View Full Version : VIllians server... (uk)

03-23-2004, 11:28 PM
I thought it would be fun to play a game of Sam tonight...
Sadly enough my ping in outlaws was around 400 and not very playable :(
so I saw the villians server, odly enough I was banned from all 3 server...
I have no clue why since I havent played sam in ages, and I dont remember having a beef with any villian...........
Can you pls give me a reason?

Die Hard
03-24-2004, 12:03 AM
Er...thats news to me too? Does anyone else use your PC?

Server Admins......

03-24-2004, 01:33 AM
yes other people use this pc
but my dad or little sister dont play sam :P

Asian Invasian
03-24-2004, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by TheUltimateWarrior@Mar 23 2004, 06:33 PM
yes other people use this pc
but my dad or little sister dont play sam :P
what if thy secretely did and they did bad stuff :P

03-24-2004, 02:14 AM
seriously doubt it

03-24-2004, 02:39 AM
ok thnx for unbanning me :D

03-24-2004, 11:38 AM
ok thnQ :)

(Villains) Crazy Idiot
03-24-2004, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by huggy@Mar 24 2004, 10:32 AM
ps,i played you the other day and you are a very good player,so i know you are none of the above players,it looks like by banning the king,sillier billie,im happy,(villains) omer,gangstar ect that you have been banned accidently,the only way to ban him is to ban the whole subnet,i will have to unban him to unban you,sorry for the inconvienance,i will unban your ip straight away :thumbs:
Huggy please send me his ip so I can see if he is banned on my server, why did you bann Meghalaughtica, he is funny camper (sniper) player. Please unbann him.

03-24-2004, 02:06 PM
:thumbs: :thumbs:

03-24-2004, 07:23 PM
I think this is a classic case of banning a complete range of IP's does not work. if only we all had static ip's eh?

Here is a senario:

I'm a Villains(Picard) I'm a student in a block of flats or on campus. Some tosser who is on the same network as me is giving the Villains trouble so we ban him.

Now if the campus has a static IP we can ban it, problem is....I'm banned too.

If the campus is on a dynamic ip we could ban the whole range, however, this will still include me.

Because my Mate is doing his job as the Villains Police, (and i must admit he has got rid of a lot of c**p players), :thumbs: we are now getting issues like this. This is a tough one, and one i don't have an answer. I do know that there are far more smarter people in our clan that might have an answer, if so, in the words of Slim Shady, "Please stand up" :wootrock:

PS ofcourse this person may deserve to be banned...i don't know :rofl:

03-24-2004, 07:52 PM
:rofl: :thumbs: :rofl:

Die Hard
03-24-2004, 10:07 PM
I suggest you Server Admins talk to Slash. (At least i think it's Slash) He has been running the Outlaws servers for years.

He will probably have a few tips for you guys :thumbs:

rancid monkey
03-25-2004, 01:41 PM
this is complicated!