View Full Version : QoS for your setup

03-25-2004, 10:09 AM
if you have problems with your bro downloading mp3s, etc,
during gameplay and you have a linksys wireless 54g router - wrt54g -
you are in luck.

The devices are $60 or so with rebates, so not a huge expense.

the router firmware is a linux variant, and is open source, so that
others have modified it to add additional functionality, one of them
being support for QoS, which is like guaranteed bandwidth for certain
apps. I am still researching it, but if you want more info, or to try it,
the site is http://h.vu.wifi-box.net/wrt54g

more info at:


Caged Anger
03-25-2004, 12:41 PM
not a huge expense :blink: :wacko:

I think i'm rich when i find a buck and i quarter in my pocket.
(I then promptly go spend it :lol: )

03-25-2004, 04:45 PM
:blink: :jammin: Awesome find there Jim. That is the router I have :jammin:

03-25-2004, 05:00 PM
great work JIM...

PS nice to see you back!!!

03-25-2004, 07:06 PM
hey grimmith, i don't know that the wifi package includes QoS,
instead take a look at
they have gone over to subscription for their latest firmwares,
but some are available at
and I think that
should be the latest that includes QoS that works...

http://sveasoft.cyberemail.org/index.php?p...widthManagement (http://sveasoft.cyberemail.org/index.php?pagename=SV-Administration-Management-BandwidthManagement)

03-27-2004, 10:06 PM
hmmm, not impressed with the sveasoft samadhi stuff.
it is really easy to load, just point the router to the file from one of the
admin menus, lots of new options, but the QoS....
i tested with a p2p file sharing client that will bomb out all the ports,
games still unplayable, not even enough bandwidth to browse....
disappointing there... have to try the wifi stuff next.

note that linksys has a autoloading exe. i ran that first to ensure i had
something that would probably work in case things got screwed...