, but refuses.
"Alone but strong" is their motto.

The Alias

Aliases, are oftenly just clanmembers playing for fun with different names than their normal nametag, making them seem like innocent noobs. The names are oftenly: Player 1, Killer, Player 8, N00b. Sneaky bastards.

The Wannabe

A real plague among most clans, they use the clan´s tag next to their own name to get more "respect" among other players. I experienced than once I was playing with Villains, and a Wannabe joined with their nametag. Someone suddenly noticed him, and he was kicked out.

The Berserker

Uh oh. This bull doesn´t care if he win or lose, he just keep mowing everyone down with the first weapon he finds. Oftenly blows himself up with his victim, and can be annoying at times. Jumps gladly into any fight, and often gets a frag or two. A brutal techique, but useful....

Last, we have the Silent One.

A mysterious player, is incredibly skilled at anything, and can even kill the most toughest clanmembers or Solo´s. Often changes his name, or use the most wierd name found. He does never use pups, but does also not have any good nor bad reputation when it comes to gaming. He/she shows no respect to anyone, and is always silent when playing. Wierd....

This was Guide: Part 2 about gaming Styles. There may be more to come.
Until then, I hope to see you on the servers. GG! :thumbs:

03-24-2004, 06:16 PM
What about "The Star-Player":
A star player hits the opposite player every time. He also strafes as fast as The Flash, like a f*cking Jack Rabbit. He never loses a game, but sometimes he might get a f9 just before the game ends. :wave:

03-24-2004, 06:40 PM

03-24-2004, 07:56 PM
i tend to disagree with your assessments, seems like they apply more
to other games. not sure what you mean by clan members, as that
really isn't an indication of anything. many of the best players today are
aliases... (except me, i am a sucky alias the little that i play any more...)

Die Hard
03-24-2004, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by JIMINATOR@Mar 24 2004, 07:56 PM
i am a sucky alias
You've always sucked Jim :P

03-24-2004, 10:17 PM
that's allright, my alias can usually beat your alias.... :P

Die Hard
03-24-2004, 11:54 PM
.....My alias would beat your alias more often if you ever ventured out of the American servers :P

Seriously Deadly
03-25-2004, 04:06 AM
i could say i have my own ways to play.

I play with louder FX then music.if i hear people , i will go the opposite site and get 'im.when gernades come around i always act like a football player and juke left to right and jump.I use pups but only serious damage.When i get killed bye a camper i stay dead and look around for them.
I dont use alias's.I only use 2 names . L33T Seriously Deadly and CANNONLORDS Max-Pain

Gun Element
03-25-2004, 05:18 AM
Im all of the above :)

Black Rose
03-25-2004, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by Loket@Mar 23 2004, 11:00 PM
If someone manage to kill one of them, the members answer with "NICE SHOT!" or "GG!". GG stands for "GO GO!", and is a very polite way of cheering other non-clanmembers up.
nope GG stands for good game or GRANDPA GOOBER :w00t: :wootrock:


03-25-2004, 04:08 PM
Nice job, but you left a few out:

The Rocket Whore
The rocket whore likes to pick up the rocket launcher and... er... whore with it. Think Satan with less imagination and a missile weapon. Splash damage and blind luck are the order of the day. Simply camp the RL (see "Camper Style" above) to take them out of the game. When chanced upon WITHOUT a RL, the rocket whore will simply stand and make loud, whooshing, rocket-like noises - accompanied with the appropriately phallic upper-body pose - in a comic attempt to gib you. He has also been known to "spontaneously spit" (bring some tissues and protective eyewear) and has long been suspected of sneaking up on wild animals and slapping them loudly on the ass. His real interests include gerbils, latex, latex gerbils... and GameMecca.

The Shotty Whore
This guy will stop at nothing to grab the double barrel shotgun and, get this, kill you with it! He attempts such wacky things as aiming! I mean seriously what's that about? Grab a rocket launcher (see Rocket Whore above), skillfully fire blindly into every conceivable corner, and take this loser out! Once dead, he will thank you and shake your hand. You will ask him out on a date. He will smile that sexy little smile of his and soon taste of your forbidden fruit. Romance belatedly ensues. On his birthday, you will buy him a subscription to "Nude Ferengi" and mate for life.

The Non-Aliased, Semi-Rocket Whoring, Weapon Using, Whore's Whore
Everybody hates this guy. He tries to use more than one weapon to win a game. In other words, he cheats. He tends to get more kills than deaths and has occasionally been known to avoid the powerups (calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean...). Basically, this guy is going to hell. His interests include a real sex life and a propensity toward "friend making". He holds down a steady job and laughs at his wife's jokes. [hissssss]

The Rampant Lesbian
Only kidding. Just wanted to make sure you were paying attention. Men are so disgusting sometimes. [sneers at reflective surface]


Loket, i jest. Whether others will agree with you or not, that truly was a great couple of posts! I love reading that kinda stuff, and i thank you for taking the time to post it and share. [thumbs up]

03-25-2004, 05:16 PM
:rofl: nice adds Pathos

Die Hard
03-25-2004, 10:18 PM
Loket's posts are so much better than that n00bie Pathos. I mean who does he think he is? :rolleyes:

03-25-2004, 10:41 PM
What about the rocket whoring pink *** running down the ramp in hole who whines at you if you whine at him??/

03-26-2004, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by Die Hard@Mar 25 2004, 10:18 PM
Loket's posts are so much better than that n00bie Pathos. I mean who does he think he is? :rolleyes:
Thx Die Hard!